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1 / Google Offices – Cambridge
2016-9-19 16:13|wfwd12|办公设计|100%
...r four years with two contractors under multiple projects, most spaces are LEED Gold with one even achieving LEED Platinum. 建立在四年在多个项目的承包商,大部分空间是LEED金牌就达到LEED白金。 Design: NELSON 设计:纳尔逊 Photography: Halkin Mason Photography 摄...
2 / 利兹第一太平戴维斯办公室设计
2020-8-6 20:29|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|95%
...ed the new office design for global real estate agency Savills, located in Leeds, England.Occupying a prominent corner space on the ground floor of the new Wellington Place development in the city, a strong street presence was required that would reflect the company’s brand identity.Savills wanted...
3 / 多伦多BDC办公室设计
2023-4-24 21:27|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|87%
...tlines that reveal spectacular views of the CN Tower and Lake Ontario, the LEED Certified office includes a variety of meeting rooms, collaborative zones and a multi-functional community hall perfect for social connectivity. The reception area allows for layers of accessibility and includes high-sec...
4 / 圣何塞哥斯达黎加中央银行办事处设计
2020-8-6 16:13|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|82%
... sustainability alignments and additional amenities that will accomplish a LEED Gold certification. Part of this amenities include trails and a bike track that run parallel to the river, and benefits not only the end users, but the whole community.23 张图片 | Pictures设计:Lacayo Arquitectos ...
5 / 公开场合:克里斯和索菲·伊林沃斯在利兹修缮他们的野蛮家庭
2020-8-4 01:27|TheModernHouse|软装设计|80%
...this place was how different it was to the other houses generally found in Leeds, and how brutalist and honest the façade looked. It was clearly design-led. We had to have it.” Sophie: “We bought it in 2015 and when we moved in it was a wreck, though pretty much in its original form. It’s ...
6 / 约克豪斯高中
2015-4-20 09:41|long2003|办公设计|79%
7 / 纽约日本办公室设计
2021-5-7 20:14|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|78%
...ettes, the space is remarkably balanced and rejuvenating. Designed for LEED Silver, the workspace offers standout features including an elevator conceived as a jewel box with handsome wood wall panels and a delicate curved ceiling; blackened oak – inspired by the traditional process of Japanes...
8 / 曼彻斯特互动投资办公室设计
2020-8-6 13:00|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|75%
...a games room and café.Interactive investor also has offices in London and Leeds, so a new technology platform was also implemented to create agile working and connectivity across all sites.8 张图片 | Pictures设计:ADT Workplace 客户:interactive investor, 面积:31,345 sqft年份:2019...
9 / 基多忠利保险办公室设计
2020-9-22 20:09|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|74%
...iciency was also taken into consideration, since the building has a Silver LEED Certification, so special attention was paid to the environmental quality of the work spaces, an the project aligned in every stage to the buildings requirements. ,9 张图片 | Pictures,设计:3ARQUITECTOS, 客...
10 / HSBC 总部 | M Moser Associates | 2024 | 美国
2024-11-18 23:31|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|74%
...array of certifications, including WELL Platinum (WELL Building Standard), LEED Platinum (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), RESET International Standard, BLUE Standard by Oceanic Global and GUDC (Global Universal Design Commission), underscoring its commitment to sustainability and wel...
11 / 索非亚Payhawk办公室设计
2023-5-8 18:50|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|71%
...fice in Sofia, Bulgaria.,Payhawk’s office is situated on two floors of LEED Gold-rated facility in the city center of Sofia. Despite different levels, well-coordinated design aesthetics fluid through all areas, creating inseparable space feeling.,The office space accommodates 310 workstations,...
12 / 工作室帮派在旧金山完成了一个新的扭曲塔
2020-8-5 12:56|ArchitecturalDi|建筑设计|70%
... and a VRF cooling system. With such measures in place, Mira is aiming for LEED Gold certification. A view from the model unit shows the surrounding water and Bay Bridge. Behind the dynamic façade are 392 luxury condos ranging from one- to three-bedrooms, 156 of which are being listed below ...
13 / 新加坡Red Hat办公室设计
2023-3-28 00:20|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|69%
...ature is also highlighted in the construction of this office, leading to a LEED ID+C Version 4 Gold Level Certification, achieving cradle to cradle goals that reduce ecological footprint. 90% of construction waste has been moved away from landfills, besides the office merits itself with HVAC energy ...
