1 / Lighting Ideas for Modern Concert Hall Lobby Design
2017-1-22 08:11|碧海狂龙|酒店设计|100%
售楼中心Lighting Ideas for Modern Concert Hall Lobby Design
2 / 2017金外滩设计奖&景翔会所&如一设计
2017-6-30 14:30|liaocangjian|办公设计|100%
自2016年如一设计顾问凭借作品“如一设计办公室”斩获“最材料运用奖”后,2017年,如一设计顾问凭借参赛作品“景翔会所”, 再次荣获“最佳休闲娱乐空间设计奖”。 位置:湖南·长沙·天心区·中建芙蓉嘉苑面积:810㎡ ...
3 / CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——03 SKY LOBBY空中大堂
2016-12-10 13:50|czcz-1981|酒店设计|100%
本帖最后由 czcz-1981 于 2017-9-7 10:43 编辑 CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——01THE LOUNGE大堂 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364893-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——02 THE BANQUET HALL宴会厅公区 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364894-1-1.html CCD南山万...
4 / Kangbuk Samsung Hospital 韩国汉城江北三星医院
2010-12-17 10:16|yimmy831|办公设计|100%
Hospital unlike Hospital Typical hospitals are located in a huge size building and their rooms are small. Consequently, most of hospital rooms have no window and they are separated from outdoor space. If we define the term “health” as a recovering naturalness, the current typical hospital desig...
5 / CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——02 THE BANQUET HALL宴会厅公区
2016-12-10 13:32|czcz-1981|酒店设计|100%
本帖最后由 czcz-1981 于 2017-9-7 10:42 编辑 CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——01THE LOUNGE大堂 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364893-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——02 THE BANQUET HALL宴会厅公区 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364894-1-1.html CCD南山万...
6 / JF+K--大连圣岛别墅酒店温泉中心
2011-2-25 10:33|andychau|施工图纸|100%
JF+K大连圣岛别墅酒店-温泉中心设计图 图纸包括: CAD DWGS(001_一层 002_夹层 003_DOOR 004_DETAILS) ARCH SPEC(002_ STONE 003_GLASS ELECTRICAL SPEC HARDWARE SPEC SANITARY SPEC) FFE 家具装饰设备清单包含: LEVEL 1 一层 A1-RECEPTION LOBBY 迎宾大厅 A...
7 / 现代办公室 | Udesign Architecture | 2023 | 土耳其
2024-11-9 02:55|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
,客户:Unnamed Company, ,面积:5,274 sqft,年份:2023,坐落:Istanbul, Turkey, ,Confidential Ataşehir Office, planned as an office in Istanbul, conssit the ground floor consists of a lobby, open and closed offices, meeting and bilateral meeting rooms, locker-printer sections an...
8 / The Lobby Reconstruction of Shaoxing Hotel UAD
2018-12-13 21:00|www139lcom|酒店设计|100%
Bird’s Eye View of Shaoxing Hotel after Reconstruction. Image © Chenfan Zhang 绍兴宾馆改建后鸟瞰。张晨凡 绍兴大酒店起源于“灵晓亭”,由非常传统的建筑综合体组成,其中有白色的墙壁、黑色的瓷砖、蜿蜒的走廊、流...
10 / 中国,广州,琶洲酒店/凯达环球
2012-8-20 16:20|yawin1990|建筑设计|99%
11 / 捷克共和国礼仪大厅(Ceremonial Hall)Skarka Studios设计
2020-10-19 15:30|Archilovers|文化教育|98%
The ceremonial hall in the premises of the town hall in Nový Jičín is the place of the most important life events, whether it is welcoming citizens, concluding marriages or other important meetings. The hall is regularly filled with the happiest emotions. However, its appearance from the end of...
12 / 教会女子大学表演艺术中心,墨尔本 | Cox Architecture
2019-11-21 16:03|cox|品牌精选|95%
本帖最后由 cox 于 2019-11-21 16:07 编辑 教会女子大学表演艺术中心位于校园黄金地段,其设计适应了周边环境并与校园融为一体。地面层是一个连贯的到达空间,宽敞的大厅和多层中庭共同强调了入口区域。Sited within a prime campus...
13 / 东京贝比特办事处设计
2020-8-6 13:06|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|94%
DRAFT has completed the offices design of the digital marketing company, beBit, located in Tokyo, Japan.UX Square Tokyo is a new from beBit, Inc., which produces integrated UX design. Positioned as an office lobby that functions as an interface for companies and customers, and the interaction of bei...
