2017-7-7 14:28|李昱亮|酒店设计|100%
本帖最后由 李昱亮 于 2017-7-11 13:59 编辑 项目概况 项目名称:风雨尚院项目地址:四川松潘市建筑面积:2500㎡主案设计:李昱亮文案编辑:胡昕芮 有人认为,设计一幢中式庭院酒店要成为精品至少要拥有五个高尚的密码:...
2 / 摩纳哥第一中国美食餐厅(Monaco’s First Gourmet Chinese Restaura...
2014-8-28 12:16|于儿po|餐饮设计|92%
...one’s talking about at the moment is Song Qi inMonaco. The first gourmet Chinese restaurant in the principality, Michelin starred chef Alan Yau’s cuisine may be excellent, but isn’t the only reason to drop by. Paris-based architects Emil Humbert and Christophe Poyet have created a very sleek d...
3 / Song俱乐部
2015-3-5 09:13|long2003|康乐空间|85%
... the meaning of be attracted by implicit space and ambiguity just like the Chinese landscape paintings of Song Dynasty represented. The particle of symbolising art of Song Dynasty was integrated within the space of this club. All there made how Song's Club to be finalised. It is not only a way of im...
4 / Song俱乐部 / 共和都市设计有限公司
2015-3-5 10:27|邪恶的摩拉|办公设计|85%
... the meaning of be attracted by implicit space and ambiguity just like the Chinese landscape paintings of Song Dynasty represented. The particle of symbolising art of Song Dynasty was integrated within the space of this club. All there made how Song's Club to be finalised. It is not only a way of im...
5 / 元禾中林设计- 铂蓝·五龙巷合院软装设计
2020-6-5 12:05|yuanq159|品牌精选|73%
...five dragons, Bolan·Five Dragons Lane shapes the ideal place to return to Chinese-style living with a traditional Chinese cultural ambience.作为中国独有的建筑形式,四合院是传统文化最直观的载体,即便一砖一瓦,都别具韵味,富含中国人文精神。铂蓝·五...
6 / 华墨国际|五矿·万境蓝山(长沙)洋房Y2样板房
2015-10-10 21:48|idadmin|居住空间|65%
... idadmin 于 2015-11-11 20:38 编辑 主题:新中式风格Theme:New Chinese Style 项目名称:五矿·万境蓝山(长沙)洋房Y2样板房Project Name:Western Style Model House Y2,Wukuang.Wanjinglanshan(Changsha) 项目地点:长沙Project Location:Changsha City 设计面积:150...
7 / 【北京看展】12月艺术展指南!共计20个, 北京的朋友约起来吧~
2024-12-12 13:08|引擎联合设计|设计情报|56%
...。 Focusing on archaeological excavations and important discoveries in Chinese archaeology over the past century, covering 13 major archaeological sites. Immersive exhibition of over 400 heavyweight cultural relics and exhibits.The exhibition traces the historical context of the origin, formation,...
8 / 快乐熊猫餐厅 Happy Panda by Hou de Sousa
2014-4-30 23:48|qunqun87|餐饮设计|54%
...billboard advertising industries there has led to a proliferation of CNC machines, laser cutters, and large scale printers. A key priority when designing the project was to make use of these technologies, so as to minimize the need for skilled labor and reduce construction time and cost. This str...
9 / 南昌皇冠假日酒店(Crowne Plaza Nanchang By Yang Bangsheng & Associates Group)YANG & Associates Group 设计
2020-8-5 11:52|Archilovers|酒店设计|54%
...t is known as “the backyard of Nanchang” and the birthplace of Chinese classical rhythm. The nearby 15,000-hectare Meiling National Forest Park makes the site of the project a gigantic natural oxygen bar. From the marvelous and mysterious nature, YANG draws design inspirations, and creat...
10 / 南京比顿生产基地办公室设计
2020-8-6 19:14|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|54%
...utomobiles are products of modernization. And ink marks of the traditional Chinese ink and wash painting on the ceiling also present a form of “tracks”, which represent the classy aesthetic taste of Chinese people for several thousand years, and also highlight the Chinese genes of Byton.Based on...
11 / 现代菜谱:二陈昌在宝区做虾仁松饭和豆蛋
2020-8-4 07:06|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|54%
...uite a bit, which I love. Steak and chips sometimes. If were going to make Chinese food it will be a variety of things, like tomato and egg, fried rice, sometimes broth noodles, or duck vermicelli. “We used to entertain a lot at home but our flat is really small now, so we dont so much anymor...
