1 / Beautiful Houses: Middle Park House in Australia
2012-7-24 16:41|pandora1127|居住空间|100%
...pot. Check out this week beautiful house and stay tuned for moreThe Middle Park House, located in Melbourne, Australia is a project collaboration by Kerry Phelan Design Office +Kerry Phelan Design Office + Chamberlain Javens Architects websites for further details about this and other projects. See ...
2 / 23-Park House Food Merchants Alexander &CO
2019-6-4 17:22|序赞华|餐饮设计|98%
23-Park House Food Merchants Alexander &CO
3 / 皇后公园别墅(Queens Park House)Alexander &CO. 设计
2020-8-3 08:13|Alexander.CO.|品牌精选|98%
Queens Park House是悉尼现有的1900年代半独立式小屋的改建。该项目创建了一个新的四居室房屋,同时材料的调色板和建筑探索了钢结构细节以及各种自然色调和纹理的使用。内部风格,灯光和家具满足了客户的特殊抱负。 ...
4 / 美国洛杉矶好莱坞山Laurel溪谷当代住宅设计
2013-8-29 09:34|天之道|居住空间|97%
...是为什么生活...这就是所谓的艺术。New design talent Michael Parks is pleased to announce the completion of the dramatic remodeling of the Parks House, a modern and innovative three-bedroom, three-bath hillside home located in the Laurel Canyon section of Los Angeles’ Hollywood Hills....
5 / 伦敦核心区Lethbridge House住宅-20 Cornwall Terrace, Regents Park, London
2014-12-30 16:27|yangtomato|居住空间|96%
In the heart of London, on the Outer Circle of Regent’s Park, lies Lethbridge House, the House of the Poet, within Cornwall Terrace. Originally commissioned by the Prince Regent and designed by John Nash, the architect responsible for Buckingham Palace as part of his master-plan for Regent’s Par...
6 / Park View House
2019-8-2 09:51|DESIGN小唐|居住空间|96%
添加微信:sheji0096 回复“民宿”免费获取261套《2019年民宿高清图集》
7 / 新加坡别墅精选--The Greja House Park + Associates
2019-9-23 17:46|sqh526986106|居住空间|96%
添加微信:zkziliaoji回复:“豪宅精选” 获取45.5G《2019国内外名师案例合集--别墅豪宅 方案精选》
11 / 美国西雅图麦迪逊公园豪宅The Madison Park house
2015-2-5 16:45|yangtomato|居住空间|94%
The Madison Park house is the latest custom-spec house to be designed and built by First Lamp. Situated on an existing steep slope lot in the Madison Park neighborhood of Seattle the house grows out of the hillside and allows the main living space to float out amongst the trees. This 3,200 sf, 5...
12 / 澳大利亚现代住宅Hurlstone Park House | Carla Middleton Architecture
2021-6-13 09:41|estliving|软装设计|93%
Hurlstone Park 满足了对舒适公共空间和隐私空间的需求,以适应当今的家庭生活。建筑师卡拉·米德尔顿 (Carla Middleton) 受邀负责建筑师肖恩·墨菲 (Sean Murphy) 的家庭小屋及其新砖砌扩建部分的设计。产生的结果是一个现代的澳大...
13 / Queens Park House | Alexander &CO
2019-4-2 10:13|flippe|居住空间|93%
购买时的房屋处于破旧状态,多年未被维护,并且经过重建,为一个空间受限的城市地区的年轻专业家庭创造了一个现代而优雅的家庭住宅。 由此产生的项目并不大,但是经过精心设计的房间和细致的细木工有一种开放性和轻...
14 / 董云霞之家建筑设计(2019)(Seoga Architecture)设计
2020-10-7 10:44|archdaily|建筑设计|92%
...niture, DADA brick, Duhyun, Hanong Maru, Naru Ceramic,负责建筑师: Park Hyesun, Oh Seunghyun,Project Manager: Park Nayoung,Structure Engineer:Eunkujo,Mechanical Engineer:Suyang Engineering,Electrical Engineer:Suyang Engineering,Construction:Jium CM Corporation,City:Gimpo-si,Cou...
