您是不是要找: nice nice

1 / Nice Rice 成都概念店 | say architects | 2023 | 中国四川
2023-6-10 00:30|SAY.architects|商业空间|100%
Nice Rice 邀请 say 建筑师设计位于成都万象城的成都概念店。 喝茶看表演,一直是成都人生活的写照。 基于城市气质和品牌语言,Say architects搭建了一个白色的“舞台”,捕捉成都市民千变万化的一面。 场地位于商场一层,...
2 / nice rice阿那亚概念店 | SAY ARCHITECTS | 2024 | 中国河北
2024-7-5 10:10|SAY.architects|商业空间|100%
nice rice全新概念门店位于阿那亚雀跃镇,say希望凭借独栋建筑与优越的地理环境,让光线为建筑表达,将阿那亚的橘子海搬进空间,通过不同体块起伏,光影明暗交错,打造永不落幕的黄金海岸。 ▽门头概览© Wen Studio ...
3 / nice rice好饭上海旗舰店 | say architects | 2023 | 中国
2023-9-18 15:53|SAY.architects|商业空间|100%
作为国内优秀服装生活方式品牌nice rice好饭的全国首家旗舰店。nice rice好饭极简、百搭的服饰传递出“和而不同”的内里也蕴藏东方文化气质,由此say architects希望上海旗舰店是在汇集了中西文化的淮海中路上,这里是一个传...
4 / nice rice 重庆概念店 | say architects | 2023 | 中国重庆
2023-8-25 13:49|SAY.architects|商业空间|100%
...apoyl_aliyunvideo]2032 ▽店面外观© HereSpace nice rice好饭重庆首店落位于华润万象城二期核心区域,位处商场中庭广场入口,并享有360°玻璃展面的单体建筑中有着视野极佳且客流较大。say希望借由门店的地理优势,...
5 / 极简主义上流社会散发出控制都市欲望
2020-10-2 02:43|ArchitecturalDi|软装设计|40%
...in the photos. “That is always a good sign, because when something is nice and well photographed it creates competition,” Charlie says, with an aside that speaks yet again to his penchant for details. “Our strategy is to prepare all of our paperwork and be ready to go when we find what we...
6 / 现代菜单:Skye Gyngell在Heckfield Place用覆盆子冰淇淋制作榛子蛋白酥皮。
2020-8-4 06:44|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|32%
...g. “At home, I have a Plain English kitchen, which I love, and it has nice details like leather handles, marble countertops and a copper sink. I don’t want gadgets at home so it needed to be as stripped-back as possible. I’ve got nice chopping boards that I picked up in Morocco and the Sout...
7 / 现代菜单:厨师尼古拉斯·巴尔夫在佩克汉姆的莱文用豌豆、辣根和庞祖来制作鳟鱼克鲁多。
2020-8-4 06:31|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|28%
...go home and make ice cream or purees, for example! Its just well-seasoned, nicely cooked fish, meat and vegetables.” How often do you eat out? Nicholas: “Probably once a week. This weekend we ate out at a place called Ombra in Hackney, but we try to mix it up. I try to go to places that spec...