1 / Town Hall Square Solingen广场及宅间绿地改造
2013-10-30 11:00|水格|景观设计|100%
...n urban living room, the connecting access road turns into a linear pocket park and the courtyards into public gardens. For the designers the objective was to create the town hall district as an open space for all citizens, a place where people meet and spend their time. A network of squares and pro...
2 / Musis Sacrum音乐厅改造及扩建 | van Dongen-Koschuch
2019-12-31 14:25|vanDongen|康乐空间|97%
... surroundings had taken on a range of different forms and positions in the park that reflected the short time needs of its operators, city officials and residents. The project consists of a renovation of the existing monument and a new extension with a long-term planning in mind. The extension featu...
3 / 沈阳,浑南新区轴线景观规划设计
2014-11-6 09:00|long2003|建筑设计|95%
...提供,form the landscape architect: Hunnan Axis is the central urban park running 4 km north-south through the new city district Hunnan between downtown Shenyang and the airport. The master plan for Hunnan District is based on an orthogonal network of streets and blocks with various land uses....
4 / 福冈地区国际厅(ACROS Fukuoka - Prefectural International Hall)Emilio Ambasz & Associates 设计
2020-8-5 12:22|Archilovers|建筑设计|92%
...ent office building, yet the only available site was a two hectares public park in the center of town. When news emerged that this potential new structure would be located upon the last remaining green area in the city, the citizens of Fukuoka erupted in protest. Ambasz won this commission by succes...
5 / 体育馆和市政厅广场
2013-9-13 08:55|sangziyan|商业空间|88%
...here the introduction of the L-shaped gymnasium alters the route between a park and the existing buildings.http://static.dezeen.com/uploads/2013/09/dezeen_Gymnasium-and-Town-Hall-esplanade-by-LAN-Architecture_17.jpg"The orthogonal footprint of the building is parallel to the facades of the high scho...
6 / Kangbuk Samsung Hospital 韩国汉城江北三星医院
2010-12-17 10:16|yimmy831|办公设计|84%
...cess, the patients get some rest as if they are sitting under trees in the park.Hospital with Easy-to-find Paths According to psychologist, people feel safe and comfortable after they realize the spatial organization of the place. This kind of psychological effect has to be given to the patients at...
7 / 深圳中心公园工程指挥部 | 一树建筑 | 2023 | 中国
2023-10-13 10:44|序赞精选|建筑设计|84%
...当面向公众的生态教室、展厅及服务功能。 The Central Park Command Center is located within the boundaries of the Phase 1 construction of Futian Central Park in Shenzhen. This building is constructed withtemporary shipping containers and steel structures, with the flexibility to a...
8 / 乌克兰俄罗斯方块公寓(2019)(A. Pashenko Architects+KAN Development)设计
2021-2-23 09:25|archdaily|建筑设计|83%
...ty-room for parties and family celebrations etc. ,A spacious multistory parking has been created in the podium of the buildings utilizing the level difference of adjacent existing streets. Considerable area of the site has been dedicated to a high quality green open space, which was designed to o...
9 / Apartment in Mirax Park by Boris Borovsky Uborevich
2019-3-8 11:28|testsky|居住空间|83%
这套极简主义公寓位于米拉克斯公园,一处位于俄罗斯莫斯科的住宅综合体。 它是由鲍里斯·鲍罗夫斯基·乌博列维奇设计的。 画廊中的视图 我们推荐这些项目的公寓在莫斯科的m17公寓改造在莫斯...
10 / 芬兰ABB Stromberg花园办公室(2019)(Parviainen Architects)设计
2021-1-16 00:16|archdaily|建筑设计|83%
...a,Country:Finland,设计师描述 | Designer description: Strömberg Park is a culturally and historically valuable industrial milieu located in Vaasa, Finland. The construction of the area began in the 1940's based on a town plan formulated by Alvar Aalto. Strömberg Park is for the most part...
11 / Vertical Expansion to Historic Home on Park Avenue
2019-3-8 10:49|tongquetai|居住空间|82%
这是1917年在美国纽约的一个住宅的当代延伸,是希拉里·昂格尔与约翰·P·马洛尼和迈克尔·O‘Boy合作设计的最新项目。 它包括一套650平方英尺的主套房,它建在现有的房子之上。 画廊中的视图 我...
12 / Hard Turm Park Tower by Dyer Smith Frey
2019-3-8 13:56|demosee|居住空间|82%
硬土公园塔是一个复杂的项目,完成了戴尔-史密斯弗雷. 画廊中的视图 我们推荐这些项目,Rothschild 1号大楼共管公寓由Lev-Gargir建筑师公寓,中央公园,西阁楼,由Foley Fiore建筑 画廊中的视图 ...
