, 面积: 561 m²
,供应商: Trespa, Balsan, Tarkett, Wienerberger, Geyer & Hosaja, Lars Laj, Locomoco
,首席设计师:Filip Domaszczyński, Dorota Sibińska, Marta Nowosielska
本帖最后由 long2003 于 2014-9-29 09:38 编辑
加拿大短暂而美丽的夏天里,Matthew Soules建筑事务所在温哥华博物馆门前安装起一个临时的植物装置构架,同时探讨人工与自然的关系。这个
Day Care, Setagaya City, Japan,Architects: Naf Architect & Design, Area: 748 m²,Year: 2019,Photographs: Toshiyuki Yano,Principal Architect:Akio Nakasa,Design Team:Teppei Amano,Text description provided by the architects. Kamimachi SIZEN-NO-KUNI Day Care Center “small pond” is a...
If you create your own indoor herb garden, fresh herbs are always on hand. From parsley to cilantro, fresh herbs can make an everyday dinner feel like a five-star meal. But buying herbs at the grocery can leave you with way more than you needed and backyard gardens limit your pestos to the summer mo...
Lebel & Bouliane has implemented a colorful office design for Lift & Co, a cannabis education and research company, located in Toronto, Canada.Housed in the old offices of the Church of Scientology at King and Peter Streets in Toronto, the new headquarters of cannabis education and market research ...
ysterni traɪæŋɡəl位于基克拉迪群岛帕罗斯岛上的Ysterni地区,附近是Ysterni的Vigla phryktoria遗迹。 它是迈锡尼时代构成提诺斯-小亚细亚通讯网络的 11 个 phryktorias 之一。 根据 phryktories 的规划,住宅位于 Ysterni 山上。 它朝向东南...
,客户:HSBC, ,面积:28,417 sqft,年份:2021,坐落:Hong Kong, China, ,行业: Financial / Investments, ,Hassell designed a multi-functional and dynamic space for the HSBC offices in Hong Kong.,The international bank’s Global Banking & Markets and Global Private Banking t...
Houses, Saanich, Canada,设计师:Scott and Scott Architects, 面积: 250 m²,年份:2020,摄影:Olivia Bull,设计团队:Scott & Scott Architects, Susan Scott, David Scott, Ge-Nan Peng, Maxwell Schnutgen, Ly Tang,Builder:Rannala Freeborn Construction,景观设计:Botanica...
本帖最后由 我的名字叫做蓝 于 2017-9-15 15:56 编辑
设计公司:COR ASOCIADOS ARQUITECTOS位置:西班牙类型:幼儿园文章分类:教育建筑
Los Alcazares城市的快速发展和扩张,导致人们对公共教育设施,尤其是幼儿园的需求日渐...
Freedom and order are two seemingly contradictory words that drive at the essence of learning: children need to be free to express themselves, to learn, to play, and to develop social relationships, while order helps structure the child’s conquest of knowledge and independence. The relations...
...t the apartment a more modern vibe. Rather than try my hand at the various nurseries in L.A. (plants out here put even New York’s finest shops to shame), I sent a DM to Freak Plants on Instagram, and he curated every piece of green in the house.
The renderings also helped me feel less overw...
文化遗产一般的历史民居是记忆的宝库,拥有着自己的前世过往。MOD通过在布莱路的‘画布之家’分层概念来探索历史以及我们与过去、现在和未来的关系。模糊了空间和物体之间的界限,MOD 在概念上用一层白色覆盖了过去,...
“I am not formal at all,” said designer Brock Forsblom’s client, who grew up on the Upper East Side. “I have a love affair with Los Angeles and want to get off the elevator and feel like I am in California.” She appreciated Old Hollywood glam but also sought a bit of organic informality to...