... Central. Filling an entire city block between 42nd and 43rd Streets along Madison and Vanderbilt Avenues, the tower is part of the spatial sequence of the terminal and a doorstep to the city, greeting thousands of commuters daily.,Early in the design phase, the team engaged KPFui to study differe...
,纽约-58 Bethune Street
,纽约-One madison
,纽约-Superior Ink New York
,纽约-Trump Hollywood
,迈阿密-Brickell House
,迈阿密-Echo Aventura
...必须的,而这一栋占据了东22街45号麦迪逊广场公园大厦(Madison Square Park Tower) 56层。这座住宅空间占地4,655平方英尺(约合4,655平方米),有四间臥室和四间半浴室,但最引人注目的特色是视野。这栋房屋的落地窗可以从360度俯瞰曼...