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1 / 墨尔本东部伊斯特兰购物中心商业改造 官方摄影 76M 2017
2019-7-21 17:21|haijian03|商业空间|100%
... Architect - Shard ; Ringwood Library ; David Jones Department Store & Car Park ACME Area 72780.0 m2 Project Year 2017 Photographs Micheal Gazzola Manufacturers WE-EF MORE SPECS Save this picture! ? Micheal Gazzola ? Micheal Gazzola Text description provided by the architects. With the recent comp...
2 / 印尼雅加达莱佛士酒店 Raffles Jakarta
2012-1-31 13:06|charliexu|酒店设计|100%
...ty Tbk Construction Engineering: PT ASCET Above ground floors: - Mall + Parking : 5 + 6 floors = 11 floors - The highest floors : 45 floors Above mall floors: - Apartemen : 34 floors - Office : 33 floors - Hotel : 29 floors Below ground floors: 4 floors Floor-to-floor height: - office tow...
3 / 中国上海延平路 in the Park | 2021 | AIM恺慕建筑事务所
2021-8-9 14:41|恺慕建筑|商业空间|100%
...,创造生活,并影响着城市文化。在AIM最新完成的in the Park延平路店,呈现了生活、在地性及街区文化的融合,模糊了室内室外的界限。不同于当下社会生活围绕着CBD商业区所建立的中心化趋势,隐秘在静安边界街区内的in the PAR...
4 / 汉密尔顿真实属性的办公室设计
2021-4-15 20:04|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...elevated plaza of Jackson Square towards the east, providing views to Gore Park through a full height glazed screen. The concrete columns on either end of the screen were left, and the raw aesthetic is matched by the aged concrete floor. The kitchen millwork is the centre piece of the project, divid...
5 / (艾森豪威尔纪念像)Gehry Partners LLP设计
2020-9-23 16:32|Archilovers|景观设计|100%
The Memorial is located in a newly created, four-acre public park adjacent to the National Mall and across the street from the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Gehry's design is a combination of grand architectural elements, sculpture and green space, which highlights Eisenhower from his...
6 / 《序赞唯想国际设计作品集》@2019-11-20
2019-11-20 15:42|唯想国际|精选特辑|100%
...ghai Réel Mall Li Xiang10.Wheat Youth Arts Hotel Li Xiang11.Neobio Family Park Li Xiang12.JOOOS Fitting Room Li Xiang13.Hangzhou Zhongshuge Li Xiang14.Chongqing Zhongshuge Bookstore Li Xiang15.Chengdu Zhongshuge Li Xiang16.Park Zoo Hotel Li Xiang
7 / hover bench
2019-3-18 17:57|大滴|产品应用|100%
...arium Landscape + Planning › Masterplan Playground Private Garden Public Park Urban Green Space Residential › Apartment Multi Unit Housing Private House Transport + Infrastructure › Airport Marina and Ports STATUS Built YEAR 2016 keywords:architecture, architec...
8 / brigade gateway complex
2013-12-19 03:25|dmspace|酒店设计|100%
...e Theater Restaurant Landscape + Planning › Masterplan Playground Public Park Urban Green Space Residential › Multi Unit Housing Transport + Infrastructure › Parking YEAR 2012 keywords:architecture, architecture news, interiors, interior design, portfolio, spec, brands, m...
9 / 平泽市Godeok知识工业中心(2020)(SEON Architecture & Engineering Group)设计
2020-9-2 12:44|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
...积: 36406 m²,年份:2020,摄影:Bae Jihoon,Lead 设计师:Park Hongchol,设计团队:Hong Seungjo, Park Sena, Park Yeolrira, Han Inje, Cho Minkyu,业主:Ji Hee Industry Corporation,工程师: Dongyang Structural Engineers, Siwon E&C, Keysung E&C, Hanil MEC,景观设计...
10 / 雅加达GoWork共同办公的办公室设计
2021-2-3 01:09|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
... for co-working system purposes. The Plants Decoration GoWork Central Park still uses the plant as part of the greenery and interior design approach. It doesn’t leave its trademark that uses the greenery and natural theme. However, the plants in this area don’t look too obvious. The plan...
11 / 香港朗豪坊(自拍)
2012-5-9 18:18|yilanfu|商业空间|100%
...楼集中了很多年轻潮流名店,包括i.t及旗下的b+ab、Double Park、French Connection;亦有走日式少女路的Nice Claup、Super Lover等;六楼则有Supernova、Extravaganza及本地原创品牌Heroic Rendezvous。 8/F至12/F Spiral潮流特区 位于八至十楼的Spir...
12 / 韩国首尔Honeybee Lounge影院
2014-3-12 08:37|xinshaojie|文化教育|100%
...distributed open spaces. In other words while they have a gigantic central park in the middle of city, only limited green areas are provided near their community. In the end everyday life is not mixed so well with exterior activity to the extent that they prefer artificially controlled environments ...
