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1 / 立陶宛河流旁边的房子(2020)(After Party)设计
2020-12-29 15:29|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
Houses, Lithuania,设计师:After Party, 面积: 150 m²,年份:2020,摄影:Giedrius Mamavičius,设计师描述 | Designer description: The site for the house is located in the suburban area in Lithuania. Bordering a local road on the South, squeezed in between two neighbours, ...
2 / AC 住宅 | BOSCARDIN CORSI | 2023 | 巴西
2024-2-24 07:09|behance|居住空间|100%
 "A home to receive visitors and throw lots of parties” was the client's request for the conception of the architectural project. With this guideline, the interior design sought wide and integrated social environments, with easy modification in the furniture layout and a complete use of the space...
3 / 伦敦元素办公室设计
2020-8-6 17:01|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...e design of the space was very fluid and collaborative with ideas from all parties considered and included in the final version. The result is a grown-up, sophisticated style which encourages employees to feel empowered, professional and valued. It has a community feel, with a central kitchen used f...
4 / FRANK 餐厅 | DA bureau | 2024 | 阿联酋
2024-3-7 02:27|behance|餐饮设计|100%
FRANK restaurantYear: 2024Total area: 750 m2Location: Dubai, UAEPhotos by: Nikita KovalevFRANK is a restaurant chain that combines elements of street style and hip-hop culture. The team approached us to create their first restaurant in the Bluewaters neighbourhood of Dubai.FRANK's cuisine is an e...
5 / idespread Violence Raises Doubts About Tunisia's New Future
2011-1-19 16:09|nkutiia391|材料应用|100%
...ions. Hours later, 77-year-old Mebazaa was sworn in and announced that all parties will be consulted "without exception or exclusion." gw2 gold[/b] "Ben Ali was a military dictator and everyone knows it," said Nouredine Jouini, 56, a former mechanical designer now guarding a closed up mall gw2 power...
6 / Super Bowl Jerseys The Life Of The Party
2011-1-20 07:43|jer131sey|软装设计|100%
The Life Of The Party Steelers Super Bowl Jerseys It's true in theater and politics: if you want to know who the major players are Roger Craig Jersey, check the program.with the decrease of his nfl wages and merchandise endorsement agreements, blended with preceding economic misconduct, michael v...
7 / 索尼弯曲弯曲工作室办公室设计
2021-1-5 00:13|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
TVA Architects was tasked with the design of the Sony Bend Studio offices, a first-party AAA game developer, located in Bend, Oregon. TVA worked with the collaborative team at Bend Studio to develop office space tailored to their specific workplace needs, essentially being in extremely dim or ...
8 / 在汉普斯特德如何度过周末
2020-9-25 14:24|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
...we have all kinds of people here from film crews to friends hosting dinner parties, which is quite cool.“We don’t have a lot of buildings around us and so we get direct sunlight into the studio, which means the lighting, especially in summer, is just magical. Our golden hour(s) are some of the b...
9 / 豪华游艇—圣特罗佩
2014-9-5 09:30|long2003|康乐空间|100%
...by RIVA in the much loved St. Tropez . The itinerary consisted of cocktail parties, sailing on exclusive yachts, partying and attending High Tea on the seas. However, I will not talk about this today, but will keep you in suspense for just a very few days where you will have the full "Yatzer in St....
10 / ARQ10 别墅 | IDIN Architects | 2022 | 泰国
2024-1-19 13:29|IDINArchitects|居住空间|100%
...an be seen from the living space, providing an area for activities such as parties. The water also helps to cool down the air, creating a comfortable atmosphere that connects to the third level through a doughnut-shaped open void. The two master bedrooms are located on both wings on the third level,...
11 / 泰国捕光咖啡店(2020)(Sher Maker)设计
2020-12-17 07:10|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
... coffee bar yet it can be used for other purposes such as private cocktail parties, pre-wedding studio, art exhibitions and welcoming space for hotel guests. ,Economy-wise, the client's goal was to create a new revenue channel for the property after business disruption due to the spread of Covi...
12 / 室内设计师Beata Heuman的家居风格
2020-8-4 06:35|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
...ut were so happy here and we have everything we need in one place. This is particularly important when you have two young children, as leaving the house can be challenging! If there was a fire and you could only save one thing, what would it be? My diaries. Growing up, I kept sporadic diar...
13 / 住·梦丨陈武——泛娱乐时代的商業先驱
2019-8-14 15:17|安德马丁|设计情报|100%
2018設計上海 Andrew Martin Day 系列活动将于3月14日至17日在上海展览中心举行。本次活动将以“住·梦”为主题,包括“住·梦”主题论坛、“座享設計”居住空间艺术展和第21届 Andrew Martin 国际场景空间設計大奖大中华区颁奖酒会...
