1 / Unknown design Office 3.0 | 非知名设计 | 2024 | 中国浙江
2024-6-29 18:28|ACT.STUDIO|办公设计|100%
Unknown design office 3.0:Lihao Unknown design office 3.0:Lihao Unknown design office 3.0:Lihao Unknown design office 3.0:Lihao Unknown design office 3.0:Lihao Unknown design office 3.0:Lihao Unknown design office 3.0:Lihao Unknown design office 3.0:Lihao Unknown ...
2 / 家庭办公:30设计师 X 30创意空间
2021-6-6 14:49|casacor|软装设计|100%
...格说话,让你感到宾至如归。 1- Pintura em meia parede no home office 2- Home office com urban jungle 3- Pintura artística no home office 4- Home office com estante em nichos 5- Home office no quarto 6- Jardim vertical no home office 7- Home office com pé direito alto e...
3 / For you design | 為设计 | 2023 | 中国浙江
2024-6-29 16:58|ACT.STUDIO|办公设计|100%
OfficeHangzhouShangcheng District, For you Design We never think of ourselves as designers, more like researchers of life. We constantly explore the deepest needs of the residents. We do not blindly pursue some kind of "popularity". Instead of being defined by "style", we pay more attention to...
4 / 早稻田大学村上春树图书馆 | 隈研吾 | 2021 | 中国北京
2022-8-10 08:39|隈研吾|文化教育|100%
...筑空间之中。 ▽项目外观©Kawasumi・Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office ▽轴测图©Kengo Kuma and Associates 设计将原建筑的外墙涂白,使其变得中性,突显了加建的三维木制遮阳顶棚。顶棚标示出了隧道的入口,代表了不同维度之间的边...
5 / 莱顿市政厅 | Office Winhov | 2022 | 荷兰
2022-11-21 08:42|Archilovers|办公设计|100%
...心。 ,平面与结构图: ,相关附件下载:,附件:Office Winhov_Stadhuis Leiden_Doorsnede 1.pdf,附件:Office Winhov_Stadhuis Leiden_Doorsnede 2.pdf,附件:Office Winhov_Stadhuis Leiden_doorsnede zonder dak.pdf,附件:Office Winhov_Stadhuis Leiden_Plattegrond 0.pd...
2015-3-14 10:39|liyi028|办公设计|100%
...w.ideamsg.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Wooden-house-converted-into-a-new-office-1.jpg 改造的关键除了要对原有建筑进行结构加固外,还需要解决的最大问题便是如何让室内得到充足的采光。“由于原有建筑的进深很长,所以靠近中间的位置光线...
7 / Prostyle 札幌宫之森 | 隈研吾 | 2022 | 日本
2023-4-12 13:10|隈研吾|建筑设计|100%
...居住空间。 ▽项目概览©︎ Kawasumi-Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office ▽以阶梯状的方式堆放的小房子©︎ Kawasumi-Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office ▽形似山丘的住宅群©︎ Kawasumi-Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office ▽从街道望向住宅群©︎ Kawasumi-K...
8 / 石垣市政厅 | 隈研吾 | 2022 | 日本
2022-11-23 11:12|隈研吾|建筑设计|100%
...村落。 ▽项目概览©︎ Kawasumi-Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office ▽顶视图©︎ Kawasumi-Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office ,市政厅的各种功能沿着东西向和南北向的两条轴线布局,从而创造出一条开放于社区的街道。这条街道将延伸至...
9 / 北京保利未来科技园办公室设计
2020-8-6 11:45|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
CUN Design has designed the efficient and modern offices of the Poly Future Science Park, located in Beijing, China.CUN Design proposed the concept of corporate operation space. It is the first space in China to combine the concepts of art creativity, technology office and green office to complete t...
10 / aoyama office by nendo nendo办公室
2015-11-19 21:38|XXX111|办公设计|100%
...Tange.It was constructed in 1977, and also known for housing Tange’s own offices on its 10th floor. It is primarily characterized by its half-mirrored curtain wall exterior, reflecting the greenery from the Akasaka Estate opposite, and its planar construction, allowing for a clear and unobstructed...
11 / 北京靖远县信息技术办公室设计
2021-7-9 01:08|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...ology, ,Ujing Interior Design converted an old factory building into the offices of Jingyuan Information Technology located in Beijing, China.,From the perspective of the overall area, only the south side is relatively bright, and the other three sides are dim. This brings the challenge for the ...
12 / Envato office by Büro, Melbourne – Australia
2013-12-16 11:08|alvis_Y|办公设计|100%
Envato office by Büro, Melbourne – AustraliaDecember 14th, 2013 by retail design blog http://retaildesignblog.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Envato-office-by-Buro-Melbourne-Australia.jpg This fit-out of a 3 level office building in Melbourne is the new home of creative online digital marketplace...
