1 / GREAT Food Hall Gourmet Shopping Supermarket上海方国商业设计
2018-6-7 14:49|boyiyuzheng|商业空间|100%
...lly changed from being a large dining-in food court toward being a gourmet shopping supermarket. Since no overall strategy had been considered during this change, many aspects of the design had become inconsistent or outdated. No consideration had been made of the overall look and feel of the store....
2 / 「Schüller」橱柜展厅-马达思班(MADA s.p.a.m.)室内班
2019-6-11 11:42|王立坤viola|商业空间|100%
...m「inside architectural concept」Wehope that the exhibition hall in this shopping mall has the temperament ofindependent architecture, breaking the concept of inherent thinking, gettingrid of the visual interference of the shopping mall environment and therestriction of regional boundaries. At the...
3 / 智利圣地亚哥NOI Hotel
2012-5-2 09:10|charliexu|酒店设计|100%
...The Project is located in an emergent neighborhood where the most renowned shops of Santiago are placed, and also a wide list of restaurants, bars, coffee shops and art galleries. Situated between the streets of Avenida Nueva Costanera and Aurelio González, the project proposed 2 access that respon...
4 / 烤面包咖啡店(2019)MOBIO Arquitetura设计
2020-9-19 01:43|archdaily|餐饮设计|100%
Coffee Shop, Coffee Shop Interiors, Savassi, Brazil,设计师:MOBIO Arquitetura, 面积: 564 m²,年份:2019,摄影:Gabriel Castro / Reverbo,建造商: Knauf, Alkit, Cerâmica Strufaldi, Consulte Vendas, Coral Tintas, Ladrimar, Minasit,Lead Architect:Gabriel Castro,平面设...
5 / 日本Gakuenmae的商店+房屋(2019)(FujiwaraMuro Architects)设计
2020-11-13 10:02|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
...,Country:Japan,设计师描述 | Designer description: This combined shop and residence is located on a sloped, irregularly shaped lot facing a busy road. The client requested that circulation routes for the shop and residence be separate and that the design deemphasize the residence in order ...
6 / hover bench
2019-3-18 17:57|大滴|产品应用|100%
... Type Commercial › Bank Exhibition Center Office Pop-Up Retail Shopping Mall Showroom Supermarket Cultural › Cultural Center Gallery Hall/Theater Memorial Museum Pavilion Religious Sculpture Educational › Auditorium Elementary School High School Library Nursery Other University Gover...
7 / 密尔沃基虚拟办公室设计
2021-2-3 22:12|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
... feet on the third floor of The Avenue, once the food court of a 1980s-era shopping center that is being adapted into a mixed-use center with office space, apartments, and a food hall. The firm asked Valerio Dewalt Train (VDT) to help create the concept for the new office, with GRAEF handling the sc...
8 / Town Hall Square Solingen广场及宅间绿地改造
2013-10-30 11:00|水格|景观设计|100%
...ded to create a new quarter, composed of the municipal buildings, housing, shops, gastronomy and offices. To receive innovative solutions for a new kind of municipal district the city of Solingen advertised an architectural / landscape architectural competition. The winning design defines the whole...
9 / 【无中生有设计】 《 韩 辰 怡 美 》皮肤管理中心
2018-8-16 14:34|王凯利ARJ|康乐空间|100%
...境。 Silver gray exterior wall paint overall decoration, so that the shop from the whole street is unusually conspicuous, and in the upper and lower doorway blocks for outdoor lamp walking, highlighting the image of the shop at night environment. All two shops are decorated with floor glass, al...
10 / 日本姫路婚纱店
2011-8-3 22:01|bignerve|商业空间|100%
...er showcase accessories or reflect the rails of dresses arranged round the shop’s outer edge. http://static.dezeen.com/uploads/2011/03/dzn_Bridal-Magic-by-Process5-Design_6.jpg More retail interiors on Dezeen » http://static.dezeen.com/uploads/2011/03/dzn_Bridal-Magic-by-Process5-Design_9.jp...
11 / 澳大利亚设计师Renee Coleman的家
2013-11-15 11:15|149105917|居住空间|100%
The Perth home of WA-based designer and shop owner Renee Coleman and her family. Above – view from 9yr old Orlando’s bedroom down the hall. Bond poster found in a second hand store in Sydney. Styling – Anna Flanders, Photo - Angelita Bonetti for The Design Files. ...
12 / 青岛威斯汀
2014-12-25 16:25|niuhaifengbj|酒店设计|100%
...rt walk within the major corporate offices, the Seashore Sidewalk, various shopping malls and multiple restaurants nearby
13 / 中国苏州湾大剧院(2020)(2Portzamparc)设计
2021-1-19 16:11|Archilovers|建筑设计|100%
...ition center, a convention center, cafes, restaurants, cinemas, as well as shopping malls, on a total surface area of 215,000 m² distributed through the south and north along the urban axis. CLIENT: WJCID Program: opera (1,600 seats), modular hall (600 seats), museum, exhibition cen...