13 / GREAT Food Hall Gourmet Shopping Supermarket上海方国商业设计
2018-6-7 14:49|boyiyuzheng|商业空间|82%
...e best option. The new entrances not only had to work in basement valet parking areasbut look good next to high grade beauty stores and the existing mallfittings in Pacific Place. The updated visual identity was carefully formulated by HEAD in association with Kactus Design and photographer Kr...
14 / 克罗地亚伊万加·雷卡小学(2020)(J.K.A. Arhitekti+Submap)设计
2021-2-13 21:03|archdaily|建筑设计|80%
...0 m2 on a plot of 29.288 m2. The outdoor areas include the main square and park, outdoor teaching areas, the school's training grounds with sports fields, and the traffic areas with parking. Building appears like a mirage, reminiscent perhaps Hollein's Aircraft Carrier City.,Since the site is loca...
15 / hover bench
2019-3-18 17:57|大滴|产品应用|80%
...arium Landscape + Planning › Masterplan Playground Private Garden Public Park Urban Green Space Residential › Apartment Multi Unit Housing Private House Transport + Infrastructure › Airport Marina and Ports STATUS Built YEAR 2016 keywords:architecture, architec...
16 / 瑞士WIN4体育中心(2018)(EM2N)设计
2021-4-6 19:08|archdaily|建筑设计|79%
... An underground garage in the basement of the ball sports arena offers 125 parking spaces.,The neighboring five-story campus building houses numerous sports functions, all of which are reached from a centrally placed staircase. Sports medicine, fitness with an integrated wellness facility, and a s...
17 / 荷兰鹿特丹--Parksite(车库改成house)
2013-7-5 09:34|白人大毛|居住空间|78%
...X Architects have transformed a former ambulance garage into a house named Parksite in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. DescriptionThis former ambulance garage in the centre of Rotterdam borders on a secluded park. Replacing the rear wall with a large glass window creates a direct relationship ...
18 / Polo Dot Office Park / Machado Silvetti 设计
2020-8-4 00:19|archdaily|建筑设计|78%
...dings and spaces. Its recently completed Building Z in the Polo Dot Office Park in Buenos Aires, Argentina offers a timely example of how offices can be designed to adapt to current and future needs, and how existing structures can be renovated to reflect contemporary aesthetics. ,The new office b...
19 / (Le 4 Porte Business Park)Il Prisma 设计
2020-8-6 23:03|Archilovers|餐饮设计|76%
Le 4 Porte Business Park (The 4 Doors) is the result of the transformation of the IBM headquarters constructed at the beginning of the 2000’s by the architects Gabetti-Isola. The changes in the workplace universe that took place in the years following the construction of the previous complex brou...
20 / 墨西哥La Cucina餐厅酒吧
2013-11-9 10:49|水格|餐饮设计|76%
...e.Approaching to La Nonna, one notices the dialogue of continuity with the park and the public space, specifically of the Lincoln Park, in the Polanco neighborhood, in Mexico City.The main hall inside La Nonna lies under a vault from which a 1,500 brassed metal spoon lamp is suspended. This lamp was...
21 / 绿毯之下--九桥俱乐部地下会堂
2014-4-17 17:28|onson|文化教育|76%
...ing roof garden is accessible from the ground, merging seamlessly with the parking to enable one to walk directly on top of it. The shape of the structure also functions as an amphitheater, as more than 300 people can sit on the integrated stone chairs and grass surface for outdoor performances....
22 / 巴黎东郊, 尼奥莱市政厅
2014-4-16 09:42|onson|文化教育|72%
...e Benoit Hure (whose only use was to provide access to the Mercuriales car park); - design a building whose scale would be compatible with the existing buildings and would help to reorganise the space; - open a pedestrian zone linking the cinema and the shops in order to develop community life. ...
23 / 无锡Wayzim技术办公室设计
2023-3-25 02:51|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|72%
...uxi, China.,Wayzim headquarters (HQ) office locates at Xishan Industrial park at Wuxi city, a fast-growing location for the high-tech and manufacturing industry. This new HQ office includes flexible workspace and collaboration space, a showroom, a three-story dining hall, and a rooftop terrace wit...
24 / 意大利体育馆(2019)(Carlo Gaspari Architetti)设计
2020-10-12 00:12|archdaily|建筑设计|71%
...he second is in dark concrete. The upper part of the building close to the parking lot is intended to be an attractive and warm place that makes semitransparency an element that induces curiosity due to the visual relationship between the outside and the activities inside the gym.,An entrance ramp...
25 / 布鲁克林医疗互助保险办公室设计
2021-3-25 20:06|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|71%
...iples for an interior space creating an overlay of central squares, pocket parks, and small-scale neighborhoods. Major amenities live on the first floor. Previously closed to the outdoors, the dining hall shed its heavy exterior wall for an all-glass curtain that pulls in daylight. The massive s...