1 / Wilson Associates-The Clubhouse at One Park
2015-10-5 22:12|charliexu|餐饮设计|100%
...帖最后由 charliexu 于 2015-10-5 22:12 编辑 SHANGHAI, CHINA Hyde Park GlamourThe Clubhouse at One Park in Shanghai is a luxury lifestyle haunt with state-of-the-art amenities. Inspired by the brooding glamour of London’s iconic One Hyde Park, it offers residents everything from a full spa,...
2 / 伦敦One Hyde Park公寓楼
2011-2-18 18:04|blueblief|建筑设计|98%
以下是近期刚完成的One Hyde Park的一些照片,其位于伦敦,是由Rogers Stirk Harbour和Partners设计的,拥有世界上最昂贵的公寓。
3 / YABU One Madison Park
2017-2-14 11:47|shanxan|酒店设计|98%
经典案例YABU One Madison Park
4 / one madison park 1
2015-10-27 03:00|藸藸|酒店设计|98%
...nterior design, portfolio, spec, brands, marketplace, products One Madison Park 关键词:建筑,建筑新闻,室内设计,组合,规格,品牌,市场,麦迪逊公园的产品 建筑师是如何发现建筑产品的。
5 / 【腔调系列】Candy&Candy的One Hyde Park公寓设计
2016-1-7 17:38|瑞吉先生|居住空间|98%
本帖最后由 瑞吉先生 于 2016-3-31 14:50 编辑 【PK】Candy&Candy的One Hyde Park公寓设计
6 / One Central Park East
2013-7-8 16:24|J_ting|居住空间|98%
Project: One Central Park East. Location: Broadway, Sydney. Client: Frasers Property. Architecture: Atelier Jean Nouvel, in collaboration with PTW Architects, Interior Architects: East Tower by Koichi Takada Architects, West Tower by Smart Design Studio. Building Contractor: Watpac. Compl...
7 / 捷克布拉格一室酒店 One Room Hotel ,Tower Park Praha, Prague
2013-5-4 00:43|charliexu|酒店设计|98%
Tower Park Praha, Prague One Room Hotel
8 / 美国 | One Prospect Park West | 住宅开发 | 2021 | Workstead
2021-12-18 23:01|Workstead|软装设计|97%
...远景公园、大军广场和远处曼哈顿的天际线。 One Prospect Park West 拥有纽约市最令人向往的地点之一。保留建筑物的历史和战前原始细节至关重要。传统形式和细节通过现代镜头重新诠释,创造出既保持经典又满足当今家庭审美和...
9 / 美国 | One Prospect Park West | 样板间 | 2022 | Workstead
2022-2-3 04:18|Workstead|居住空间|97%
...展望公园、大军广场和远处的曼哈顿天际线。 One Prospect Park West 拥有纽约市最令人向往的地点之一。保留建筑物的历史和原始战前细节至关重要。传统形式和细节通过现代镜头重新诠释,创造出经典的宏伟空间,同时仍然满足当...
10 / Elicyon | One Hyde Park,全球顶级豪宅
2018-3-12 10:42|印豆豆|居住空间|96%
加微信:shmildou 即可获得全套高清51P作品集朋友圈每天分享优秀案例下载
11 / Candy&Candy的One Hyde Park公寓设计
2019-7-5 14:13|设计大叔123|居住空间|96%
添加微信:sheji0096 回复:“住宅” 获取2019年最新251套国外住宅空间高清图集
12 / Yabu Pushelberg - 纽约豪宅 One Madison Park官方照(公共部分)
2015-6-5 10:31|Mr左|居住空间|96%
本帖最后由 Mr左 于 2015-6-9 18:55 编辑 AB Concept 奧必概念香港办公室(官方摄影)
13 / One Hyde Park - Project 2 中的元素正面?
2015-7-10 19:10|1似雾水|软装设计|96%
14 / 【腔调系列】One Hyde Park Residence(无与伦比的精致)
2016-1-13 14:41|瑞吉先生|居住空间|96%
本帖最后由 瑞吉先生 于 2016-3-31 14:50 编辑
2019-5-28 14:18|活态空間設計|居住空间|96%
丨 聚外 聚焦国外最有价值的,最富有活力的设计资讯发现世界设计之美,欣赏全球设计姿态 Focus on the most valuable and dynamic design information abroad.Discover the beauty of world design and appr...