13 / AD Office | 极简建筑的最佳体验 首
2019-3-9 05:01|lijun123456|居住空间|100%
... AD Office是比利时一家设计工作室,“建筑的最佳体验”是他们一直秉持的设计目标,凭借对材料的广泛了解以及对光线和空间的深刻理解,他们能够一次又一次地创造出这种...
14 / Office Honore
2019-3-11 21:02|nn19770129|产品应用|100%
名称:Office Honore Designer:Pierre-Francois Dubois位置:法国年:2013 Office Honore是芬兰设计师Pierre-Francois Dubois创建的极简主义设计。设计师设想了一个舒适和谨慎的工作站。因此,他精心设计的桌子隐藏了电线和电缆,以升华橡木和色...
15 / 伊斯坦布尔ES集团办公室设计
2020-11-20 19:13|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
goconcept recently accomplished the design of the ES Group offices located in Istanbul, Turkey. From the first entrance area of ​​the office, the feeling of marble texture has spread throughout the office area. Office glass partition systems are designed as transparent as possible. In addit...
16 / 香港联合微电子中心办事处设计
2020-8-6 16:22|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
Lot Architects has realized the office design for research and development company, United Microelectronics Centre, located in Hong Kong.Sitting at the top floor of science park in Hong Kong. LOT Architects has designed a 700 sqm office space for UMEC, a research and development company in AI & 5G i...
17 / “围绕炭火而食”的日式餐厅 | Office AIO | 2023 | 中国湖南
2023-8-21 16:28|archdaily|餐饮设计|100%
...式炭烤牛肉的餐厅:“炭围”,意喻“围绕炭火而席”。Office AIO 受托为它塑造整体空间形象,向它的食客们诠释品牌憧憬的意境,让用餐者仿佛置身于围绕炭火享用美食的画面中,创造出难忘的美食体验。 将“切肉”转化为...
18 / 华沙机密快速消费品公司办公室设计
2020-8-6 17:52|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
Massive Design has developed another creative office design for an FMCG company located in Warsaw, Poland.After the last office renovation project in 2008 undertaken by Massive Design, this FMCG company’s corporate offices were considered one of the most creative in Poland, thanks to the implement...
19 / 西雅图福克斯罗斯柴尔德办公室设计
2023-5-17 22:58|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...rvices, ,FCA was tasked with completing an update for the Fox Rothschild offices in Seattle, Washington.,As part of an ongoing series of nationwide workplace projects commissioned by Fox Rothschild LLP, leading architecture and design firm FCA recently unveiled its latest renovation for the law ...
20 / 澳大利亚 | House 15/75 | 住宅 | 2021 | Allied Office
2021-11-27 14:12|The.Local.Proje|居住空间|100%
...Tom Ferguson, Murray Fredericks and Andrew Macdonald ,软装:Allied Office ,建筑:Allied Office ,室内:Allied Office ,文案:Bronwyn Marshall ,建造:Grosser Constructions ,转载自:The Local Project ,图片@The Local Project ,语言:英语 ,...
21 / 芬威克街住宅 | Edition Office | 2019 | 澳大利亚
2023-8-16 03:11|Archilovers|居住空间|100%
Edition Office 展示了 Fenwick St,这是一个位于澳大利亚基尤 (Kew) 的项目,位于 Birrarung/Yarra 河的显着边缘,毗邻 Yarra Bend 公园,可欣赏到远处山谷的北部景色。 该场地坐落在悬崖边缘,可以直接看到沿河的景色,就像向北展开...
22 / 真備町灾后重建防护公园“竹门” | 隈研吾 | 2024 | 日本
2024-12-12 10:01|隈研吾|建筑设计|100%
...互动的基地。 ▽项目概览©Kawasumi-Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office ▽项目鸟瞰©Kawasumi-Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office 用真備町当地特产的竹子制成的 “竹门 ”中间有一个大洞,它延续了来自城镇和河流的轴线,并以此为媒介将繁...
23 / 赫尔辛基Supermetrics办公室扩张设计
2022-12-21 19:34|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...d brightness using color throughout the meeting spaces at the Supermetrics office expansion in Helsinki, Finland.,Mint & More Creative designed multiple expansions to Supermetrics’ downtown office in Helsinki to match their rapid growth and changing needs. The office was renovated from top to bo...
24 / 科泽科德Cybrosys办公室设计
2023-5-13 01:19|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...rs integrated bold colors and thoughtful lighting to complete the Cybrosys offices in Kozhikode, India.,artystry designed multiple expansions to cybrosys ’ downtown office in kinfra to match their rapid growth and changing needs. The office was renovated from top to bottom to create a hybrid wor...
25 / 河内第一太平戴维斯乐天办公室设计
2023-4-28 01:01|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...D& P Associates designed a warm and multi-functional space for the Savills offices within the Lotte Mall in Hanoi, Vietnam.,Savills – one of the leading companies in the field of real estate has set the the challenge for D& P Architecture: “hybrid working office”. The hybrid-working model ha...