1 / 杭州西湖蔚来中心 NIO House SHL
2019-5-6 17:50|序赞东|商业空间|100%
杭州西湖蔚来中心 NIO House SHL
3 / 成都 NIO 展厅和会员俱乐部 | Kyle MertensMeyer | 2021 | 中国四川
2022-3-16 22:13|Archilovers|商业空间|100%
NIO HOUSE是电动汽车品牌NIO的陈列室画廊和会员俱乐部。蔚来的中文名称是“蔚来”,意为“未来”。我们的挑战不是设计一个看起来“未来主义”的空间,而是设计一个能够适应品牌未来需求的空间。例如,NIO 的愿景需要空...
4 / 广州E时代广场 NIO House丨璞辉设计 | 2022 | 中国广东
2022-3-29 23:23|璞辉设计|软装设计|100%
...谈会客的“抗干扰度”,呈现纯粹的温润感受。 ▲NIO House 用纯粹温润的木色与用户对话 02 丰盛的现实 顶面使用不锈钢搭配延伸的黑色灯带,用无限感的线条使视野更加开阔明亮,将室内从简单的视觉背景提升到丰富、舒...
5 / NIO House蔚来中心深业上城店 | MOC DESIGN OFFICE | 中国深圳
2023-6-20 09:11|序赞精选|商业空间|100%
...专注于提供高性能的汽车产品,还在全球各地打造“NIO House”,建立起活跃的用户社群。 ▽傍晚时分的蔚来中心©聂晓聪 2018年,深圳第一家NIO HOUSE在平安中心开业。随着品牌的发展,承载着众多车主回忆的平安中心牛屋于202...
6 / 上海NIO交付中心和办公室设计
2023-3-24 01:58|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...terior design template created by Kokaistudios for the electric car brand. Housed inside a former factory, the building is newly renovated to become a local landmark thanks to a striking louvered facade.,NIO’s largest delivery center to date follows a lifestyle-oriented interior design template ...
7 / 葡萄牙玫瑰公寓大楼(2021)Aurora Arquitectos+Furo
2021-5-13 13:56|Aurora.Arquitec|居住空间|100%
... Real de Santo António, a city located in the south of Portugal. The rose-house had a nice and rational facade, but the real treasure was inside. ,An exotic interior with details such as a mermaid painting in the ceiling of a bathroom, a multitude of patterned mosaics, detailed wooden doors, a...
8 / 中国江西 | 水城会客厅 | 南昌店 | 2021 | 芝作室
2022-1-25 09:45|archdaily|商业空间|100%
...提供高性能的汽车产品,还在全球各地打造“牛屋(NIO House)”,以期建立起活跃的用户社群。在总结完开设大体量旗舰店的经验后,品牌定下新的设计标准并应用于各城市新店的设计中。在此背景下,芝作室受邀为其打造位于...
9 / 巴西AK之家(2020)(Leo Romano)设计
2021-1-20 15:26|Archilovers|建筑设计|100%
...bientes se torne uma revelação agradável aos olhos. AK house Casa AK was completed in 2020 and has approximately 500m2. It is located in a horizontal condominium in the city of Goiânia, Goiás. The sloping terrain made it possible to implant the residence at the ...
10 / sao pedro 1
2016-2-15 18:51|comsenz.com.cn|酒店设计|100%
... Firm Infinity Spaces Type Residential › Multi Unit Housing STATUS Built YEAR 2014 Photos DOTTA keywords:architecture, architecture news, interiors, interior design, portfolio, spec, brands, marketplace, products São Pedro ...
11 / 葡萄牙住宅 - FG+SG/垂直花园住宅
2012-12-3 17:48|KanGtArt|居住空间|100%
葡萄牙住宅 - FG+SG/垂直花园住宅 HOUSE IN TRAVESSA DO PATROCÍNIO 来自葡萄牙的摄影师团队FG+SG最近和我们分享了他们的作品:垂直花园住宅。 他们的摄影作品非常的精彩,感兴趣的朋友可以联系Sérgio Guerra 。 sergioguerra@ultimasreport...
12 / 大连西安路蔚来中心 | 元禾大千 | 2022 | 中国辽宁
2022-8-31 15:11|yhdq2017|商业空间|100%
...”,探索深海那充满未知的色彩奥秘。 此次为大连NIO HOUSE所创作的海洋生物艺术品,秉承大千治造可持续再生理念,以可再生的竹编作为表达媒介,联合非物质文化遗产手工艺人,用极致的手工温度呈现出一系列独一无二的...
13 / 阿姆斯特丹蔚来之家 | MVRDV | 2024 | 荷兰
2024-5-28 00:36|Archilovers|商业空间|100%
...商的欧洲旗舰店,也是最大的一座蔚来之家。 此前,NIO House 重庆于 2019 年开业,NIO House 鹿特丹于 2023 年开业,是蔚来在荷兰的第一家门店。 ,平面与结构图: ,转载自:Archilovers,设计师:MVRDV,图片©MVRDV,坐落:Amsterda...
