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相关搜索: nice rice sweet rice 上海rice

1 / 鸭和大米餐厅The Duck and Rice Restaurant
2015-7-12 15:24|dingmin1|餐饮设计|100%
本帖最后由 vooping 于 2015-7-12 22:22 编辑 Duck and Rice
2 / 曼谷街边美食风格餐厅 Eat Rice&Noodles by Onion
2015-10-2 10:06|刘平07|餐饮设计|99%
...谷EmQuartier购物中心地下一层美食广场内的餐厅,名为Eat Rice&Noodles。餐厅模拟了传统路边大排档的风格,整体用木材打造,仿佛是一个木制微缩模型。 来自当地的Onion工作室的设计师Siriyot Chaiamnuay 和 Arisara Chaktranon 联手设计。Eat...
3 / Rice Club | Francesc Rife
2019-5-28 14:40|FrancescRife|品牌精选|99%
本帖最后由 FrancescRife 于 2019-5-28 14:52 编辑 Rice Club Rice Club位于 Brassade Ma r餐馆的二层,其核心设计理念旨在突出始创者的美食价值观念——没有承接传统理念,就没有对现代性的启发。意图使餐馆朝着理性而简约的方向过...
4 / 西班牙rice club--大米俱乐部餐厅
2017-11-21 19:13|沐歌树|餐饮设计|97%
5 / TOL'KO / "RICE FLAT" Archive project 2018 | TOL'KO interiors
2021-6-14 20:41|TOL'KO|空间概念|96%
,转载自:behance,作者:TOL'KO interiors,图片@TOL'KO interiors,语言:英语,编辑:序赞网,阅读原文
6 / 美国 | SoulCycle 联合创始人 Julie Rice 度假屋 | 2020 | Colin King + Vanessa Alexander
2022-2-14 09:34|Colin.King|民宿设计|96%
一项增强流动性的翻新使她当代的玻璃幕墙住宅从略显无菌变为温暖、开放和自然。 ,室内设计:Vanessa Alexander ,项目摄影:Chris Mottalini ,转自:Colin King ,图片:Colin King ,编辑:序赞网 ,翻译:序赞网 ...
7 / Fish n Rice / Rong (shanghai) design & consulting company
2014-2-24 10:00|wenlong_222|软装设计|96%
...to the city. Recycling, culture and portability are keywords for this 10kg rice packaging design. In mandarin, “fish (yu)” is a homonym with “abundance(yu)”. People are using “fish every year” as a blessing to each other especially during Spring Festival. The one-piece design is not...
8 / Nice Rice 成都概念店 | say architects | 2023 | 中国四川
2023-6-10 00:30|SAY.architects|商业空间|95%
Nice Rice 邀请 say 建筑师设计位于成都万象城的成都概念店。 喝茶看表演,一直是成都人生活的写照。 基于城市气质和品牌语言,Say architects搭建了一个白色的“舞台”,捕捉成都市民千变万化的一面。 场地位于商场一层,...
9 / nice rice阿那亚概念店 | SAY ARCHITECTS | 2024 | 中国河北
2024-7-5 10:10|SAY.architects|商业空间|95%
nice rice全新概念门店位于阿那亚雀跃镇,say希望凭借独栋建筑与优越的地理环境,让光线为建筑表达,将阿那亚的橘子海搬进空间,通过不同体块起伏,光影明暗交错,打造永不落幕的黄金海岸。 ▽门头概览© Wen Studio ...
10 / 活泼的蜂窝餐AS design create playful honeycomb restaurant rice home
2013-10-13 11:16|gf189189|餐饮设计|94%
AS design create playful honeycomb restaurant rice home 不规则六边形“大米家餐厅坐落在广州市,中国由香港公司作为设计。一个动态的内部反映了新推出的休闲餐饮品牌强调在独特的和现代的食谱,创造性地混合了现代和创新的方法。 黑...
11 / nice rice好饭上海旗舰店 | say architects | 2023 | 中国
2023-9-18 15:53|SAY.architects|商业空间|93%
作为国内优秀服装生活方式品牌nice rice好饭的全国首家旗舰店。nice rice好饭极简、百搭的服饰传递出“和而不同”的内里也蕴藏东方文化气质,由此say architects希望上海旗舰店是在汇集了中西文化的淮海中路上,这里是一个传...
12 / nice rice 重庆概念店 | say architects | 2023 | 中国重庆
2023-8-25 13:49|SAY.architects|商业空间|92%
..._aliyunvideo]2032 ▽店面外观© HereSpace nice rice好饭重庆首店落位于华润万象城二期核心区域,位处商场中庭广场入口,并享有360°玻璃展面的单体建筑中有着视野极佳且客流较大。say希望借由门店的地理优势,将其...
13 / SoulCycle联合创始人Julie Rice之家|2021|Alexander Design
2021-5-10 06:18|Alexander.Desig|软装设计|92%
SoulCycle的创始人朱莉·赖斯(Julie Rice)对海滨别墅的浪漫情有一点了解。 她和她现在的丈夫斯潘塞·赖斯(Spencer Rice)坠入爱河,并在马里布(Malibu)宁静而波光粼粼的海岸线上住了一年,订婚了。 他们紧随其后移居纽约市,...