14 / JF+K--大连圣岛别墅酒店温泉中心
2011-2-25 10:33|andychau|施工图纸|100%
15 / antara
2015-2-11 23:07|badmanchan|酒店设计|100%
... Firm Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos Type Commercial › Office Shopping Mall Hospitality + Sport › Bar/Nightclub Restaurant STATUS Built YEAR 2006 SIZE 500,000 sqft - 1,000,000 sqft Photos © Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos, © Paul Rivera ...
16 / 巴黎东郊, 尼奥莱市政厅
2014-4-16 09:42|onson|文化教育|99%
...reorganise the space; - open a pedestrian zone linking the cinema and the shops in order to develop community life. 项目计划 Jean-Pierre Lott公司旨在将新建筑简单明了地表达,同时保持旧市政厅在广场上的核心地位。该公司的提案是,设立一个由三 ...
17 / K5东京酒店Koivisto符文前景并不乐观。
2020-8-28 02:40|Yellowtrace|酒店设计|96%
...ls, this mixed-use project comprises a hotel, restaurant, wine bar, coffee shop, cocktail bar & beer hall. Designed by Stockholm-based architects Claesson Koivisto Rune, K5 Tokyo’s functions intentionally intermingle – the library is the bar, while the coffee shop doubles as a lounge, which flow...
18 / 旧金山WDA |威廉·达夫建筑师办事处设计
2023-7-20 03:07|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|94%
...ver the years, has housed a variety of businesses, from an ornamental iron shop, ice machinery shop and a printing press to a commercial flooring store.,WDA’s design vision was to highlight the building’s manufacturing past, celebrate its original spatial qualities and convey an honest express...
19 / chock square
2019-3-15 15:12|伊索1978414|产品应用|94%
... R T Type Commercial › Exhibition Center Office Pop-Up Retail Shopping Mall Showroom Cultural › Cultural Center Gallery Hall/Theater Museum Pavilion Sculpture STATUS Built YEAR 2011 keywords:architecture, architecture news, interiors, interior design, ...
20 / 俄罗斯Radius 58光学中心(2019)(DA bureau)设计
2021-1-25 14:50|Archilovers|建筑设计|93%
...ded to open their second showroom in Sevcable Port - an area that combines shopping, restaurants, bars, urban establishments, events and music festivals. The showroom overlooks the central avenue of the Port. While developing the design, we wanted to create a bright and memorable interior tha...
21 / Hotel Kunlun[北京昆仑饭店]
2013-12-8 13:19|aths|酒店设计|92%
...acent to the embassy district, the agricultural exhibition hall, Lufthansa Shopping Center, surrounded by many around the office; be close by. airport highway, the geographical position is superior,the traffic is very convenient. The hotel has all kinds of guest rooms, room facilities.The hotel has ...
22 / 乌克兰奥克托塔(2020)(Goldakovskiy Group Architects)设计
2021-2-3 13:35|archdaily|建筑设计|92%
Coffee Shop, Adaptive Reuse, Restoration, Kyiv, Ukraine,设计师:Goldakovskiy Group Architects, 面积: 495 m²,年份:2020,摄影:Andrey Michailov,Managing Developer :Yevgen Bielousov,Wall Art:Serhii Greh, Vitalii Hrekh,Lead Architect:Vlad Goldakovskiy,City:Kyiv,Country...
23 / 【无中生有设计】 《 B A O 》
2018-8-14 16:48|王凯利ARJ|餐饮设计|90%
...理,成为全天都可营业的“社交场所”。 The owner of the shop is a 97-year-old female tide returnees - Beckham, perennial overseas, she is very enthusiastic about the streets of London, a steamed bun shop, after returning home, she decided to this "cut bag" delicacies, to bring the b...
24 / K5东京酒店(2020)(Koivisto前景并不乐观符文)设计
2021-2-11 11:36|archdaily|建筑设计|89%
...ctions intentionally intermingle: The library is the bar, while the coffee shop doubles as a lounge, which flows into a wine bar and restaurant. The Tokyo Nihonbashi Kabutocho neighbourhood’s relative lack of greenery inspired the creation of a ‘green oasis’ in K5 Tokyo. A multitude of pot...
25 / 克罗地亚伊万加·雷卡小学(2020)(J.K.A. Arhitekti+Submap)设计
2021-2-13 21:03|archdaily|建筑设计|89%
...one between the urban sprawl and large-scale metropolitan infrastructures (shopping malls, industrial warehouses and traffic mega structures). Built on Sava's old river bed, plagued by potential flooding and unstable soil.,The Neighbourhood of Ivanja Reka is located on the eastern edge of the city...