14 / 深圳都会大厦销售中心
2014-3-10 11:19|jinni126|办公设计|93%
Metroplis is a luxury residence development situates in the new city center of Shenzhen. The design of the sales office for Metroplis aims to create an atmosphere for visitors to appreciate the beauty of the city life and to bring out the joy and excitements that the city offers. At the beginning o...
15 / 南京金鹰G酒店 | YANG & Associates Group集团设计
2020-8-24 14:51|Archilovers|酒店设计|92%
Golden Eagle G Hotel Nanjing is located at the top of the city’s new landmark, which is the world’s highest three-tower building and Asia’s largest commercial complex. The client expected a top-class stylish luxury hotel in line with the design level of the landmark to demonstrate the fashio...
16 / 东莞维梧总部设计
2020-8-6 15:13|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|92%
CCD has created the headquarters design for smart phone manufacturer, vivo, located in Dongguan, China.The core value of vivo is “fun, vitality, innovative technology”, and its core value runs throughout the design. CCD put forward the design concept of “the nest of hope, the light of technolo...
17 / 曼谷恩惠Rawd啤酒厂总部设计
2020-11-3 01:15|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|92%
pbm recently accomplished the office design of the Boon Rawd Brewery headquarters located in Bangkok, Thailand. The design is focused on simplicity and constancy to essentially represent the “Singha heart”. Also, the movement of the river concept is used to balance the motif in the lobby ar...
18 / 普里达姆大厅-澳大利亚经向大学(2019)(Snøhetta+JPE Design Studio+Jam Factory)设计
2020-10-17 06:24|Snøhetta|建筑设计|91%
... quebra, criando um espaço interior-exterior extremamente flexível. Dois lobbies, um ao norte e outro à oeste, operam como elementos de conexão entre o espaço público do campus e o programa do edifício, conectando-o física e visualmente com a paisagem urbana de Adelaide, permitindo aos usuá...
19 / 波士顿地产 | Fogarty Finger | 2020 | 美国
2022-3-8 21:42|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|91%
,客户:Boston Properties, ,面积:60,000 sqft,年份:2020,坐落:New York City, New York, United States, ,行业: Spec Suite, ,Fogarty Finger designed a sophisticated space that highlights the unparalleled views at the Dock 72 Building in New York City, New York.,The Dock 7...
20 / 普渡大学西北Nils K.尼尔森生物科学创新大楼(2020)(CannonDesign)设计
2021-3-27 18:50|archdaily|建筑设计|89%
Laboratory, University, Sustainability, Hammond, United States,设计师:CannonDesign, 面积: 68000 ft²,年份:2020,摄影:Laura Peters, Hall + Merrick Photographers,建造商: AutoDesk, Owens Corning, Vitro®, Carlisle SynTec, Construction Specialties, Oldcastle APG, Overly, ...
21 / 萨格勒布工作室3LHD办公室设计
2020-8-6 22:42|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|89%
Studio 3LHD converted an Urania cinema into their new creative offices and multi-functional space in Zagreb, Croatia.Urania Cinema/Theatre is one of numerous old cinema buildings built in the city of Zagreb in the early 20th century. Those cinemas were spread within the urban blocks across Zagreb’...
22 / 纽卡斯尔伯纳德室内办公室设计
2020-8-7 01:19|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|89%
Bernard Interiors realized the design for their new studio located in Newcastle, England.UK-based interior design practice Bernard Interiors has been undergoing a programme of planned growth since 2017. As the team expanded they began looking for new premises with more space to be both comfortable a...
23 / 法国AGORA企业孵化器(2019)(CoCo architecture)设计
2020-11-4 04:46|archdaily|建筑设计|87%
Office Buildings, Cowork Interiors, Braud-et-Saint-Louis, France,设计师:CoCo architecture, 面积: 1440 m²,年份:2019,摄影:Edouard Decam,设计团队:OTCE, AcousticA, EEC, Agence B, Tabaramounien,业主:Communauté de Commune de l’Estuaire,工程师:OTCE,景...
24 / 科威特城美亚Messilah海滩酒店 Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa/SOM
2012-6-22 16:13|charliexu|空间概念|84%
This resort hotel brings five-star comfort to Kuwait City. Located on a historic site well-known to the local community, the hotel is conceived as a mosaic of buildings and gardens. Space meanders between interior and exterior, with an arrival court leading to a lobby, restaurant, and wedding hall...
25 / 维多利亚州板球和社区中心 | Cox Architecture
2019-12-19 14:14|cox|康乐空间|83%
本帖最后由 cox 于 2019-12-19 14:16 编辑 现代化的精英级训练中心 维多利亚板球和社区中心一个先进、专业、全年无休的板球训练和管理机构。该机构既为来自各地区的板球运动员和爱好者提供服务,也为社区提供设施,以支持...