1 / The four seasons 四季
2019-3-8 20:53|allan8165|居住空间|100%
... 样板间设计The four seasons 四季
2 / 开罗四季酒店 Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at The First Residence
2012-8-5 19:41|charliexu|酒店设计|100%
Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at The First Residence
3 / 莫斯科四季酒店(官方摄影) Four Seasons Hotel Moscow
2014-10-4 17:14|charliexu|酒店设计|100%
A modern replica of the legendary Hotel Moskva, the Four Seasons Moscow is centrally located, close to Red Square and the Kremlin, with views of the dome of St Basil's Cathedral. The rebuild of Alexei Shchusev's iconic design faithfully retains the exterior architecture while thoroughly modernising ...
4 / Yabu Pushelberg--多伦多四季酒店 Four Seasons Hotel Toronto
2012-8-30 01:16|charliexu|空间概念|100%
Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences Toronto The design team reads like an industry Who’s Who, with architectsAlliance creating the stunning exterior, Gluckstein Design Planning Inc. responsible for the suite layouts and finishes, Yabu Pushelberg the hotel common areas and amenity spaces, ...
5 / 泰国金三角四季帐篷营地Four Seasons Tented Camp Golden Triangle Thailand
2012-3-28 23:48|charliexu|酒店设计|100%
本帖最后由 charliexu 于 2012-3-29 20:21 编辑 Four Seasons Tented Camp is part of Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts and Minor Hotels Resorts Spas Condé Nast Traveler US - Best of the Best, No.1 Resort in the World & No.1 Resort in Asia - 2009 Condé Nast Traveler US - Gold List - Highest sco...
6 / YABU--The Four Seasons Hotel,Toronto, Canada(附平面、多图)
2012-12-11 20:45|bbq0819|酒店设计|100%
本帖最后由 bbq0819 于 2012-12-14 15:20 编辑 The interior was designed by Yabu Pushelberg and features over 1,700 works by Canadian artists and a slightly whimsical dandelion motif.There’s also a watering hole and a “casual fine-dining” restaurantmasterminded by Michelin-star chef Da...
7 / Richard Meier-迈阿密四季酒店 Four Seasons Hotel The Surf Club
2016-5-1 00:41|charliexu|酒店设计|100%
本帖最后由 charliexu 于 2016-5-1 00:40 编辑 Set on eight acres of pristine Atlantic oceanfront on Miami Beach immediately south of Bal Harbour, The Surf Club Hotel and Residences combines the elegant, purposeful architecture of Pritzker Prizewinner Richard Meier with a unique provenance a...
8 / 卡塔尔明珠四季度假酒店 Four Seasons Resort and Residences at The Pearl-Qatar
2024-4-6 15:33|charliexu|酒店设计|100%
本帖最后由 charliexu 于 2024-4-6 15:47 编辑 全新亮相的卡塔尔明珠四季度假酒店和私人住宅现已开正式开业,精美陈设与全面的定制化细节均由知名室内设计公司WATG-Wimberly Interiors匠心呈现。
2024-6-7 23:36|charliexu|酒店设计|100%
原汁原味的建筑 越南会安南海四季度假酒店的每栋别墅都是向传统越南中部花园住宅(或称 "nha vuon")致敬。每座均以大型木质框架为结构,内部的装饰木板向上支撑起倾斜的屋顶,屋面铺有平瓦。加高的地台式多功能睡眠区...
10 / {香港JR设计 HK JR Design}巴黎乔治五世四季酒店Four Seasons Hotel..
2017-2-3 15:14|香港JR设计|酒店设计|100%
...“宫殿级”酒店翘楚也是世界上最为梦幻美妙的酒店Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris locates at the Seine.It’s an outstanding “palace” type hotel in Paris,also the most beautiful and dreaming hotel in the world. 自1928年起便伫立于乔治五世大道上像情人般...
11 / 红海四季度假酒店 Four Seasons Resort at The Red Sea, Saudi Arabia
2024-6-5 00:41|charliexu|建筑设计|100%
领先的豪华酒店集团四季酒店及度假村(Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts)和沙特阿拉伯公共投资基金(PIF)全资拥有的封闭式股份公司Red Sea Global(RSG)宣布,计划引入四季度假酒店,作为红海总体规划开发的一部分。 红海将很快...
12 / 美国洛杉矶四季酒店Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills
2013-6-10 10:08|白人大毛|酒店设计|100%
本帖最后由 deng8969 于 2013-6-13 21:48 编辑 四季酒店重新设计捕捉20世纪40年代好莱坞的魅力 四季酒店洛杉矶比佛利山庄(Beverly Hills)一直寻求从豪华的室内设计公司,国家林业局设计一个崭新的面貌。由于长期以来,...