13 / 萨格勒布Brigada办公室设计
2022-12-15 19:27|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...ing almost half of the wall surfaces. It opens towards the terrace and the park with trees, which thus become an integral part of the interior. In addition to the workstations that are divided by acoustic partitions, an essential element of the office is a large library with samples, professional li...
14 / Sophisticated Apartment Located in the Heart of London CAANdesign Architectur
2019-3-8 14:03|向天问行|建筑设计|99%
...露台上有一个空中休息室和酒吧,西面的绿色公园(Green Park)上有景色,北有梅菲尔(MayFair)和皮卡迪利(Piccadilly)的嗡嗡声,东面的圣詹姆斯花园广场(St James‘s Park Square)和南方的皇家广场(Royal Pall Mall) 在圣詹...
15 / 【艺界-YIJIE】 在云之上,远见不凡
2017-8-31 09:48|peixiangjun|空间概念|98%
...ple-oriented, follow the natural, ecological and healthy way of life, the park moved into the room, let person and nature more intimate contact, when adding green plants in the living space, to increase the interaction of people and space, create the space ecological environmental health life st...
16 / 上海芮欧钟书阁 | 唯想国际/李想
2016-12-22 20:57|idadmin|商业空间|94%
... space is a long corridor for leisure reading, where there is along row of park benches. The book shelves are placed at the two sides of thecorridor, and there is a street lamp at a regular distance from oneanother. This is not only a reading corridor but also an interior reading park.Walking slowly...
17 / Foster迈阿密新作 | 第一家白色预制混凝土苹果旗舰店
2019-9-4 00:18|环亚室内|建筑设计|93%
...要结构系统的苹果零售空间,它也是foster + partners在Apple Park 探索的材质的延续。 Jonathan Ive最近宣布离开苹果,“这家零售空间对我来说非常‘迈阿密’——它有特定的树种、充足的光线和全新的屋顶”他补充道, “它也是...
18 / 克罗地亚伊万加·雷卡小学(2020)(J.K.A. Arhitekti+Submap)设计
2021-2-13 21:03|archdaily|建筑设计|90%
...0 m2 on a plot of 29.288 m2. The outdoor areas include the main square and park, outdoor teaching areas, the school's training grounds with sports fields, and the traffic areas with parking. Building appears like a mirage, reminiscent perhaps Hollein's Aircraft Carrier City.,Since the site is loca...
19 / 8-29-638787
2014-9-27 22:57|wobuz5855|产品应用|87%
...a teenage boy of his Air Jordan tennis shoes at a Westfield Annapolis Mall parking garage Sunday, Anne Arundel County Police said. The robbers then threatened him with violence if he did not give up the shoes. The suspects fled down the outside stairs toward Sears after the victim handed over the sh...
20 / 中国 | 枕水山房 | 2020 | RMA
2021-9-8 07:38|RMA|餐饮设计|77%
...体,空间随着檐脊的变换时而陡现、时而隐匿。 AMUSEMENT PARK,THE FOLDING OF SPACE 在整个空间体系中,设计以“未来山水”的形式存在,这对传统和未知的组合,基于一种在“开敞-闭合”之间来回折叠的空间感觉,在动线规划和空...
21 / 河内第一太平戴维斯乐天办公室设计
2023-4-28 01:01|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|74%
...glass doors, and has a “no dead angle” view overlooking West Lake, the park and the city landscape. More vision, more dynamic space, more sunshine, more modern style. The advantages at the new location of the office have also influenced the style & design language of the designer in this project...
22 / 这位摄影师只用了两个月就装饰了她的奥斯汀阁楼。
2020-8-6 10:26|ArchitecturalDi|软装设计|69%
... sits in East Austin, in a cute neighborhood full of community gardens and parks. “The garage door is what initially really drew me in and it’s one of my favorite features. I’m a photographer, so all of that light is a dream come true! Really everything about the space is a dream come true. Wh...
23 / 北京比津造型理发店
2015-1-15 09:48|long2003|商业空间|62%
...oad, the architect often wentto the National Museum of Western Art in Ueno Park. One of paintingsthat always attracted him was Interior with Ida Playing the Piano by Danish artist Wilhelm Hammer.‘Through multiple lights and perspective, the whole picture expresses a tranquil atmosphere which letme...
24 / 朗图|华强北九方如何成为深圳年轻人的圣地?
2017-11-22 14:17|朗图设计|商业空间|57%
...圳商业发展的步伐。从区域上看,对比福田中心区的coco park、中心城、PAFC,南山的海岸城、来福士、万象天地、罗湖万象城、KK mall、金光华等;以深南大道为轴线,华强北区域是整个深南大道沿线的发展低洼。华强北片区在深...
25 / 矩阵2021 | 以设计之力践行以人为本
2022-1-30 23:14|矩阵纵横|设计情报|53%
...荣源中心 Horoy Center 阿里巴巴南湖园区 Alibaba South Lake Park 2021年文化教育行业发生大变局,双减政策、三胎政策、职业教育推进、家庭教育促进法以及“元宇宙”渗入教育领域等诸多因素影响下,未来的教育模式将产生诸多...