1 / 10 Museum interior project \ Zaha Hadid
2015-1-21 15:03|邪恶的摩拉|居住空间|100%
...ter the Miami skyline significantly. The installation is located inside 10 Museum, the sister property next door to the site for the new Zaha tower, directly across from Museum Park, featuring the new Peréz Art Museum Miami and Frost Museum of Science. Other Jetson-like features in this innovative ...
2 / 美国10Museum 的新展示项目---Zaha Hadid
2013-10-17 10:25|wenming-1980|文化教育|99%
...ter the Miami skyline significantly. The installation is located inside 10 Museum, the sister property next door to the site for the new Zaha tower, directly across from Museum Park, featuring the new Peréz Art Museum Miami and Frost Museum of Science. Other Jetson-like features in this innovative ...
3 / perfectly imperfect two exhibitions at design museum holon celebrate the collate
2019-3-19 17:13|兲使啲乄誘惑|产品应用|74%
...ed deisgner Yaacov Kaufman headlines the exhibition 'Stools' at the Design Museum Holon 然而今天,这个博物馆作为以色列首要的设计展台已经有五年的历史了。 就像一个进化论博物馆,用那些不适合生存的人的遗骸来吸引人...
4 / 一个积极的存在--911纪念博物馆
2014-5-16 13:31|onson|建筑设计|70%
SNØHETTA’s design for the National September 11 Memorial Museum Pavilion opens to the publicOn May 15, 2014, President Obama will be present for the dedication of the National September 11 Memorial Museum & Pavilion at the World Trade Center site. The Pavilion and Museum will open to the...
5 / BnA Alter Museum美术馆酒店 | BnA Co., Ltd. & Toyo Design Co., Ltd.
2020-1-3 15:05|BnA|酒店设计|69%
...-1-3 15:08 编辑 艺术房间与垂直画廊 位于京都的BnA Alter Museum是BnA旗下的第三家酒店。酒店中包含了一个10层/30米高的垂直阶梯画廊(SCG),同时,客房中还容纳了由15位日本艺术家创作的31件永久展品,向人们展示了日本最优秀...
6 / 我们听到的是:2017年伦敦建筑节
2020-8-4 03:14|TheModernHouse|设计情报|65%
... 1 Westgate Street, Hackney, E8 3RL Companion UP Projects and The Museum of London present a series of walks in the city inspired by the 1970s sub-cultural guide ‘Alternative London’ by Nicholas Saunders. Led by artists, writers, curators and policy researchers, the walks will highlight...
7 / 中国苏州湾大剧院(2020)(2Portzamparc)设计
2021-1-19 16:11|Archilovers|建筑设计|63%
...ad two parts: the music and performance halls on one side of the axis, and museums and pedagogical places on the other side. Two wings would appear at the arrival of the pedestrian axis on the lake. Christian de Portzamparc then chose to connect these two wings on the roof to create at this very cen...
8 / 创造现代世界-克里斯托弗·威尔克在V&A的一个新展览前讨论胶合板的过去和现在
2020-8-4 03:18|TheModernHouse|产品应用|61%
Alvar Aalto, armchair, Finland, 1930 © Alvar Aalto Museum, Photograph Victoria and Albert Museum, London Full scale cross section showing FPL prefabricated construction to be built for the exhibition. Demonstration house built in 1937. Photograph courtesy USDA Forest Products Lab ...
9 / 2019 世界结构大奖入围名单揭晓!为中国的结构工程師​点赞
2019-9-2 03:21|上海建联|建筑设计|61%
...Tanxishan Glass Landscape Pedestrian Bridge 项目名称:Millet Vinegar Museum 提名奖项:小型项目奖 结构設計:天津大学建築設計规划研究总院 项目地点:山东淄博 Millet Vinegar Museum 项目名称:OCT Gallery Bridge 提名奖项:小型项目奖 结...
10 / 世界建筑大师Wolf D. Prix
2012-5-9 08:00|壹加壹1987|建筑设计|60%
... took part in the exhibition "Deconstructive Architecture", mounted by the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1988. For Vitra, Wolf D. Prix and Helmut Swiczinsky designed "Vodöl" (1989), an armchair with a disassembled frame and slanting upholstery, a Deconstructivist new take on the "Grand Confo...
11 / 吉隆坡希尔顿酒店Kuala Lumpur Hotel
2011-3-16 21:07|wh7376|酒店设计|58%
...一间5星级酒店,酒店位于吉隆坡市中心,面对着National Museum(马来西亚国家博物馆),入住Hilton Kuala Lumpur (吉隆坡希尔顿酒店)的住客可轻鬆地前往着名景点,如Petronas Twin Towers(国油双子塔)和Central market(中央市场),而从Hilton Kuala Lu...
12 / MatrixElements 办公室 | RDP Creations | 2021 | 中国上海
2022-8-16 15:37|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|57%
...ighland carrying people’s beautiful imagination. There are the West Bund Museum representing art and the AI tower condensing the colorful science and technology. The collision and blending of aesthetics and science create exciting sparks.,The MatrixElements project, located in the AI tower on th...
