1 / Balconies in Budapest by PLANT
2012-8-30 13:34|jonshion|建筑设计|100%
匈牙利首都布达佩斯/Balconies in Budapest by PLANT
2 / mise en Plants | STRAIGHT DESIGN | 2024 | 中国台湾
2024-4-28 23:08|idadmin|餐饮设计|100%
mise en Plants Taipei, Taiwan Designed by STRAIGHT DESIGN ,摄影:隨寓 | suiyu studio,图片 © 隨寓 | suiyu studio,编辑:序赞网,阅读原文
3 / 由REM工作室在室内种植植物。
2020-8-9 22:36|Yellowtrace|创意设计|99%
... for those born without a green thumb but with an inherent dislike of fake plants. REM atelier, a collaborative art and design studio based in Rotterdam, has taken an interesting approach to indoor plant life. They produce big scale interactive installations exploring spatial boundaries and meanings...
4 / Taste of Plant-Creative Studio Unravel
2020-6-18 11:28|Creative.Studio|品牌精选|98%
,Taste of Plant(植物的取向)是直接采集野生草木, 并将植物的质感和形态表现的就如园艺家的感觉,而这种工作方式与其说是“园艺”,不如说是一种“修行”。 ,该小工作室建于1971年,位于钟路区栗谷路花园塔(Garden Tow...
5 / 最好的Instagram说明了植物的灵感
2020-8-4 05:18|TheModernHouse|景观设计|98%
...servatory_archives @haarkon_ @haarkon_ @houseplantjournal @urbanjungleblog @jamies_jungle @studio.roco. Photo taken from Root, Nurture, Grow by Caro Langton and Rose Ray of Ro Co (Quadrille) Photography ©Erika Raxworthy Instagr...
6 / 新油漆:城市花卉联合创始人马特·理查森分享了他在家里使用植物作为艺术的技巧。
2020-8-4 04:01|TheModernHouse|软装设计|97%
...ical stylist Yasuyo Harveys beautiful home, weve been thinking about using plants as art and curating them in your home. We caught up with Matt Richardson – the founder of independent north London botanical plant and flower studio Urban Flower Co – to chat about the ways in which plants ...
7 / IMPAX Lab Taiwan Plant Phase I
2011-4-3 21:53|charliexu|建筑设计|97%
本帖最后由 charliexu 于 2011-6-11 13:13 编辑 Architects: J. J. Pan & Partners, Architects & Planners (JJP)Location: Chunan Science Park, Taiwan Project team: Joshua Jih Pan, Oui Ming Sae-Tang, Pen Lee, Li Jiun Lu, Johanna Kuo, Ming Huang Tsai Building contractor: Fu Tsu Constructions Co...
8 / Arhitektura Krusec / Celje's Power Plant
2011-4-28 11:13|samyojo|建筑设计|96%
建築名稱| Celje's Power Plant 建築設計| Arhitektura Krusec / Lena Krušec, Tomaž Krušec 建築位置| 斯洛維尼亞Celje市 建築面積| 100平方公尺 建築年份| 2005年 建築攝影| Miran Kambič, Tomaž Krušec 原文作者| Vid Kurinčič 這棟建物是斯...
9 / A Plant
2019-3-22 21:35|17553|产品应用|95%
10 / A Plant
2019-3-13 19:09|qCrBIGZK|产品应用|95%
11 / 忘记房间分隔器,我们利用植物隐私
2020-9-9 05:10|ArchitecturalDi|软装设计|95%
Plants are a must-have when it comes to design. They're a simple way to add a natural element, a sense of airiness, and a punch of color to a neutral-toned project. But have you ever considered plants as an easy way to make a space feel more private and intimate? When we caught a glimpse of the lu...
12 / 创建一个室内草本花园:11个种植草本植物的技巧
2020-8-3 21:25|ArchitecturalDi|软装设计|94%
...ace thanks to your growing greens. Whether you’re ready for a small sage plant in your kitchen or want to dive into a full garden, these indoor herb garden ideas will make your space look—and smell—great. Here, we’ve gathered 11 tips to help you grow herbs indoors, including what to plant...
13 / A Furniture Collection Inspired by the Leaf Shapes of the Agave Plant
2019-3-15 20:07|todayhero|产品应用|93%
14 / LÖV Lets You Water Your Plants While Your Umbrella Dries
2019-3-22 21:36|泥鸠|产品应用|92%
Löv开始作为一个毕业项目,重点是如何让伦敦的学生和年轻的成年人在快餐方便的时候吃得更健康。 这让JeanHuang质疑如何通过鼓励人们种植自己的草药来烹饪,从而更容易地做出健康的选择。 在伦敦的阴雨天气下,Lö...
