1 / 韩国女插画家Sunga Park水淋淋的建筑
2013-9-9 08:48|天之道|建筑设计|100%
Sunga Park来自韩国釜山,是一位壁纸设计师同时是一名插画师。“由于某种原因我没有受过正规艺术院校的教育,所以我无法确切地告诉你我从事的是艺术领域是什么,我只想表达一些与众不同的想法而已”(本文内容 @品汀 提...
2 / 加拿大卡尔加里城市公园(2020)(Public City Architecture)设计
2020-10-8 13:28|archdaily|景观设计|99%
...团队: Liz Wreford, Peter Sampson, Taylor LaRocque,业主:Calgary Parking Authority,工程师:Entuitive,Fabricators/Installers:Wood Anchor,City:Calgary,Country:Canada,设计师描述 | Designer description: PARK PARK is a room of parked curiosities designed to provoke a non-pres...
3 / Fala Park体育运动中心
2013-11-5 08:36|wcwwcw163|建筑设计|97%
原名称:Fala Park sports center 位置:波兰 分类:体育建筑 内容:实景照片 图片:31张 打包下载 ,查看原图 标签:体育建筑实景照片“Fala Park”是位于波兰Wolsztyn小镇上的一个体育运动中心。建筑在原有的与公园相接地带...
4 / 印度 | Rosa Park's Home | 住宅 | 北欧 | 2021 | Silver Bell
2021-11-14 07:44|behance|空间概念|97%
,转载自:behance,作者:Silver Bell,语言:英语,编辑:序赞网,阅读原文
5 / 哥本哈根停车场乐园 / JAJA Architects
2017-3-3 11:43|alvis_Y|建筑设计|96%
...顾城市尺度、历史与未来区域文化的巨型立体停车楼呢?Parking houses should be an integral part of the city. But how can we challenge the monofunctional use of the conventional parking house? How do we create a functional parking structure, which is also an attractive public spa...
6 / 仁恒商铺设计·趣玩乐园设计·童梦乐park·童梦绽放无限欢乐
2021-11-18 15:10|深圳艺鼎设计|商业空间|96%
乐高盒子「童梦乐park」红·蓝·黄·绿美·乐·趣·玩-2020年,艺鼎设计和仁恒集团达成合作,启动一期、二期的幼儿园设计,另外9个商铺设计落地。今日主题分享为其中一个商铺「童梦乐park」。 本案「童梦乐park」为商铺中的...
7 / Millenium Park Revitalization千禧公园(BudCud设计团队)
2014-1-25 11:12|邓仲文|景观设计|95%
...间中的障碍,建立起独特和多功 能的公共空间。Millenium Park in Zielona Góra until the 1960s. functioned as the Green Cross cemetery. Upper branches of trees let hardly any light inside the park, ground level lacks lower greenery – that is why the park seems to be dark and ...
8 / HBA-美仑大饭店 PARK HOTEL
2014-2-9 00:02|charliexu|酒店设计|95%
本帖最后由 charliexu 于 2014-2-9 00:09 编辑 Park Taiwan PARK HOTEL Date Completed: 2013 - May Located in what will soon be the epicenter of Taiwanese culture and commerce, the Park Taiwan signifies a new level of sophistication and opulence in residential design. The Park Taiwan repres...
9 / Philippe Starck-莫斯科Barkli Park
2012-9-4 21:27|charliexu|空间概念|95%
Barkli Park is the first yoo inspired by Starck project in Russia, located in the heart of Moscow next to Ekaterininskiy Park. Scheduled for completion in the first quarter of 2012, Barkli Park will offer 130 luxury apartments designed in the Classic, Culture, Minimal and Nature palettes by yoo in...
10 / 老少皆宜的Park Sofa
2018-12-4 14:46|lai8804865|软装设计|95%
...偏向于中式的家具,而年轻人更喜欢现代简约类型的,而Park Sofa就可以解决这个问题。http://www.ydjiaju.com/UploadFiles/FCK/image/chanpintupian-new/PV020/PV020-10.jpg  Park Sofa是著名设计师Jasper Morrison的设计作品,Park Sofa的款式新颖,现代简约...
11 / Wilson Associates-The Clubhouse at One Park
2015-10-5 22:12|charliexu|餐饮设计|94%
...帖最后由 charliexu 于 2015-10-5 22:12 编辑 SHANGHAI, CHINA Hyde Park GlamourThe Clubhouse at One Park in Shanghai is a luxury lifestyle haunt with state-of-the-art amenities. Inspired by the brooding glamour of London’s iconic One Hyde Park, it offers residents everything from a full spa,...
12 / parking 20
2019-3-11 21:11|senmao|软装设计|94%
... Landscape + Planning › Urban Green Space Transport + Infrastructure › Parking keywords:architecture, architecture news, interiors, interior design, portfolio, spec, brands, marketplace, products Parking 2.0 关键词:体系结构、体系结构新闻、内部设计、内...
