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1 / 厨房故事:厨师们思考家庭和食物的重要性,以及他们现在正在做什么。
2020-8-4 07:25|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%
... some biscuits for treats are vital. Oh yes, and for pastry, I have a keen need to try a galette of spinach, feta, onion and anchovy… or sardines. Dont forget tinned sardines. Finding out who is still trading and making every effort to support the small and local traders and producers in remote...
2 / 现代菜单:厨师EdWilson在哥伦比亚路的布朗餐厅做Gazpacho。
2020-8-4 06:41|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%
...get the foundational principles right – yes, you can be creative but you need to know what the building blocks are, just like with cooking. Also, Ive been very fortunate that during my 21-year career in London, Ive opened ten restaurants in which Ive had an input into the design of the kitchens...
3 / 现代菜单:Margot Henderson在Rochelle餐厅烹饪烧烤羊肉、Borlotti豆子和绿色酱汁。
2020-8-4 05:03|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
...y business partner, Melanie Arnold. It was such a small restaurant that we needed to find other ways of making money, so we started catering. “We originally did that from home – I once cooked for 500 people in my flat. God, it was hell!” “Then, a friend of ours bought Rochelle School a...
4 / 我的现代房子:餐馆老板克莱尔·拉廷在哈克尼改造后的工厂公寓里找到了城市生活节奏较慢的地方。
2020-8-4 05:19|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
...life in the city. Life in London comes with a strange sense that we always need to be participating in something or seeing people because we fear missing out. But, we’re actually missing out on the freedom, the happiness, that comes with slowing down! “As a restaurateur, cooking has naturally...
5 / 现代菜单:家庭厨师安娜·巴内特在哈克尼的家中分享了她在商店橱柜里的必备品和自制的泰利亚泰尔炖茴香豌豆的食谱。
2020-8-4 07:21|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%
...rence over the regular plum tomatoes. They are super sweet, so no sugar is needed when cooking with them. “Butterbeans and chickpeas. These are so great for everything from salads to stews and even snacks (roast them up with herbs and spices for a crunchy snack). “‘00’ flour. There’s...
6 / 现代菜单:肖恩·西尔利在法林顿的优质杂烩店烹制另一种圣诞午餐。
2020-8-4 07:03|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%
... four different types of stuffing, which everyone loves, but do you really need four kinds? Probably not! But she does good gravy and a few different types of vegetables. She keeps it just simple enough that its not too stressful. “If I was cooking, I think I would concentrate on one type of me...
7 / 厨房故事:顶级厨师和餐馆老板谈论家庭时间和家庭烹饪,加上韭菜和蘑菇方便菜的食谱。
2020-8-4 07:28|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%
... in the restaurant, are vegetables. We cant fight viruses with food – we need doctors for that – but we can at least eat healthily, which we try to do. We start the morning with homemade granola and yoghurt, fresh fruits. The feeling you have when you start the day with a healthy breakfast is, i...
8 / 现代菜单:詹姆斯·劳伊在肖雷迪奇的莱尔餐厅做了多宝鱼、茴香和土豆,配上苦叶和血橙。
2020-8-4 05:51|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%
...juices that come from things, if seasoned with a good palette, are all you need. “Keep it simple is as overused as ‘farm-to-table or ‘nose-to-tail. We try so hard to avoid using those phrases here, and the best we have come up with for the food we serve, and our approach, is ‘...
9 / 局部装饰复古给予追忆生活与乐趣
2020-10-14 22:08|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
... for me has always been a place to shut the door to the outside world.“I need it to be very calm, serene and clutter-free, the latter being the most important, perhaps. I work in a very messy office (nothing like The Modern House’s office!) so home is a way of de-stressing and relaxing after bei...
10 / 现代菜单:厨师大卫金格尔在纽因顿格林的Jolene餐厅用鼠尾草黄油做里科塔水饺。
2020-8-4 06:15|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%
...some pasta water to it. Add some grated parmesan and some black pepper, if needed. Adjust the consistency with more pasta water to create a silky emulsion. Serve immediately with a little extra parmesan. Tips Roll the pasta in small batches until you get the hang of it to stop it from drying ou...
11 / 现代菜单:露丝·罗杰斯在河边咖啡馆做烤松鸡和香菇
2020-8-4 05:22|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%
...gners, record producers, model makers and picture framers, and there was a need for them to have somewhere to eat. So, the process began of us opening a very small space, with very little money, serving very few people. We started small: one day I would do sandwiches and Rose would do pasta and...
12 / 赏心悦目:Instagram为家庭厨师服务
2020-8-4 07:15|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
...ood, I hope to connect people with the beauty of the natural world. Images need to be seasonal, sharp and tell a story.” @we_are_food The voice of modern vegetarian cooking, Hackney-based Anna Jones brings us healthy, hearty veggie dishes that are as easy on the eye as the palette. Her lovely ...