15 / Cabinets Inspired by the Agave Plant and the Making of Mezcal
2019-3-21 20:18|小新11|产品应用|92%
随着工艺鸡尾酒行业的兴起,您是否注意到mezcal的人气也在上升?它似乎在美国随处可见,很可能是因为龙舌兰旁边的饮料在我们的饮料中很美味,但是你有没有想过它是从哪里来的呢?埃斯拉韦工作室的Héctor Esrawe和M...
16 / Kristina Dam incorporates plants into pale oak furniture
2019-3-13 14:52|aisy66|产品应用|90%
北现代2015:一个木制长凳,隐藏了一个隔间的植物罐在其座位下面是最新推出的家具和家居用品由丹麦设计师克里斯汀娜大坝(幻灯片)。 克里斯汀娜大坝(Kristinadam)在哥本哈根开设一间设计工作室之前,曾接受...
17 / Kristina Dam incorporates plants into pale oak furniture
2019-3-14 20:09|wo1071|产品应用|90%
北现代2015:一个木制长凳,隐藏了一个隔间的植物罐在其座位下面是最新推出的家具和家居用品由丹麦设计师克里斯汀娜大坝(幻灯片)。 克里斯汀娜大坝(Kristinadam)在哥本哈根开设一间设计工作室之前,曾接受...
18 / Kristina Dam incorporates plants into pale oak furniture
2019-3-19 18:19|tmk128cn|产品应用|90%
北现代2015:一个木制长凳,隐藏了一个隔间的植物罐在其座位下面是最新推出的家具和家居用品由丹麦设计师克里斯汀娜大坝(幻灯片)。 克里斯汀娜大坝(Kristinadam)在哥本哈根开设一间设计工作室之前,曾接受...
19 / 荷兰弗洛雷斯塔外观概念设计(2020)MVRDV设计
2020-11-10 22:01|Archilovers|空间概念|90%
MVRDV has designed a colourful panorama of plants and trees for the façade of the Flores Tower, working in collaboration with Arttenders and Flemish artist Alex Verhaest. The source of inspiration was the building’s location, the arboretum that MVRDV designed for Floriade Expo 2022; using a dig...
20 / Lera Moiseeva's Ray chair references plant and tree structures
2019-3-18 21:23|爱心特使|产品应用|89%
斯德哥尔摩2016:俄罗斯设计师莱拉·莫伊塞瓦(LeraMoiseeva)发明了一种管状钢椅,其形状可以模仿植物的生长方式。 Moiseeva把她的雷座位建立在植物和树木的有机结构上。该设计参考了起义植物根部的形状,使椅...
21 / Hem unveils Chlorophyll and Ink furniture collection inspired by exotic plants a
2019-3-10 03:10|babysuperman|产品应用|89%
家具品牌Hem公布了其2017/18系列,其中包括新的地毯和口袋与元素借用外来植物和闪闪发光的织物。 名为叶绿素和油墨,新的系列看到了两个新产品的推出,以及现有设计的新的颜色组合。 ...
22 / Hem unveils Chlorophyll and Ink furniture collection inspired by exotic plants a
2019-3-13 19:46|sunyurong|产品应用|89%
家具品牌Hem公布了其2017/18系列,其中包括新的地毯和口袋与元素借用外来植物和闪闪发光的织物。 名为叶绿素和油墨,新的系列看到了两个新产品的推出,以及现有设计的新的颜色组合。 ...
23 / Hem unveils Chlorophyll and Ink furniture collection inspired by exotic plants a
2019-3-14 19:17|令狐小白|产品应用|89%
家具品牌Hem公布了其2017/18系列,其中包括新的地毯和口袋与元素借用外来植物和闪闪发光的织物。 名为叶绿素和油墨,新的系列看到了两个新产品的推出,以及现有设计的新的颜色组合。 ...
24 / Hem unveils Chlorophyll and Ink furniture collection inspired by exotic plants a
2019-3-15 20:29|ythpan|产品应用|89%
家具品牌Hem公布了其2017/18系列,其中包括新的地毯和口袋与元素借用外来植物和闪闪发光的织物。 名为叶绿素和油墨,新的系列看到了两个新产品的推出,以及现有设计的新的颜色组合。 ...
25 / 英国伦敦 - NEO Bankside / Gillespies
2012-11-17 13:44|KanGtArt|景观设计|89%
...vilions, designed by architects RSHP. The final landscape features soft planting inspired by native woodlands, balancing beautifully with the contemporary lines of the buildings. Unusually in the heart of a city, the outdoor spaces offer NEO Bankside’s residents opportunities to engage wit...