13 / 曼谷隆比尼公园皇冠假日酒店 Bangkok Lumpini Park
2013-8-5 17:14|charliexu|酒店设计|94%
曼谷隆比尼公园皇冠假日酒店 Bangkok Lumpini Park 曼谷隆比尼公园皇冠假日酒店 Bangkok Lumpini Park(HD版) http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-221728-1-1.html
14 / 意大利米兰Priceless Milano高级餐厅--Park Associati
2015-12-20 15:09|395230458|餐饮设计|94%
Architects: Park Associati Location: Piazza della Scala, 20121 Milano, Italy Project Partner: Banca Intesa SanPaolo Photographs: Courtesy of Park Associati Contractor: Fourproject – Paderno Dugnano Lighting: Flos Lighting Inside Seating: Driade Outside Furnishing: Sapo...
15 / 伦敦梅费尔45 Park Lane酒店
2012-5-25 22:08|charliexu|酒店设计|94%
...of Thierry Despont to collaborate in the refurbishment and extension of 45 Park Lane adjacent to The Dorchester. The proposal for the regeneration of 45 Park Lane was welcomed by Westminster City Council and was granted Planning Permission in August 2008. Currently unattractive and unoccupied ...
16 / claude henri grignon park
2019-3-15 19:53|bbs250|产品应用|93%
... Firm CADdetails.com Type Landscape + Planning › Public Park STATUS Built YEAR 2015 keywords:architecture, architecture news, interiors, interior design, portfolio, spec, brands, marketplace, products Claude Henri-Grignon Park 关键词...
17 / 西半球最高住宅大厦--纽约公园大道432 Park Avenue公寓
2014-2-9 16:19|林小木|居住空间|93%
...-10 14:42 编辑 CIM Group及Macklowe Properties宣布,地标项目432 Park Avenue已达成接近10亿美元的销售成绩。其住宅公寓销售计划已于2013年3月正式推出,而位于第五大道767号的销售及市场推广中心亦于同月揭幕。大部分买家均来自美国,...
18 / 美国洛杉矶好莱坞山Laurel溪谷当代住宅设计
2013-8-29 09:34|天之道|居住空间|93%
...是为什么生活...这就是所谓的艺术。New design talent Michael Parks is pleased to announce the completion of the dramatic remodeling of the Parks House, a modern and innovative three-bedroom, three-bath hillside home located in the Laurel Canyon section of Los Angeles’ Hollywood Hills....
19 / 加拿大费尔蒙贾斯珀公园酒店 The Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge
2013-9-26 10:50|charliexu|酒店设计|93%
The Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge 加拿大费尔蒙贾斯珀公园酒店 The Fairmont Jasper Park(网盘版) http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-228810-1-1.html
20 / Baya Park的鸟巢会客厅/ Planet 3 Studios
2014-4-12 21:42|fangzl|办公设计|93%
Baya Park的鸟巢会客厅/ Planet 3 Studios 近日,印度Planet 3 Studios设计事务所受邀为孟买中心的 baya 公司新开发的商业中心 Baya Park打造了其客户接待中心。这是一个用木条编织成的鸟巢样子的会客室。 在公共接待区,设计师设...
21 / 俄罗斯盖达尔文娱公园 | 2019 | IRGSNO
2021-8-10 21:55|archdaily|景观设计|93%
... interesting history and rich cultural and economic traditions. The Gaidar Park is the most popular recreational space among both local residents and tourists but its infrastructure, as well as its functional and commercial programs, don't meet the modern standards of quality public space. As a resu...
22 / 宁波柏悦酒店(park hyatt)
2012-2-23 14:27|German|酒店设计|93%
本帖最后由 317950097 于 2012-2-24 13:50 编辑   PARK HYATT是凯悦酒店集团旗下最高端的品牌,犹如丽思卡尔顿之于万豪,每一间柏悦酒店都是其酒店集团的精华呈现!宁波柏悦酒店是继上海、北京之后的中国第三间PARK HYATT,区别...
23 / 夏渔烤鱼餐厅设计(深圳Coco Park店)
2017-7-19 22:19|鼎尚联合设计|餐饮设计|93%
项目名称:深圳夏渔烤鱼主题餐厅装饰设计(Coco Park店) 项目位置:广东省深圳市福田区星河Coco Park店 实际面积:200平方米 设计风格:工业风主题餐厅 设计主材:铁方通、木纹砖、花砖、方通、木饰面、手绘画、水泥漆...... ...
24 / 加拿大费尔蒙贾斯珀公园酒店 The Fairmont Jasper Park(网盘版)
2013-9-26 10:53|charliexu|酒店设计|93%
The Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge 加拿大费尔蒙贾斯珀公园酒店 The Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge(原贴) http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-228809-1-1.html 微盘下载(HD版564MB):http://vdisk.weibo.com/s/dkv0paLKTLtw5
25 / howard park
2019-3-8 11:47|cailizhang|居住空间|93%
...rs, interior design, portfolio, spec, brands, marketplace, products Howard Park 关键词:建筑、建筑新闻、室内设计、室内设计、组合、规格、品牌、市场、产品Howard Park 这套豪宅位于罗塞斯瓦尔斯大道和登达斯街西之间的霍华德...