13 / 餐饮空间的美食与空间抽象之美
2020-10-16 19:01|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
...urant and I wanted to do it in the countryside, away from London where you need big investors and there’s lots of risk. I was introduced to people renovating this building and came down to see it.“I was very impatient and just said, ‘I’ll do this’ – I didnt even know how amazing Bruton w...
14 / 现代之家的家庭幸福指南
2020-8-4 07:19|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
...plores how we can better configure spaces to work for our basic and primal needs. Use Bernheimer’s tips for incorporating ideas, such as prospect and refuge or ordered complexity, in your home. “Research has shown that the built environment tends to support our wellbeing best when it echoes ...
15 / 现代菜单:乔恩·罗瑟兰和汤姆·哈里斯在哈克尼的神枪手那里做了一个节日盛宴。
2020-8-4 05:35|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%
...vour because, when you spend as much as we do on good produce, you don’t need to do a lot to it. And that’s really the essence of home cooking.” Jon: “I’m not a chef at home; I cook like a domestic cook. I don’t go through the faff of extensive preparation, and all the mess that comes...
16 / 新菜系:现代厨房设计理念
2020-8-4 04:44|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
... through to storage vaults, this characterful kitchen is one for those who need somewhere to hoard their gastronomic finds. Access to the garden makes for a tranquil place to cook, while a beam-supported island forms a convivial focal point for entertaining. Packington Street, London N1 “The a...
17 / 现代菜谱:二陈昌在宝区做虾仁松饭和豆蛋
2020-8-4 07:06|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%
... that can facilitate experiences. Of course, aesthetics help a lot – you need to have it to start everything off – but its what happens afterwards that makes a space interesting. Were really interested in how all the details combine and what creates an atmosphere. “One thing you might noti...
18 / 现代菜单:主厨史蒂夫霍雷尔在萨默塞特豪瑟和沃思的罗斯酒吧和烧烤店制作莱姆湾扇贝,配上西班牙辣香肠和桑普利。
2020-8-4 06:37|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%
...astic containers in the restaurant, swapping them for metal ones when they need replacing. None of it’s that hard, but it makes a difference.” Steve’s recipe for Lyme bay scallops in the half shell, chorizo, samphire, spicy tomatoes and crispy breadcrumbs Serves six 12 scallops in th...
19 / 现代菜单:Seppe Nobels在安特卫普的Graanmarkt 13制作菊苣塔丁和芥末叶沙拉。
2020-8-4 06:57|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%
...2 years old, I wanted to become a chef or a farmer. My parents said that I needed to go through school first and then choose later, when I grew up. But I kept on telling them that, ‘No, I want to do something with my hands. “My mother is an actress and my father was in politics, so no, n...
20 / (Plasto-Vack Boutique Showroom)Flexicube Studio 设计
2020-8-5 12:23|Archilovers|商业空间|100%
...iness and private customers. The showroom was custom-designed to meet the needs of the company in a unique and purpose-oriented retail. In order to understand and plan the retail functions according to the dedicated customer audience, a study of the market segments was conducted for all its layers ...
21 / 现代菜单:爱丁堡家庭经营的Timberyard餐厅的安德鲁和本·雷德福的菜谱。
2020-8-4 08:17|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%
...I tend to let him take the lead. Hes slightly stronger than me in terms of needing what he wants! “Jos a great cook too, so is Abi­– we all kind of enjoy it. Well, we have our moments, of course. There are some fairly heated periods but mostly it just kind of works. Ben: “If I have a Su...
22 / 现代菜单:Jeremy Lee在Soho的Quo Vadis制作无花果和杏仁馅饼
2020-8-4 06:50|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%
... Street restaurant and members’ club he has presided over since 2012. He needn’t apologise, however. As anyone who has spent a minute in his company, or indeed been around him at all, can attest, the ability of his warm, orotund Scottish accent to fill a room is all part of his charm, which come...
23 / 现代菜单:Tomos Parry厨师在Shoreditch的Brat烧烤野生蘑菇,配以鸡蛋黄和大麦。
2020-8-4 05:32|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%
...they want to cook, and then going to Tesco to find it all. I think we just need to be a bit more positive about British ingredients – all of our produce here is sourced from the UK – and not be obsessed with avocados! “I still find the time to eat out, and probably do it more than I...
24 / 西蒙和索菲亚·库克的家居风格
2020-8-4 08:19|TheModernHouse|居住空间|100%
...he outbuildings in the garden. We could do with a new shed, the greenhouse needs some repairs and maybe we’ll upgrade the summer house at the back. You’re having people over for dinner: what do you cook? It’ll either be a British or Jamaican classic – we both love the food we grew up wit...
25 / 室内设计师Beata Heuman的家居风格
2020-8-4 06:35|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
...is pretty modest in size, but were so happy here and we have everything we need in one place. This is particularly important when you have two young children, as leaving the house can be challenging! If there was a fire and you could only save one thing, what would it be? My diaries. Growi...