14 / 现代菜谱:二陈昌在宝区做虾仁松饭和豆蛋
2020-8-4 07:06|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|90%
...design and what she cooks at home, plus get her recipe for prawn shia song rice with soy cured egg. Erchen: “Why is food so important to me? I think I grew up in an environment in which food was just naturally important; my family love eating, and all social events are based on communal meals....
15 / 稻田书店建筑设计(2020)(MUFU-ARCHILAB)设计
2020-9-11 07:22|archdaily|建筑设计|80%
...ina,设计师描述 | Designer description: Featuring the time-honored rice-growing farmland, the Tanjiawan in Wuzhen is regarded as one of the Majiabang cultural sites in the early Neolithic Age in the Taihu Basin on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. With the emergence of Internet, people...
16 / 日本鹿岛市某酒厂仓库老建筑改建的展览空间
2015-6-24 09:43|大可乐zZ|办公设计|78%
...mains. There is a rich and delicious Taradake-Mountains underground water, rice farming is thriving. Therefore, brewing has been carried out since the Edo era in the region.Fukuchiyo-Chiyo brewing among them is a small wine cellar that is less than 450 stone of its foundation in 1899, that the brand...
17 / Flow 心流所 | 超级有米 | 2023 | 中国上海
2023-12-12 13:49|序赞精选|商业空间|73%
...的干扰,还能保持功能和性格上的独立。 ▽图解© Super Rice Architects ▽后场的公共区域© 朱迪 @ AGENT PAY 后场的公共区域,动线以两段的圆弧相连接,引导人们流畅地进入内部。正对次入口区域的摆动开口,可窥视到空间内...
18 / 【无中生有设计】 《 有 料 》
2018-1-9 11:11|王凯利ARJ|餐饮设计|71%
...,可以更有料。 When Lulu and Rambo were initially exposed to the rice salad, they were attracted by their focus on doing things. Is actually very clever, we are in the M sugar understanding of the construction site, then intime city has cleared off work, I and M sugar host to the project sit...
19 / 印度尼西亚木制树屋 C | 2021 | Stilt Studios
2021-8-5 18:09|archdaily|民宿设计|70%
...by cozy restaurants & bar scenes while at the same time embedded into lush rice fields, it is a quiet area with a high living standard. The Treehouse is part of a little housing community called Bukit Sari.,Like our studios A to C, the structural principle of the wooden Treehouse C consists of a c...
20 / parajumpers paris discourse choked repeatedly describing Mei fallen posture
2015-1-15 01:25|o3dr58db|产品应用|69%
...ying, flood has been flooded. Huang Meiting stumbled, accidentally slipped rice fields. "To see my sister fell into the water, I think close to her ..." brother Huang Jinwei also drift to the deep water.10 meters away,hollister roma est,http://www.bhdbwwz.biz/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=624705, to ...
21 / 由Arko,Takuya Hamajima,Ryosuke Harashima在东京举办的改变态度展览。
2020-8-10 03:59|Yellowtrace|创意设计|68%
...ing Attitude, the self-described straw artist made a wall sculpture our of rice straws, stitching the fronds together with thread rather than weaving. The piece is similar to her work for Loewe, whereby she worked with leather strips rather than rice straw.Sculptural artist Takuya Hamajima takes an ...
22 / 印度尼西亚莎翁之家(2019)(Biombo Architects)设计
2020-12-18 13:53|archdaily|建筑设计|67%
...ali, Indonesia, on a plot that is facing sunset and surrounded by stunning rice fields.,Cala Saona. Designed to be able to fully open it or fully enclose, with cross ventilation throughout, inside you will find our favorite feature: an amazing indoor tropical garden with a double height of 9 m tha...
23 / 介入与共融——帕森斯设计新学院's Archiver
2011-11-10 14:43|lcysos|办公设计|66%
设计 Lyn Rice Architects〔美〕 撰文 董书音 工程名称:SHEILA C. JOHNSON DESIGN CENTER 坐落地点:纽约,美国 面积:3047 m2 竣工时间:2008年 摄影:Richard Barnes,Michael Moran, Noah Sheldon,Lyn Rice Architects 林恩•赖斯建筑事务所(Lyn Ri...
24 / 印度尼西亚Haus植物园酒店(2019)(Alexis Dornier)设计
2020-9-7 06:58|AlexisDornier|民宿设计|62%
...alow is submerged into it’s surrounding - the picturesque landscape with rice fields, coconut and palm trees of Bali sets the scene for an understated architecture with surprise. The family home consists of rooms that are separated by greenery and lush foliage. Building elements such as pillars, w...
25 / 印尼巴厘岛乌布空中花园 Ubud Hanging Gardens
2012-3-21 00:25|charliexu|酒店设计|61%
...rdens is a luxury boutique hotel set among the smoky volcanoes and emerald rice terraces at the heart of Bali. This Orient-Express hotel in the cultural center of Ubud perches on a gorge with “an exquisite temple on the opposite cliff.” Its stunning infinite pool is a must see, with with breat...