13 / 东京四季饭店at Chinzan-so官方高清摄影
2011-7-23 10:06|huihui77|酒店设计|100%
...中提供给您独一无二 让您身心都放松的休闲园地。 Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo at Chinzan-so酒店坐落在一个历史悠久的日本庭园,地铁带花园或享有城市景观的宽敞客房,设有一个玻璃封闭的室内游泳池和3个餐饮场所。 Tokyo Four Seasons Hot...
14 / 由Michael Anastasiades为Flos提供坐标。
2020-8-10 05:59|Yellowtrace|创意设计|100%
...iginally designed by Michael Anastassiades for New York’s legendary Four Seasons restaurant, Coordinates features a series of interlocking linear LED luminaires that take their formal inspiration from the mathematical precision of the Cartesian grid. The collection comes in a broad array of set...
15 / 奥斯汀湖四季私人住宅酒店 Four Seasons Private Residences Lake Austin
2024-6-8 00:30|charliexu|空间概念|100%
可持续设计与技术相遇的地方 这 179 套住宅和 9 栋独立别墅从现代主义建筑中汲取灵感,努力与自然环境相得益彰,从 1,900 平方英尺(175 平方米)的公寓到带花园和游泳池的四居室住宅,再到带有 3,000 平方英尺(275 平方米)...
16 / 杭州西子湖四季酒店Four Seasons Hotel Hangzhou at West Lake
2017-1-7 16:02|AndySong|酒店设计|93%
...为宾客畅游之后休息所用。 儿童项目(Kids For All Seasons)西子湖四季酒店完善的儿童计划不仅可以帮助入住父母照看孩子,还能使人们的家庭假期变得更为精彩。其酒店内免费的“Kids For All Seasons”的娱乐项目旨在帮助儿...
17 / 时尚之家:七个建筑时尚展地点
2020-8-4 04:18|TheModernHouse|设计情报|93%
...o, Brazil  Hollywood Palladium, Los Angeles, USA Four Seasons Park, New York City, USA Klein House, Scottish Borders, UK Klein House, Scottish Borders, UK With Februarys fashion calendar in full swing, weve been inspired to select our favourite ar...
18 / 日本大阪INTEFEEL公寓
2013-5-29 14:53|wannid|办公设计|91%
... relief manning original by being in the average of nature. There is four seasons in Japan. Spring when flower is in full bloom, and fresh green energies overflow. Summer when strong sunshine and shower fall. Autumn of food of harvest and harvest. Winter when snow wraps town, and expectations to ...
19 / 芝加哥丽兹卡尔顿酒店(四季酒店)The Ritz-Carlton Chicago
2012-8-8 21:46|charliexu|酒店设计|91%
本帖最后由 charliexu 于 2012-8-8 17:00 编辑 The Ritz-Carlton Chicago (A Four Seasons Hotel)
2024-4-25 23:04|charliexu|酒店设计|90%
...o embody and reflect the harmony between the natural environment, the four seasons and the five senses. Located in the heart of Kyoto, the property is adjacent to the legendary Nijo-jo Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Guest rooms are a reimagination of the traditional Japanese tearoom, while th...
21 / 韩国首尔四季酒店 Four Seasons Hotel Seoul
2016-12-30 16:25|AndySong|酒店设计|89%
...d Lackner)将在Maru休闲酒廊边的咖啡吧——Confections by Four Seasons 独家推出自己创作的美味烘焙。 • 首尔四季俱乐部 • 占地三层、面积达5800平米的首尔四季俱乐部是一处集健康、运动与社交为一体的私密专属俱乐部,仅有...
22 / 益利德种业办公室 | John Li Studio | 2024 | 中国安徽
2025-2-14 02:09|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|88%
...tem, running through the entire project, symbolizing the cycle of the four seasons and the endless continuation of life.,Various “seed banks” around the world store the genetic codes of millions of species on Earth, protecting the biodiversity of the planet and safeguarding food security. The ...
23 / (牧场住宅)VSHD DESIGN设计
2020-9-2 13:40|Archilovers|居住空间|87%
...rojects, is proud to unveil a luxurious residential design within the Four Seasons Orlando Resort in Florida. With 22,000 sq. ft. this project marks the first residential undertaking of the firm in the United States. “From the onset, we realized that we were facing numerous challenges with t...
24 / 日本福冈市办公室和展厅(2020)(KATORI)设计
2021-2-4 08:57|archdaily|建筑设计|87%
...plant dyes (produced from leaves, berries, and roots collected through the seasons) to enhance the attractiveness of the wood. As time passes, we anticipate that the building will blend further into its surroundings, becoming as much a symbol of the neighborhood as an iconic old tree. ,*This proj...
25 / 美域高MIYUKO | FAN · 璞
2023-3-20 16:45|美域高MIYUKO|居住空间|86%
...and white,Because the glass door on the other side has scenery of the four seasons. 开放式的餐厅使空间更加开阔通透,整体空间色调以灰白为主。 The open restaurant makes the more open and transparent,The overall color of the space is mainly gray, ...