1 / Szoma 办公室 | Szoma | 2020 | 巴西
2024-11-10 00:17|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...:2020,坐落:Joinville, Brazil, ,行业: Architecture Firm, ,Designing your own office has its challenges. With 15 years in the market, located in the south of Brazil, it only develops corporate projects. Brands like BMW Group Brazil, Acerlor Mittal and DoTerra design with us.,As a res...
2 / 博尔德Popsockets办公室设计
2020-8-6 20:55|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
OZ Architecture was tasked with the design of PopSocket‘s new offices, an electronics accessory company located in Boulder, Colorado.PopSockets, the inventors of that handy little thing that goes on the back of your phone to make it more comfortable and useable in your hand, has built a new world ...
3 / 阿灵顿州际酒店及度假村办公室设计
2020-8-6 16:40|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
FOX Architects has realized the design of the Interstate Hotel & Resorts offices, a hotel management company located in Arlington, Virginia.Interstate Hotels and Resorts (IHR), a hotel management company, needed a new headquarters to host their members and provide workspace for their staff. FOX Arch...
4 / 明尼阿波利斯Northborne合作伙伴办公室设计
2022-12-21 00:46|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...rior walls. The client loved that feeling and Studio BV embraced it in the design.,The biggest design challenge was the best feature – the pop-up ceiling skylight area. The area made no sense on the plan, it didn’t really align with anything naturally. It segregated the space and for Northborn...
5 / 位于贝克中心的明尼阿波利斯小圈子办公室套房设计
2020-8-6 22:25|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
Studio BV has realized the design of the Coterie-Office Suites at Baker Center, a commercial space located in Minneapolis, Minnesota.The Baker Center Coterie-Office Suites are the next evolution of office space. This real estate concept is the in-between approach between a traditional process of obt...
6 / Ørsted 办公室 | Workplace | 2024 | 波兰
2024-12-9 23:08|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...w, Poland, ,行业: Energy / Mining / Oil, ,Project philosophy,The design of the Ørsted office is a harmonious combination of Scandinavian simplicity and gently activating functional space. It creates an environment that is conducive to both individual work and teamwork. The layout avoids o...
7 / 迪拜将建令人惊叹的水下酒店
2012-5-10 12:21|huxugao|建筑设计|100%
...cluding a peek at diving activities in real time. Due to the innovative design comprising individual modules that can be detached and replaced with new ones, Water Discus can also be expanded into a bigger resort complex, and may be constructed and reconstructed anywhere in the world, creating op...
8 / 深圳于强设计--深谷寻宝之神秘之旅 & 中海天...
2017-1-13 18:16|大陀螺|商业空间|100%
...12月Completion: December 2015设计单位:于强室内设计师事务所Design : YuQiang & partners Decoration design项目位置:罗湖中心的鹿丹村Location: Deer Village in the center of Lo Wu投稿:机器人Submission: Robots ▲入口(地下一层)整个项目以钻石为灵感...
9 / 中国长沙 | Dentons | 办公 | 律师 | 2021 | Ujing Interiors Design
2021-9-11 00:16|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...hangsha, China, ,行业: Law Firm / Legal Services, ,Ujing Interiors Design delivered a sophisticated design to give the Dentons office a productive and engaging work space in Changsha, China.,Dentons Changsha branch has its new office on the 58th floor of Changsha Shimao World Financial Cen...
10 / 这个北部的农舍住宅满满的美式田园氛围
2020-10-28 19:09|ArchitecturalDi|软装设计|100%
...ental and physical. They started by painting the floors and walls white (a design element Lisa had been dreaming about for more than 10 years), an initial choice that set the mood for the rest of the house. She describes the palette as “earth tones punctuated by other earth tones.” Natural li...
11 / 莫斯科快速办公室共同办公设计
2021-5-21 23:10|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
... the clean quiet space with a clear idea work-life balance. The office was designed by the brief from a client: the number of seats, types of functional areas, project budget was set, the target audience was identified. The design was created taking into account all aspects of the business concept. ...
12 / 华盛顿特区华盛顿市的办公室设计
2020-9-24 20:12|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
FORM Architects recently accomplished the office design for monthly magazine, Washingtonian, located in Washington DC. After 44 years in their office, the Washingtonian sought to refresh and modernize their work environment in a new space. Designers were tasked with creating an efficient, funct...
13 / Rosemont Wintrust客户联系中心设计
2020-8-6 10:40|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
Stantec realized an innovative design for Wintrust Financial Services’ new customer contact center located in Rosemont, Illinois.Stantec does a good deal of work with Wintrust Financial Services, but this project was different. Both Wintrust and Stantec knew this one would need a little extra at...