14 / 花园派对:伦敦家庭,户外娱乐空间
2020-8-4 04:29|TheModernHouse|建筑设计|100%
...chicest penthouse in London is well appointed for alfresco dining, drinks parties or gatherings of grander designs. The showpiece of the apartment is an expansive south-facing roof terrace, accessed via glazed doors. Christchurch Hill, London NW3 Resembling something like a grand Italian palazz...
15 / 摄影记者索菲·哈里斯·泰勒在克拉彭的维多利亚时代改造后的公寓里享受第一个家的乐趣。
2020-8-4 07:09|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
... table you could fit ten people around. “We have had a lot of dinner parties but now we do more brunches because it’s easier with the baby. Over the years we’ve had a few parties or larger gatherings and Christmases too, which seem to work pretty well. I think the openness of the space mak...
16 / Peremena 咖啡店 | KIDZ | 2024 | 俄罗斯
2024-1-26 07:33|KIDZ.studio|餐饮设计|100%
Saint Petersburg | 100 sq.mArchitects: Anastasia Safianenko, Egor Bogomolov, Leonid Sobolev, Ivan Gorbunov, Arianna Mikaya, Sonya Plusnina, Lera Dzhigil, Ruslan Maikov, Ekaterina Tarasova, Polina Onishuk, Nikita Vorontsov, Katya Polyakova, Valerii EgorovVisualisation: Tatiana KurochkinaPhoto: Dm...
17 / 【无中生有设计】 《 B A O 》
2018-8-14 16:48|王凯利ARJ|餐饮设计|100%
...非常嚣张霸气。 Entering this electric glass door, there is no hard partition, instead of the cement base of the green plants, here we choose the broadleaf and cactus decoration. On the right is a light box that can be rotated and rolled over, and a large opening in the surface is planned and...
18 / 公开场合:记者维沙卡·罗宾逊在她翻修过的格鲁吉亚公寓里,还有在巴斯做的最好的事情。
2020-8-4 05:59|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
...gical events space on Bathwick Hill that hosts dinners, classes and drinks parties. “Having lived in quite hectic, busy cities before, youd think that coming here would feel like there was less to do but actually, because the whole city is easy to navigate and access, there actually feels lik...
19 / 阿根廷-门多萨喜来登酒店(Sheraton Mendoza Hotel)
2013-11-28 07:13|XYZLXG|酒店设计|100%
Located in the heart of Mendoza City in the foothills of the Andes, the brand new 5-star Sheraton Mendoza Hotel is ideally located for exploring one of Argentina's most popular tourist destinations. Whether you're interested in quiet pursuits-like sampling the region's famous wines-or more adrena...
20 / Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel-上海宝格丽酒店 Bulgari Hotel Shanghai
2018-7-25 17:14|charliexu|酒店设计|100%
...i Hotels collection as a necklace and today we added a sixth gem to it, in particular a precious ruby that is the stone that most represents the vibe of Shanghai. This is a momentous day for us at Bulgari opening our second property in China in less than a year.” said Jean-Christophe Babin, CEO of...
21 / Half-Light apartment | Sivak+Partners .
2021-6-14 12:01|behance|空间概念|100%
...both self-delusion and melancholic experiences during the day, and for fun parties at night.The wall behind the bed is finished with sheets of oxidized metal. The bed is from Ivano Redaelli, the sideboards are finished in stainless steel, and the shelves and hanging lamp are from Viabizzuno.There we...
22 / 回顾:现代之家2019年回顾
2020-8-4 07:02|TheModernHouse|设计情报|100%
...e country’s most exciting homes, launching a new film series and hosting parties and talks, we’ve packed in a fair amount. Here, we close off the decade with a recap of our 2019. We represented the country’s best homes The Modern House exists to make the process of buying and selling a ho...
23 / 我的现代之家:厨师和美食博客安娜·巴内特在一家改造过的东区酒吧里谈论烹饪和公共生活。
2020-8-4 03:20|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
... the space to turn it into a pop-up restaurant, or do shoots or big dinner parties or press dinners. People really love coming into your home and being in that environment. Dan’s so generous in letting me use it. We’ve done some pop-up events here, where we move all the furniture out and turn...
24 / 一个年轻的收藏家凉爽,多彩的唐人街阁楼
2020-8-3 21:22|ArchitecturalDi|软装设计|100%
...ng has been moved,” she says. Part of that is because she loves to throw parties: Pre-quarantine, she threw an “awful party,” and before that, a Halloween dinner party, in which she pulled two tables together for more seating—she liked it, so she left it that way. Madde at home in Chinato...
25 / 开放之家:兄弟姐妹卡罗琳·希利尔和本·萨格登照亮了萨格登之家的生活。
2020-8-4 03:39|TheModernHouse|建筑设计|100%
Random Activity - family in the garden, 1987 Living room, Sugden House Dining Room, Sugden House Sugden House - Brian (Derek’s brother) on bike, Derek on the left, 1957 Sculpture party - Derek speaking, Jean on left, sculpture under white sheet to be unveile...