1 / 世茂 × MYP设计 | 世茂佛山望樾售楼处
2019-3-13 11:50|chinamyp|商业空间|100%
...到现代美学 ”佛山世茂望樾售楼处▼ SHIMAO WANGYUE SALES CENTER | 概念背景 SHIMAO WANGYUE SALES CENTER | 效果呈现 在概念方案的时期,我们讲了一个故事,大意是儿时的朋友,长大后的时代变迁和情感的变化,用以介绍整个空间的理...
2 / 罗源中庚香山小镇 Luoyuan Center Town Sales Center
2019-9-24 10:58|DESIGN胶囊|商业空间|100%
添加微信:sheji0096 回复:“售楼部” 获取117套《2019年精选售楼部合集》
3 / 埃及 | Emaar Sales Center | 售楼处 | 2020 | TDF+​​​​​​​
2021-9-14 06:47|behance|商业空间|100%
,项目:Emaar Sales Center ,设计:TDF+​​​​​​​ ,灯光:Enlighten ,地点:埃及开罗住宅区 ,摄影:Nour El Refai | elrefai.com | @nourelrefai ,转载自:behance ,作者:Nour El Refai ,图片@Nour El Refai ,语言:英语 ,编辑...
4 / 埃及 | ORA Sales Center | 售楼处 | 2020 | Style Design
2021-9-14 06:21|behance|商业空间|100%
,项目:ORA Sales Center ,设计:Style Design ,地点:埃及谢赫扎耶德 ,摄影:Nour El Refai | elrefai.com | @nourelrefai ,转载自:behance ,作者:Nour El Refai ,图片@Nour El Refai ,语言:英语 ,编辑:序赞网 ,阅读原文
5 / MYP设计事务所 | 去芜存菁-无锡中洲崇安府营销中心设计
2018-11-22 17:39|chinamyp|商业空间|100%
...似气流动,而广纳四方来客。 —— 马一平CHONGANFU SALES CENTER 效果呈现 | MYP设计 “中洲崇安府”处于无锡梁溪区第六空间东侧,是中洲控股(上海)进入无锡市场的第一个项目。“立足上海,辐射长三角区域”一直以来是中洲...
6 / 埃及 | SED Sales Center | 售楼处 | 2021 | Studio Plus + Link International + Segments Architects
2021-9-14 09:43|behance|商业空间|100%
,项目:SED Sales Center ,设计:Studio Plus ,建筑:Link International ,软装:Segments Architects ,地点:埃及新开罗 ,摄影:Nour El Refai | elrefai.com | @nourelrefai ,转载自:behance ,作者:Nour El Refai ,图片@Nour El Refai ,语言...
8 / 无名之朴 成都中洲里程售楼处 | MYP设计事务所
2019-8-12 16:32|MYP.DESIGN|品牌精选|100%
...业主⽅的信任与⽀持! — — 马一平 CHENGDU MILEAGE SALES CENTER | 空间细节效果呈现 CHENGDU MILEAGE SALES CENTER | 一层平面图 CHENGDU MILEAGE SALES CENTER | 二层平面图 ▲ 品牌入驻一隅,欲筑力作于此,它须具备高度的辨识性,为背后的品...
9 / Ann.YU新作/浮石.FlyingRock.Times property sales center club
2014-10-21 00:19|lm10071|商业空间|100%
...为广州时代地产集团设计的浮石.FlyingRock.Times property sales center club整体空间印象被精确的定位于现代简约派系,它符合国际一线城市主流审美标准的同时被注入的生态主义元素-浮石,这成为空间中令人咀嚼不厌的亮点与空间独立性...
10 / MYP设计事务所 | 光与影-嘉兴中洲花溪地售楼处设计
2018-10-9 11:14|亻韦亻子|商业空间|100%
... 嘉兴中洲花溪地售楼处 JIAXING ZHONGZHOU HUAXIDI SALES CENTER 概念方案 HUAXIDI SALES OFFICE 空间垂直动线示意草图 平⾯布置上,设计师采⽤了回游的⽅式,通过故意隔开空间的⽅式,让这种古典对称式结构,在主要空间中得以体...
11 / Heaven Realm Garden Sales Center(中泰天境) / C&C Design Co
2016-4-1 10:29|mnbbvcxxz|商业空间|100%
本帖最后由 mnbbvcxxz 于 2016-4-1 10:33 编辑 The project take the logic of building space as a clue, take "window" for the basic symbol of design, the design make it became interesting interior facade through different scales and orientation of "window "on the premise of meet the function...
12 / HBA-湖北成投武汉会徽销售中心 Chengtou Wuhan Emblem Sales Center
2024-6-10 13:14|charliexu|商业空间|100%
本帖最后由 charliexu 于 2024-6-10 13:17 编辑 湖北成投武汉会徽销售中心 销售中心 / 中国 / 上海HBA工作室 & 上海HBA采购中心 / 2022年竣工 项目介绍 整体架空大堂几何的空间关系延续了设计的构图感,审视细节,打磨空间细节和...
