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相关搜索: sweet rice nice rice 上海rice

1 / The One, Barcelona
2017-4-23 20:46|charliexu|酒店设计|100%
...Cocteleria, chef Miguel Muñoz mines the Mediterranean to turn out creamed sweet potato paired with caramelised chestnuts, and sticky rice studded with artichokes and orange chanterelle mushrooms. The good life is best celebrated on the rooftop for its ocean views, or a quick session in the solarium...
2 / 现代菜谱:二陈昌在宝区做虾仁松饭和豆蛋
2020-8-4 07:06|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|98%
...d with such things as braised pork belly, fried chicken or perhaps tempura sweet potato, you owe something to Erchen Chang, her husband Shing Tat Chung and sister-in-law Wai Ting Chung. Together, they first bought the moreish buns to the UK in 2012 with a street food pop-up-turned bao empire that no...
3 / 现代菜单:家庭厨师安娜·巴内特在哈克尼的家中分享了她在商店橱柜里的必备品和自制的泰利亚泰尔炖茴香豌豆的食谱。
2020-8-4 07:21|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|70%
...re definitely my preference over the regular plum tomatoes. They are super sweet, so no sugar is needed when cooking with them. “Butterbeans and chickpeas. These are so great for everything from salads to stews and even snacks (roast them up with herbs and spices for a crunchy snack). “‘...
4 / 深圳臻品設計 · 德正西湖春天府邸
2018-11-3 12:18|ZPD臻品设计|居住空间|53%
...a bedroom host be in have dinner in process, experienced a "indoor rice is sweet 4 overflow, the wanton of outdoor birds song flower" is full of. 負一層區域擔當宴請賓客、品酒言歡的空間角色,整體延續一層的空間設計色彩,大地咖色的設計...
5 / 深圳臻品设计 | 亚新·美好莲城样板间
2018-11-14 14:57|ZPD臻品设计|居住空间|38%
...carving that is full of elegant interest ACTS the role of an article, book sweet tea charm, the space inside story that gives elegant and artistic charm lyric. / 次卧空间 / 雕琢玉石,笔墨水纹,暗自留香的次卧空间弥漫着东方灵性气质,隐隐透出“窗竹影...