15 / 美国 | Grant Park House | 素色 | 住宅 | 2021 | ARCHITECTUREFIRM
2021-9-21 09:08|序赞精选|居住空间|91%
... , ,设计官网:ARCHITECTUREFIRM ,项目名称:Grant Park House - Atlanta ,建筑公司:ARCHITECTUREFIRM ,项目地点:Atlanta, Georgia, United States ,项目摄影:Garey Gomez ,建筑面积:2300 ft² ,完成年份:2021 ,主要材料:Wood...
16 / 泰国Hilltop House住宅设计
2013-8-23 14:20|1xhx|居住空间|90%
Located on the edge of Thailand’s largest national park, Kaoyai National Park, the design for the Hilltop House revolved around the rocky and forested landscape. Hilltop House is a small house in a big plot of land; the total site area is approximately 8,000 sqm. The first requirement from the cli...
17 / 都市时尚:20世纪30年代伦敦现代主义街区最畅销的公寓
2020-8-4 05:32|TheModernHouse|建筑设计|90%
... Paramount Court, University Street, London WC1 Ruskin Park House, Champion Hill, London SE5  Ruskin Park House, Champion Hill, London SE5  Ruskin Park House I, Champion Hill, London SE5 Ruskin Park House I, Champion Hill, London SE5 Rusk...
18 / 荷兰鹿特丹--Parksite(车库改成house
2013-7-5 09:34|白人大毛|居住空间|88%
...X Architects have transformed a former ambulance garage into a house named Parksite in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. DescriptionThis former ambulance garage in the centre of Rotterdam borders on a secluded park. Replacing the rear wall with a large glass window creates a direct relationship ...
19 / 韩国五个角落的房子(2020)(Snow AIDe)设计
2020-10-15 06:54|archdaily|建筑设计|87%
...DADA brick, Noroo paint, Pos-Zinc, Rhino, Vitna,负责建筑师:Hohyun Park, Hyunjoo Kim, Sunggon Cho,设计团队:Hyunwoo Park, Sungwoong Yoon,顾问:ileap construction,Country:South Korea,Background - The site is an old town in the northeast of Seoul. This town faces The Jungnang r...
20 / 墨尔本Middle Park House
2013-4-29 11:39|hy1397983|居住空间|86%
房屋座落于墨尔本Middle Park的Beaconsfield Parade,俯瞰菲力普港湾。正面座向Middle Park的海滩,常年光线充足,晨光直接洒进庭园,日落时夕阳则渐渐消失于海湾的水平线上。 住客可以欣赏悦目景色,宛如置身于城市中的沙滩别墅...
21 / 日本Aizumi俱乐部(2020)(FujiwaraMuro Architects)设计
2020-9-5 09:01|archdaily|康乐空间|86%
... with an outdoor feeling to enjoy BBQ with their friends, as well as a dog park for their dog.,They have a range of hobbies from cars, bikes, fishing, camping, bouldering, audio and radio control. We proposed a circle-like shape building. We felt the circular shape would make using the exterior sp...
22 / 哥本哈根停车场乐园 / JAJA Architects
2017-3-3 11:43|alvis_Y|建筑设计|86%
...顾城市尺度、历史与未来区域文化的巨型立体停车楼呢?Parking houses should be an integral part of the city. But how can we challenge the monofunctional use of the conventional parking house? How do we create a functional parking structure, which is also an attractive public spa...
23 / (401 _circular砖房夯土墙住宅)AST77设计
2020-9-2 13:25|Archilovers|居住空间|84%
...he head of a continuous row of 12 and makes the transition to the adjacent park. The west facade consists entirely of glass, so that the interior space is flooded with light and it feels as if nature interweaves with the interior. Outside, the mirror glass provides privacy and confronts passers...
24 / park lane sofa 1
2019-3-10 02:00|QGSbDJqi|产品应用|84%
...interiors, interior design, portfolio, spec, brands, marketplace, products Park Lane Sofa 关键词:建筑,建筑新闻,室内设计,组合,规格,品牌,市场,产品公园巷沙发 一个豪华的组合材料与机械精密组装形成一个现代舒适的雕...
25 / (公园屋顶的房子)MDA architecture设计
2020-9-2 13:44|Archilovers|居住空间|84%
...owing cities, as well as the distance barrier between the house and public parks, the design team came up with an idea of hybridizing a “terrace park” for the house. The family members can stay indoors and experience their early morning activities such as doing exercises or relaxing under the sh...