您是不是要找: party 可ing

1 / 英国伦敦 | Korean Dinner Party | 餐厅 | 2021 | A-nrd studio
2021-9-16 17:14|序赞精选|餐饮设计|100%
Korean Dinner Party(KDP)餐厅是Soho区的新场所,将洛杉矶热闹的韩国城的美食带到了Kingly Court美食广场顶部。在KDP餐厅,顾客可以坐在霓虹灯下,伴随着韩国电子音乐享受家庭式食物、东西方菜肴、鸡尾酒以及精酿啤酒。餐厅...
2 / 派对屋:七间专为娱乐而设计的房子
2020-8-4 05:39|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
...d share some homes designed for entertaining. Homes well-equipped for parties aren’t just about having acres of space, they’re about intimate dining rooms, a discreet balcony for a romantic rendezvous or outdoor space for fireworks. Here are some of our favourites. Warley Close, London E10...
3 / KTV设计:新概念 新态度·深圳民治印象纯K
2018-6-1 14:40|高思迪赛|康乐空间|97%
Project name: shenzhen impression pure K 项目名称:深圳印象纯K(民治店) Design unit:America Growth Design Group 设计单位:高思迪赛设计集团 罗伟设计亚太机构 Project address:Longhua Shenzhen 项目地址:深圳·龙华新区 Project area:1300㎡ 项目...
4 / 布劳尼尼亚斯之家| Pablo Lanza Arquitetura | 2020 | 巴西
2023-12-30 02:33|archdaily|建筑设计|97%
...a cozy, open, spacious house that included two main activities: sports and parties. Given the dissimilarity between the two requested uses, our strategy was to implement these areas in opposite positions, with the large balcony as the functional, aesthetic and structural organizing element. For...
5 / gasholders wilkinson eyre london
2019-3-9 01:48|emufriend|居住空间|91%
The Gasholders residential development in London's vibrant Kings Cross has been officially launched. Photography: Peter Landers 现代的发展,在不断更新的伦敦繁忙的国王十字区,但他们中很少有设计天赋和历史特征的著名加斯基尔三胞胎。 ...
6 / 【无中生有设计】 《 凤 凰 高 阁 》
2015-8-14 16:32|王凯利ARJ|办公设计|83%
...ace planning will be on the second floor of the reception area semi-closed partition, mainly divided into the reception area, the lobby, the conference table, Tea break area, etc. Zen temple around one hundred old buildings, one thousand old trees everywhere, the ancient wind is abundant, the overa...
7 / 宇合光年 | Modern Life商业街区立面更新 - 社区的新生活方式
2021-6-22 15:47|宇合光年|商业空间|76%
... the combination of business and community life. ▼立面局部,facade partial view © 木羊 —立面改造 | Facade Renovation 本次改造在不破坏原有建筑结构进行,将原本单调的门洞进行重组与排列,让整体的视觉感受更强,也为后期社区商业开展...
8 / James K Cheng:费尔蒙环太平洋酒店套房设计
2016-8-31 14:35|liutai|酒店设计|62%
James K Cheng:费尔蒙环太平洋酒店套房设计 以下图文由费尔蒙加拿大环太平洋酒店提供: Music, art and fashion give each suite an opulent pulse of its own, and Suite Music Package offers ultimate concert experience.http://img1.designwire.com.cn/2016/08/17/63607034656...
9 / 【无中生有设计】 《 鸭 店 》
2017-12-18 21:24|王凯利ARJ|餐饮设计|60%
本帖最后由 王凯利ARJ 于 2018-1-3 17:33 编辑 Duck shop​鸭 店 ▼ 品牌速写,Brand sketch 朱元璋建都南京后,明宫御厨便取用南京肥厚多肉的湖鸭制作菜肴。为了增加鸭子的风味,厨师采用炭火烘烤,成菜后鸭子吃口酥香,肥而...
10 / 鲲誉设计 KUNYU-DESIGN | 金茂悦,深谙时代所需,点睛活力社区
2021-8-11 17:14|鲲誉设计|文化教育|38%
...west side is different,A large area of beige on the wall outlines a simple partition,The atmosphere is simple, and the green bamboo array is comingIt also combines cultural themes,Match the enclosed card seat to let the neighbors know each otherCreate a harmonious, comfortable and healthy lifestyle....