13 / 壹舍作品,宁波华侨城欢乐海岸售楼处
2014-11-29 00:44|eminamcd|商业空间|100%
...heme hotel, and other commercial projects. The project we didinclude sales center and three mock-up rooms. 现场经过考察,虽有奉化江水系景观但现场已被工地覆盖,基地现有景观不理想。我们努力说服甲方把售楼处南向市政绿化带进行景观改造,变成...
14 / 依岸康堤售楼部Yi An Kang Di Sales Department(瑞坤设计)
2015-1-24 14:34|瑞坤设计|商业空间|100%
...销售的作用。 As a microcosm of the entire image of realestate, Sales center reflect the entire quality of real estatein. It is thecontinuation of Art-Deco architectural style, with modern Art Deco designtechniques, combined with club functions, creating a low-key, luxurious andcomfortable purc...
15 / 绿地集团郑州售楼部
2013-12-18 20:58|MUM设计中心|商业空间|100%
...rvaceous forms create sinuous connections at Greenland Group‘s new sales center in Zhengzhou, China. Shanghai-based creative studio MRT Design conjured up a showroom that defies straight lines with a dialogue that constantly shifts and realigns as architectural components move through the space. T...
16 / 捷报丨明德设计荣膺2020 IIDA亚太最佳设计奖!
2020-12-18 10:00|MDDesign|设计情报|100%
...心作品,从亚太地区众多参赛作品中脱颖而出,荣获Sales Centers & Show Flats类别的最佳设计奖。 据悉,全亚太地区仅有17个项目获奖,Sales Centers & Show Flats类别仅有2位获得“最佳设计奖”这一至高荣誉。 2020 IIDA 亚太最佳设计奖BEST...
17 / 绿地商务城售楼处.Xu Zhou Sales Office
2011-1-29 22:50|jdx|商业空间|100%
...璃钢 设计说明: We were asked by the developer to design a sales center that would be used for the purpose of introducing potential investors to a large development project encompassing office towers, residential and even an amusement park that would be established in multiple phases over a...
18 / 2019 WIN Awards入围名单公布
2019-9-3 23:42|环亚室内|设计情报|100%
...08 项目名称:南宁五象世茂中心售楼处Nanning Wuxiang Shimao Center Sales office 設計公司:深圳市昊泽空间設計有限公司Shenzhen Horizon Space Design Co.,Ltd 图片:奖项官网提供 09 项目名称:耐克创新之家Nike House of Innovation 001 設計公司:...
19 / The Gartner Penthouse for Sale in New York City
2019-3-8 02:21|hdlisnb|居住空间|100%
... keywords:Contemporary Interior Design Glass Walls Lincoln Center New York City Penthouse USA 关键词:当代室内设计,玻璃墙,林肯中心,美国纽约市阁楼 这套位于纽约市林肯中心的顶层公寓最初售价为3,450万美元,现...
20 / Maybe Give Him A Puzzle To Be Getting On With Lifepix PANDORA
2014-7-26 12:19|Akud2d5r2b|产品应用|100%
...ild ralph lauren sale and gain access to new ralph lauren polos and profit centers through joint ventures. It is owing to the fact that their involvement asserts the generation of the cheaps and services that comply with the industry standards whilst ensuring an extra advantage for the end-Users.T...
21 / 道胜荣誉|道胜设计连续三年荣获意大利A'Design设计大奖
2019-4-26 11:00|道胜设计Joyce|设计情报|100%
...rior space and exhibition design category through the Glorious Youth Sales Center. This is the third time that Daosheng Design has won the A'Design Award in Italy. 本届大赛共收到来自全球2万余份设计作品,经过专业评审团公平公正的匿名评审投票与谨慎评估,最...
22 / 银川Sunac销售中心办公室设计
2020-12-4 02:15|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
Beijing DeFangYuan designed the Sunac Sales Center offices with little color, but a lot of personality in Yinchuan, China. Yinchuan is a northwest city in China. It nestles beside Helan Mountains and adjoins Yellow River. Helan Mountains erect on the west side of the city, and protect it from s...
23 / 山水画卷,印境自然 × 阳光100·​桂林丽园
2019-11-11 23:49|AR发布|建筑设计|100%
...到园居清雅 抛开尘世的浮光掠影 ▼售楼处效果图 Sales Center Rendering 一半显水,一半隐山,一步一景,层层递进,明镜水面与风雨连廊私密围合,空间交流互动。 The water surface and corridor are cleverly connected to create unique spatial fusi...
24 / 杭州御观邸Yuguandi – Sales Pavilion & Gallery(BLVD)
2014-4-9 09:01|xinshaojie|办公设计|98%
...宇装饰有限公司,公司照明:Toryo International Lighting Design Center工程:浙江大学建筑设计研究院景观:Earth Asia Design Group 杭州,在长江三角洲的中心城市,也是中国最著名的风景如画的城市,充满着壮观的自然风光和雄伟的西湖...
25 / 深圳于强设计--深谷寻宝之神秘之旅 & 中海天...
2017-1-13 18:16|大陀螺|商业空间|96%
...中海天钻销售中心 Project Name: Shenzhen Zhonghai Tianzhuang Sales Center项目面积:960平米Project area: 960 square meters完工时间:2015:12月Completion: December 2015设计单位:于强室内设计师事务所Design : YuQiang & partners Decoration design项目位置:罗湖中...