13 / 世界建築节2019年建築制图奖获名单公布,德国建築師获得总冠军
2019-11-23 00:02|贝克街的札记|建筑设计|56%
... 推荐奖 Commended 《湮灭记忆的博物馆》 Jessica D’Toste – Museum of Oblivion Memory I Section 《远观为香港故宫文化博物馆做的一系列設計,它们就像是办公室中的模型》 Chi Tse – Perspective of various designs for Hong Kong Palace Museum as if they wer...
14 / 辛亥革命博物馆(武汉)/ 中信设计
2014-5-14 11:27|onson|文化教育|56%
... 主入口侧透视 Side Perspective of the Main Entrance 1911 Revolution Museum is a themed museum built to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911 Shouyi, Wuchang.Located at the south side of Shouyi Square, Wuchang District, Wuhan, the Museum, together with the former address of ...
15 / Londres Sq---Christmas installations| Lisbon, Portugal
2012-5-3 13:00|raiin|设计情报|55%
...this year but make the same this a unique moment. Together with MUDE – Museum of Design and Fashion -invited 25 artists, architects and designers to create light sculptures to mark Christmas in Lisbon, and from those 7 installations were selected. These installations from the December 3 ad...
16 / 巴林珍珠遗址博物馆和入口(2019)(Valerio Olgiati)设计
2021-4-14 18:41|archdaily|建筑设计|55%
...cale.,Slightly set back in the shadow is an enigmatic house in which the museum of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage is located. As a totality, the building creates a universe in itself that is the entrance for the Pearling Path and the city beyond.,项目完工照片 | Finished Photos,转载...
17 / 广州三馆一场国际竞赛
2014-4-28 09:12|onson|文化教育|54%
...间,变为一个不可分割的复杂形态。The form of Guangzhou Art Museum is inspired by Taihu stones, which has been scholars' favorite since Tang and Song Dynasties. Taihu stone is a combination of 'time, art and space'. Like in those rare stones, inside and outside, object and void, ar...
18 / 慕尼黑威斯汀大酒店 (THE WESTIN GRAND MUNICH)
2013-11-26 19:17|XYZLXG|酒店设计|54%
..., including the new town hall, the Allianz Arena, and a host of first-rate museums. Munich is home to countless beer gardens, street cafés, and green spaces. It also boasts ancient pastureland on the banks of the Isar River as well as distinct and vibrant neighborhoods such as Schwabing, Haidhausen...
19 / 柏林有什么值得一看的建築?
2019-9-9 00:08|贝克街的札记|建筑设计|53%
...自觉减少娱乐的行为,提高学习效率。 F. German Historical Museum Exhibition Hall / I.M. Pei 2003 Deutsches Historisches Museum 德国历史博物馆新馆 / 贝聿铭 1987年,联邦政府在柏林750周年之际准备新建德国历史博物馆,最开始的选址在国会大...
20 / Future Hotel Showcase / LAVA
2011-9-24 12:28|sallyzhang|酒店设计|48%
...ognised structures such as the Water cube in Beijing and the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Germany. A couple of weeks ago, they unveiled the design for the Michael Schumacher World Champion Tower in Abu Dhabi. 大图详见 压缩包
21 / 库哈斯新作,Prada基金会米兰新总部
2015-5-9 17:12|大可乐zZ|建筑设计|47%
...silos surrounded by a large courtyard and three new structures including a museum for temporary exhibitions, a transformable cinema building and a 10-storey high gallery tower.Program: Total public area,12300 m2; total private area, 6600 m2; and total built area, 18900 m2OMA Team Partner in Charge:...
22 / Renato Rizzi作品,波兰格但斯克的莎士比亚剧场
2014-12-28 00:45|eminamcd|建筑设计|47%
...ferent voids distinguishing andenveloping the entry spaces, from the lower museum area to the galleries of the theatre. When wings open, the sun rays can extend until thebasement. 内部 与外墙的致密性和重力形成对比的是建筑内部轻量木材。伊丽莎白剧院和悬挂门厅所...
23 / Richmond International - 芝加哥朗廷酒店(官方摄影) The Langham Chicago
2014-10-8 22:30|charliexu|酒店设计|46%
... environment that was tied to the Mid-Century modern world, but not a Mies museum. We had to reinterpret the interior standards, presenting the traditional Langham brand in a more contemporary way. The IBM Building is about clean and simple lines and very rich materials, so we took these elements an...
24 / 北京海淀E_ZIKOO智慧谷•阿尔法学园
2019-11-16 00:02|AR发布|建筑设计|46%
...d an R&D center. The city park, river and the north pavilion of the Palace Museum bring a breeze of culture. ▼周边功能分析 Site Analysis 万家灯火与绿植碧水同时在两侧上演,骏地設計在两个相邻的地块上,用逾15万规模的城市到访地同时呼应两者:将...
25 / 【高清官方摄影】2014年全球最美酒店----瑞士Grand Hotel Kronenhof
2014-2-25 22:17|林小木|酒店设计|44%
... 五棱柱斯半纽拉塔(Spaniola),阿尔卑斯博物馆(Alpine Museum)和无数的艺术画廊。以轮舞曲大会(Rondo Congress)及会议中心为特色的最先进的基础设施,被设计成为众多各式会议、研讨会及其它大型活动提供空间膳宿的功能。 ...