14 / 中国深圳丨万象前海蔚来中心 | 2021 | LSD | 葛亚曦
2021-12-31 20:35|葛亚曦|商业空间|100%
...技术创新,用美而智能的设计,提高用户体验感。 NIO House不仅仅是品牌展示区,亦是科技与城市融合的展示窗口,也将成为与客户互动的共享社区。一层定位为Gallery空间,二层则是用户共享空间。 创新社区生态中心Multifunc...
15 / 葡萄牙Bê之家(2020)(SMG Arquitectos)设计
2021-1-6 02:38|archdaily|建筑设计|96%
Houses, Renovation, Bencatel, Portugal,设计师:SMG Arquitectos, 面积: 9687 ft²,年份:2020,摄影:João Guimarães,建造商: BRUMA, Daikin, FRANKE, Imperalum, Keraben, Valadares, Bosch, Docia, Preceram, Pro Finsa, Secil, alfariss,Lead Architect:Sérgio Miguel Godinho,C...
16 / CasasNaAreia沙地旅馆
2014-6-27 08:55|yunren|办公设计|94%
...的4辆自 行车(免费使用)。 ↑ 房间I — 平面图 House I - plan ↑ 房间I — 立面图 House I - elevation ↑ 房间I — 立面图 House I - elevation ↑ 房间I — 剖面图 House I - section ↑ 房间II — 平面图 House II - plan ↑ 房间II — 立面...
17 / rural houses refurbishment in trebilhadouro
2017-2-2 23:34|~yee~|民宿设计|90%
...ors, interior design, portfolio, spec, brands, marketplace, products Rural houses refurbishment in Trebilhadouro 关键词:建筑,建筑新闻,室内设计,组合,规格,品牌,市场,乡村房屋翻新在Trebilhadouro 该项目包括改造一个农村地区的9...
18 / 葡萄牙乡村别墅(Rural House in Portugal)HBG Arquitectos
2020-8-6 17:23|archdaily|居住空间|85%
房屋,房屋室内设计,葡萄牙阿尔迪亚·若昂·皮雷斯(Aldeia deJoãoPires)建筑师:HBG Arquitectos 面积:1022 ft²年份:2020摄影:Ricardo Oliveira Alves制造商:AutoDesk, Anicolor, Dow Building Solutions, Efapel, GSI, Mapei, Ofa, Oli, Adobe Systems Incorporated, A...
19 / 巴西曼蒂基拉别墅(2019)Gui Paoliello Arquiteto设计
2020-8-7 13:47|archdaily|居住空间|77%
Houses, House Interiors, Sustainability, Brazil,Architects: Gui Paoliello Arquiteto, Area: 7556 ft²,Year: 2019,Photographs: Manuel Sá,Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Aubicon, B'Block Adega Inteligente, Decorlit Wall Wood, Ita Construtora, Kantui Ofuros, Marcenaria Ensaios & Modelos, Marcenar...
20 / 巴西Petry之家(2019)(Estúdio MRGB)设计
2020-10-29 16:47|archdaily|建筑设计|73%
...影:Hermes Romão,建造商:Alutec, Bontempo, Centrogran, Deca, Hill House, Lumini, Madipê, Portinari,Arquitetos Responsáveis:Igor Campos, Hermes Romão, Rodolfo Marques,设计团队:Ana Orefice, Ana Carolina Moreth, Filipe Bresciani, Larissa Pontes, Lucas Felipe Campos,工程:Andr...
21 / 巴西 | Casa Barra | 别墅 | 2020 | SAINZ arquitetura
2021-11-27 21:19|archdaily|建筑设计|72%
...róximos e terreno estreito. No fundo do terreno está construída a Box House, um projeto nosso de 2012 que foi premiado nacional e internacionalmente, altamente publicado e que marcou o início do nosso escritório. Dez anos se passaram e o estilo de vida do cliente mudou, esta nova casa atende ...
22 / (医学美学诊所“实体”设计)Humberto Conde设计
2020-8-11 05:32|archdaily|康乐空间|67%
...e it’s located - Av. António Augusto de Aguiar – has very homogeneous housing constructions with commercial purposes on the ground floor. It was urgent to keep and emphasize this homogeneity and the introduction of good quality commercial spaces was the way to ensure it. ,The functional progr...
23 / Casa绿色启示(2019)(雨蛙建筑师)设计
2020-9-2 11:46|archdaily|居住空间|67%
..., Thomas Ong,工程:Thymn Private Limited,Arquiteto Paisagista:Humid House,景观设计:Nyee Phoe Flower Garden Private Limited,Construtor :Emma Groups Construction Private Limited,Desgn De 内饰:Custom joinery by HYLA Architects, built by Kcf&R Private Limited,设计师描述 | D...
24 / 巴西PI别墅(2017)(Arquitetare)设计
2020-12-13 16:32|archdaily|建筑设计|60%
...nço de 9 metros de comprimento que traz imponência e personalidade à PI House. Garante uma estética leve e a impressão de que o volume paira no ar. Isto transpassa a sensação de que o segundo pavimento está flutuando sobre a garagem. “O desafio deste projeto e da obra foi o uso de paredes ...
2021-2-9 23:06|Archilovers|建筑设计|57%
... a skylight next to the office, which illuminates both the interior of the house on the upper floor as well as the office/library, favoured by a double-height ceiling and a visual relationship with the outside garden. The spaces are developed to create constant and distinct relationships betw...