14 / 明尼阿波利斯,明尼阿波利斯囊性纤维化基金会和达科他州办事处设计
2020-8-6 21:46|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
Design Forward by Studio BV recently completed the offices of The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of MN and The Dakotas located in Minneapolis, Minnesota.The concept for the new Cystic Fibrosis Foundation office is about contraction and release. This idea comes from the body’s actions when breathing. B...
2018-4-5 12:19|angzuo|餐饮设计|100%
..., Kyiv, Ukaraine ,Status: realized in 2016 ,Area: 400 m2 ,Graphic designer: PRAVDA design ,Photographer: Andrey Avdeenko The new restaurant EAST is located in the historical center of Kiev. Once there was Porto Maltese fish restaurant which was famous for the quality of food and p...
16 / Sorano Hotel | Curiosity
2020-7-23 17:30|Curiosity|品牌精选|97%
...re captured in all interior. The memorable space is designed with a “tent” shape that connects the entrance to the lobby evoking a journey in nature even while you are indoor. The lobby opens directly to the outside garden, creating a surprising effect as you move from an ...
17 / 绿色解决方案的房子(2015)(3 xn)设计
2020-8-19 12:07|archdaily|建筑设计|94%
Hotels, Sustainability & Green Design, Rønne, Denmark,设计师:3XN, 面积: 4500 m²,年份:2015,摄影:Adam Mørk,设计团队:Kim Herforth Nielsen, Kasper Guldager Jørgensen, Peter Feltendal, Laura Diestel, Majbritt Lerche Madsen, Morten Norman Lund, Tore Banke and Simon Mc...
18 / 我们从这家时髦的新酒店偷走了意想不到的颜色组合。
2020-8-3 21:30|ArchitecturalDi|软装设计|92%
...n abundance of nautical stripes and shiplap at the Wayfinder. Instead, the design team—helmed by New York City–based Reunion Goods & Services—was inspired by the natural beauty of Newport’s rocky coastline and the warmth of the town itself. From bold color schemes that mimic the horizon line...
19 / interactive floor plan stable acre house norfolk
2019-3-10 00:51|muoilvp|产品应用|90%
...anner Brent Dzekciorius: Best British Designers: Glass Hill: Phillips de Pury's first edition chair Brent Dzekciorius: Best British Designers: Glass Hill: Phillips de Pury's first edition chair Brent Dzekciorius: Best Bri...
20 / interactive floor plan stable acre house norfolk
2019-3-11 20:38|kseven|产品应用|90%
...anner Brent Dzekciorius: Best British Designers: Glass Hill: Phillips de Pury's first edition chair Brent Dzekciorius: Best British Designers: Glass Hill: Phillips de Pury's first edition chair Brent Dzekciorius: Best Bri...
21 / interactive floor plan stable acre house norfolk
2019-3-14 21:43|云淡轻风|软装设计|90%
...anner Brent Dzekciorius: Best British Designers: Glass Hill: Phillips de Pury's first edition chair Brent Dzekciorius: Best British Designers: Glass Hill: Phillips de Pury's first edition chair Brent Dzekciorius: Best Bri...
22 / 無同设计
2018-5-29 16:13|YMMWOOL|办公设计|90%
...iang Rd, Chengdu, China设计公司:無同设计团队工作室(WOOTON DESIGNERS)Design company: Wooton Designers主要品牌:WOOTON CASAFurniture: Wooton Casa 主要材料:实木、天然石材、不锈钢、镜面Materials: Wood, marble, stainless steel, glass项目面积:2400㎡Projec...
23 / 本则设计丨 三水文化中心:以风荷雅韵,写意城市文化名片
2019-10-12 15:44|本则设计|品牌精选|89%
...ultural landmark of Sanshui City, its architectural appearanceand interior design are of high standards. 在本案中,本则设计发挥其对大型项目的细致把控与规划能力,创始人、首席设计总监梁智德先生在设计上兼顾美学与声学的双重体验诉求,在...
24 / 墨西哥城桑坦德银行客户战略中心办公室设计
2020-11-9 22:14|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|89%
Taller Paralelo designed the modern Client Strategy HUB offices for Banco Santander in Mexico City, Mexico. This space has an important task: to accommodate all the activities related to the coordination of client relations; therefore, the design creates a modern work atmosphere that provides ...
25 / Scotiabank 办公室 | KPMB | 2023 | 加拿大
2024-11-12 04:04|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|89%
...’s downtown Toronto campus located at Bay Adelaide North.,Engagement,Designing entirely new spaces for the Scotiabank ecosystem was a collaborative process largely conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic. From the project’s inception, equitable and democratic design guidelines encompassing in...