12 / 「身临其境」重要通知:50多处中国奇迹工程,现在可以在线体验了
2019-10-9 23:53|美璟世界|建筑设计|53%
...球最大的调水工程在中国! ▼ ■ 南水北调丹江口水库 ©Chinese bridge 国家战略性工程南水北调工程 1000多家参建单位 扎根在近3000公里的工地现场 攻克一个个世界級难关 至今丹江口水库累计为北京输送 水量达50亿m³ 直接受...
13 / 海华设计--臻太极会馆实景
2015-6-17 17:00|嫵色淚|康乐空间|48%
...f nature&Mastering the beauty of life Tai chi is the important thought in Chinese ancient culture. Ancient Chinesepeople used it to describe how the primitive universe motion works and thecycle of seasons. And shadowboxing contains the energy cycle principle of interactionbetween nature, universe a...
14 / 广州三馆一场国际竞赛
2014-4-28 09:12|onson|文化教育|44%
...rance resemble mountains in an open rice field as it is shown in so many Chinese paintings. ↑ (概念图--中国山水)岭南广场正如这仙境般的世外桃源,山,水,林,田构筑成一片城市钟的自然绿洲。 ↑ (三馆立面--广州博物馆)三个地标...
15 / BIDG作品,宁波莲街桥重生
2015-1-7 09:48|eminamcd|建筑设计|41%
...them, stand out the Residence of Chuanzhe Sun, who is the pioneer of the Chinese postage stamp; Mao’s Courtyard, which is built in Ming Dynasty, Family Yuan’s Residence, which is famous for storage of lots of precious manuscripts; Family Li’s Residence, from this family come out 3 genera...
16 / CHAO | 百年"黄天源"
2021-2-23 17:23|feier0621|商业空间|37%
...or spaceexperience, so it is particularly important for more "time-honored Chinesebrands" to seek survival and transformation in the new market environment.This time, Chao accepted Huang Tianyuan's entrustment to create a new spaceexperience for Huang Tianyuan's new generation stores. “我们一...
17 / tn requin pas cher said the violence was shocked and angry
2014-10-22 00:00|tsywew2m7|设计情报|32%
...alth amounted to $ 17.5 billion. New World Real Estate's Cheng Yu-tung and Chinese Estates chairman Joseph Lau were ranked No. 5 and 6.Real estate tycoons strong positionSuperman Li Ka-shing Hong Kong and China last year sold a lot of assets. white town of Putian village also issued a false proof ...
18 / 2019 WIN Awards入围名单公布
2019-9-3 23:42|环亚室内|设计情报|32%
...e 摄影:Johnathon Leijonhufvud 16 项目名称:宋·川菜馆 Song Chinese Cuisine 設計公司:RMA共和都市Republican Metropolis Architecture 摄影:覃昭量、李开建 电影院、剧院和音乐场所 CINEMAS, THEATRES AND MUSIC VENUES 17 项目名称:福州海峡艺...
19 / Wutopia Lab俞挺工作室丨符号:两个人的欲望都市
2019-8-7 22:02|室内赞条|设计情报|30%
...opia Lab was invited by Mr. Zhang Xingyu, the curator of the Unknown City: Chinese Contemporary Architecture Installation Image Exhibition (Ping Shan) to design an installation called Symbol: A City of Two. The exhibition is based on a genealogic structure of the current discourse on the profession ...
20 / 【原木风】藏着一座“翠玲珑”的小家
2016-11-1 12:59|Tiny-Leisure|居住空间|26%
... start which was somehow incidental. As architects sharing the interest in Chinese gardens of Jiangnan, Yaqin and I arrived at the idea of embedding “Cui Linglong”, a house in the Surging Waves Pavilion Garden in Suzhou, in an 80㎡ apartment typical in modern China. Thus, a garden is no longer ...
21 / TOPOS DESIGN丨L Living上海幸福里展廳
2019-10-8 23:34|Hi设计|设计情报|18%
...进化出新物种。 Xing Fu Li is a beautiful name as the “Li” in Chinese is not only a noun, but also a preposition, which means “happiness is here” in English. Before 2015, Xing Fu Li was a dilapidated and closed factory with factory-style space planning. The developers opened the...
22 / The Highlights Of Art Basel in Hong Kong {2013}
2013-9-3 09:14|sangziyan|产品应用|11%
...llery, which has spaces in Taipei and Beijing, whose large-scale painting 'Chinese Emperor – 1' (2008-2013) by Wang Huaiqing sold for $2.6 million.http://www.yatzer.com/assets/Article/3167/images/art-basel-hong-kong-2013-best-of-by-yatzer-1a.jpgTakashi Murakami Pom & Me: On the Red Mound of the D...