16 / one park drive london herzog and de meuron
2017-3-31 11:01|conanwchen2|酒店设计|95%
Construction work has already begun at One Park Drive, which is set to complete in 2018 following the arrival of Crossrail 用工作室的公寓和四间卧室的房子玩Jenga游戏,Herzog 在58层的483个住宅中,建筑师们创造了一个由阳台、露台和...
17 / 纽约曼哈顿one57——全球最贵豪宅
2018-5-18 15:05|Tiny-Leisure|居住空间|86%
...minium residences at One57 offer a lifestyle enhanced by cinematic Central Park and skyline views and the exceptional personal service of Park Hyatt's five-star North American flagship hotel.由建筑师克里斯蒂安·德·波特赞姆巴克设计,ON57装饰著名的曼哈顿天际线的中心...
18 / 美国洛杉矶好莱坞山Laurel溪谷当代住宅设计
2013-8-29 09:34|天之道|居住空间|86%
...是为什么生活...这就是所谓的艺术。New design talent Michael Parks is pleased to announce the completion of the dramatic remodeling of the Parks House, a modern and innovative three-bedroom, three-bath hillside home located in the Laurel Canyon section of Los Angeles’ Hollywood Hills....
19 / 海牙自行车停车场(Bicycle Parking Garage The Hague)Silo 设计
2020-8-8 20:36|archdaily|建筑设计|85%
124 Parking, Den Haag, The Netherlands,Architects: Silo, Studio Marsman, Area: 8000 m²,Year: 2020,Photographs: MikeBink,Manufacturers: Bolidt, AGC Glass, MAXON Computer,Design Team:Rene Toneman, Jan-Roelof de Vries, Pim Marsman,Clients:Munici...
20 / Domino Park Turns 2: A Look Back on New York City’s Game-Changing Development Site
2020-8-1 17:32|archdaily|餐饮设计|83%
Coffee Shop, Jeonju-si, South Korea,Architects: Design Studio Maoom, Area: 192 m²,Year: 2020,Photographs: SOULGRAPH,Manufacturers: Benjamin Moore, APP,Architect In Charge: Design Studio Maoom,Clients:CUUN Coffee,Text description provided by the architects. Capturing the seren...
21 / A peek into a Park Slope townhouse
2015-6-10 22:00|王-畅|居住空间|83%
Why stop at just one...here is a little peek into a Park Slope townhouse also design by Chango & Co. Look at the hardwood floor!!!! *drool* Happy Friday everyone!
22 / 伦敦核心区Lethbridge House住宅-20 Cornwall Terrace, Regents Park, London
2014-12-30 16:27|yangtomato|居住空间|82%
In the heart of London, on the Outer Circle of Regent’s Park, lies Lethbridge House, the House of the Poet, within Cornwall Terrace. Originally commissioned by the Prince Regent and designed by John Nash, the architect responsible for Buckingham Palace as part of his master-plan for Regent’s Par...
23 / 加拿大卡尔加里城市公园(2020)(Public City Architecture)设计
2020-10-8 13:28|archdaily|景观设计|78%
...团队: Liz Wreford, Peter Sampson, Taylor LaRocque,业主:Calgary Parking Authority,工程师:Entuitive,Fabricators/Installers:Wood Anchor,City:Calgary,Country:Canada,设计师描述 | Designer description: PARK PARK is a room of parked curiosities designed to provoke a non-pres...
24 / 罗伯特A.M.斯特恩准备启动他最有特色的住宅项目
2020-8-2 04:31|ArchitecturalDi|居住空间|78%
...e are the heights—inching close to 1,000 feet in the case of 220 Central Park South and nearly 800 feet at 520 Park Avenue, which features Manhattan's highest balconies. There are also the materials—creamy limestone-clad facades that evoke a sense of glamour and timelessness at buildings...
25 / 西贡柏悦酒店(高清官方摄影) Park Hyatt Saigon
2015-2-9 21:31|charliexu|酒店设计|77%
...越南菜和西式美食、Opera 的意大利菜和精品葡萄酒以及 Park Lounge 的便餐和各种特色鸡尾酒和饮料。 2 Lam Son 是一家时尚酒吧,采用现代化的越南式设计。