14 / 香港高峰办公室设计
2023-6-14 01:32|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|65%
...e people’s lives better, so we created its new office with the same aim. LEED Gold certified and WELL Gold targeted, the space puts health and wellbeing at its core.,Moreover, the office has low-flow water fixtures, high-efficient LED lighting, occupancy and sensor lighting controls. It also has...
15 / 古尔冈白德中心办公室设计
2020-8-6 20:12|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|65%
...ll Low VOC based and every attempt has been made to use materials that are LEEDs Certified, be it furniture, carpets, lights, chairs etc.10 张图片 | Pictures设计:Architect Vistasp & Associates 客户:Bain & Company, 面积:54,000 sqft年份:2019坐落:Gurgaon, India, 行业:Consult...
16 / 休斯顿1500邮局设计
2020-8-6 11:56|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|63%
... had a remarkably low impact on the environment and is on track to achieve LEED Platinum.1500 Post Oak provides choice and flexibility for staff across 100+ work settings, with a focus on social and collaborative efforts. There is an emphasis on health and well-being of staff with activated stairs, ...
17 / 加拿大 | C工作住宅 | 2022 | Nicholas Francoeur
2022-2-14 14:13|archdaily|居住空间|63%
...ng techniques like its CNC-produced engineered wood structure earning it a LEED platinum certification.,The building is clad in charred cedar, while its ceilings and soffits are in white aspen. The dark nature of the house contrasts with its light and bright airy interiors. Instead of the usual pi...
18 / 现代主义编年史:克莱恩·豪斯、彼得·沃默斯利和伯纳特·克莱恩的世纪中叶设计典范
2020-8-4 07:41|TheModernHouse|设计情报|62%
...in 1918 to Orthodox Jewish parents and came to Britain in 1945 to study at Leeds University after a stint at an Israeli art school. In Britain he picked up the family business of textiles, establishing his company, Colourcraft and, later, his own mill in Galashiels, Scottish Borders. Klein’s big b...
19 / 以色列贵族能源办公室设计
2020-8-6 13:04|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|62%
...ed and used for storage and display. Beyond the fact that the project is a LEED GOLD candidate, the use of the company’s materials assimilates the company’s DNA in its own design.Floor 8 contains several public functions, such as a mother’s room, a library, which also serves as an alternative ...
20 / 达拉斯Westdale房地产投资和管理办公室设计
2020-11-25 22:04|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|61%
...e wanted to practice what they preach—ultimately moving into The Epic, a LEED Gold certified Class A office building owned by the assets management firm and designed by Perkins and Will. Although Westdale values privacy and quiet areas to work, the firm wanted the new office to break down barri...
21 / 洛杉矶技术公司 | MAWD | 2024 | 美国
2024-11-12 01:24|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|60%
... the project’s primary stairwell.,Environmental considerations include LEED fixtures and smart lighting, which employs sensors that maximize natural light, while minimizing the use of interior lighting on bright and sunny days. In terms of FF&E, MAWD worked with local furniture suppliers to outf...
22 / MAD“朝阳公园广场项目”破土动工
2014-4-29 14:02|onson|建筑设计|59%
...实现空气净化和楼宇智能控制, 获得美国绿色建筑协会LEED金奖认证。“山水”的理 念不仅体现在技术革新上,更体现在整体规划观念上——朝阳公园广场项目尝试改变传统CBD模式,将传统诗意带 入城市, 在高密度快节奏的区...
23 / 美国德克萨斯奥斯汀Block 21酒店公寓(Andersson Wise Architect)
2014-3-3 00:19|xinshaojie|酒店设计|58%
...ironmentally engaged design in Austin, the development has received Silver LEED certification and will be the largest building in the Central Texas region with this certification, and the only one that is mixed-use. A restrained presence is a key component of the entire complex. Massing and scal...
24 / 欧莱雅办公室 | TABOORET | 2021 | 乌克兰
2023-1-28 02:18|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|57%
... center of Kyiv in a modern class “A” business center. The building is LEED Gold certified, demonstrating the most efficient and sustainable design and construction practices.,Designer Katerina Churina was inspired by L’Oréal philosophy, which is reflected in every detail of the office, fro...
25 / 诺福克南方公司总部 | HOK | 2021 | 美国
2022-8-1 20:24|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|57%
...o come to work, with healthy and supportive environments and amenities and LEED certification.,Branding: Norfolk Southern’s brand and purpose should be infused throughout the space in a way that honor’s its heritage while looking ahead.,With the brief as an entry point, the team convened foc...