1 / 郊区别墅 | Le Atelier Architects | 2022 | 俄罗斯
2022-10-26 05:17|序赞精选|居住空间|100%
,设计师和客户 ,Le Atelier Architects 是一家拥有十多年经验的设计事务所,在处理各种规模的预算方面享有盛誉。他们的标志性方法是基于将任何限制视为机会。然而,他们最近的努力却因一系列令人印象深刻的家具和巧妙的...
2 / 俄罗斯 | 灰色公寓 | 2021 | Le Atelier
2021-10-11 22:48|ArchitecturalDi|居住空间|100%
俄罗斯设计工作室 Le Atelier 为一位长期居住在印度的业主设计了一个格调非常特别的公寓,灵感取于印度文化同时吸收了东方哲学特有的平静生活的态度。 ,转载自:AD ,图片@AD ,国家:俄罗斯 ,编辑:序赞网 ,翻译:...
3 / 俄罗斯 | flat in moscow | 公寓 | 2020 | bureau le atelie
2021-9-10 01:27|behance|居住空间|100%
设计:bureau Le Atelierart,转载自:behance,作者:Polina Poludkina,图片@Polina Poludkina,语言:英语,编辑:序赞网,阅读原文
4 / 法国拳击俱乐部(2020)(Atelier Aconcept)设计
2020-10-9 10:01|archdaily|康乐空间|100%
娱乐训练场馆, Savigny-le-Temple, 法国,建筑师:Atelier Aconcept, 面积:650 m²,项目年份:2020,摄影师: 11H45,厂家:AutoDesk, Installux, R Flat glass, Spurgin Leonhart,项目管理:Ville de Savigny-le-Temple,City:Savigny-le-Temple,Country:法国,萨维尼...
5 / Le Relais Boréale 啤酒厂 | Atelier l'Abri | 2022 | 加拿大
2023-1-27 01:42|archdaily|餐饮设计|100%
...化设计因此成为该地区新的本土旗舰店。 ,项目设计:Atelier l'Abri,项目面积:750m²,项目年份:2022,项目摄影:Raphaël Thibodeau ,项目建造:Modulor, Élément Bois, Mik Kukulsky, Marilou Pasquier, Julien Latour,家具制作:Inat,灯光设计:S...
6 / 景观公寓(2016)(Atelier Starzak Strebicki)设计
2020-10-3 01:26|archdaily|居住空间|100%
Apartamentos, Interiores De Apartamentos, Poznan, Polonia,设计师:Atelier Starzak Strebicki, 面积:86 m²,年份:2016,摄影:Mateusz Bieniaszczyk,提供协助:Hansgrohe, Adobe, Trimble, AQform, Duravit, FRANKE, HIDROBOX, Nemetschek, Secto, Winckelmans, Zangra,设计团队:...
7 / 帕丁顿 FENN 美容护理空间 | Akin Atelier
2021-6-23 09:03|Akin.Atelier|康乐空间|100%
...恩大门的那一刻起,悉尼帕丁顿的美容和护理空间由 Akin Atelier 设计,明亮、通风和舒缓的平静等待着您。 该设计通过专注于天然护肤产品和现代治疗实践,反映了 Fenn 在物质性和简单性方面的价值观。 Akin Atelier 在 120 平方...
8 / (Casa住宅)Atelier XS martina gualdi laura provasi architetti设计
2020-9-3 17:42|Archilovers|居住空间|100%
...概念图:待补充…… ,转载自:Archilovers,设计师:Atelier XS martina gualdi laura provasi architetti,坐落:Sarginesco / Italy / 2019,语言:English,阅读原文
9 / 意大利现代大厦改造(2021)(Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia / AF517)设计
2021-2-4 21:33|Archilovers|建筑设计|100%
... | architectural urbanistic, preliminary, definitive and landscape design Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia / AF517 architetto mandatario | architecte | architect in charge Alfonso Femia Coordinamento | cordennement | coordination Simonetta Cenci ingegneria strutturale | BET structures | st...
10 / 巴黎Hotel Le Cinq Codet
2014-12-10 22:59|charliexu|酒店设计|100%
...uel, into an art collector’s home where the rooms have a chic artist’s atelier feel. Dressed in plush carpets, light oak panelling and contrasting bespoke 30s and 40s Nuel furniture the hotel also features pieces by artist Gerard Garouste and designers Tom Dixon and Patricia Urquiola. The intima...
11 / 越南河内1110公寓(2019)(atelier12)设计
2020-12-18 14:10|archdaily|居住空间|100%
公寓室内设计, 越南,建筑师:atelier12, 面积:62 m²,项目年份:2019,摄影师: Hoang Le photography,厂家:CARINY, Dulux, Fran Aluminum, KINGLED, New Wood, Rang Dong group, Thanh Hoa Stone,主创建筑师:Dang Duc Viet,Country:越南,这个仅有62平米的公...
12 / 巴黎水上运动中心 | VenhoevenCS | 2024 | 法国
2024-8-2 21:38|archdaily|文化教育|100%
...在 Plaine Saulnier 生态区留下持久的遗产。 ,项目设计:Ateliers 2/3/4/, VenhoevenCS,项目面积: 20000m²,项目年份:2024,项目摄影:Salem Mostefaoui, Simon Guesdon,供应商: Myrtha Pools, Dive Gym, Le Pavé, Mathis, Mtech ,主承包商:Bouygues Bâtiment...
13 / 法国戴维斯酒庄  | 2021 | Atelier Marc Barani
2021-6-21 16:35|archdaily|商业空间|100%
酒庄, Ménerbes, 法国 ,建筑设计:Atelier Marc Barani , 面积:2130 m² ,项目年份:2021 ,摄影师: Frederik Vercruysse 设计师描述 | Designer description:Marc Barani 设计了一座酒庄。建筑的形式结合了酿酒的引力(gravitational)过程,...
14 / cassina revives le corbusier furniture
2019-3-11 20:17|nusean|产品应用|100%
...dding more pieces ‘LC 15 Table de Conférence’ by Atelier Le Corbusier, 1958, seen here in the Cassina showroom Intended for both the home and office, the LC 15 comprises a sturdy tabletop in oak, with a cube base, made from two steel geometrical figures...
15 / cassina revives le corbusier furniture
2019-3-22 13:45|jikvaaakun|产品应用|100%
...dding more pieces ‘LC 15 Table de Conférence’ by Atelier Le Corbusier, 1958, seen here in the Cassina showroom Intended for both the home and office, the LC 15 comprises a sturdy tabletop in oak, with a cube base, made from two steel geometrical figures...
16 / 公寓有一个视图(2016)(工作室Starzak Strebicki)设计
2020-8-23 16:42|archdaily|居住空间|100%
Apartments, Apartment Interiors, Poznan, Poland,设计师:Atelier Starzak Strebicki, 面积: 86 m²,年份:2016,摄影:Mateusz Bieniaszczyk,建造商: AQform, FRANKE, Hansgrohe, Nemetschek, Secto, Winckelmans, Zangra, Adobe, Duravit, HIDROBOX, Trimble,设计团队:Jola Starz...
17 / 戴曼图书馆(DEICHMAN BJØRVIKA)Atelier Oslo 设计
2020-8-9 09:41|Archilovers|文化教育|100%
... competition to design Oslo’s new main library was won by Lund Hagem and Atelier Oslo architects in 2009. The librarians wanted a house that would inspire visitors to explore all the new facilities and activities the modern library can offer. This motivated us to create an open and intriguing buil...
18 / 黎巴嫩PH-13公寓(2016)(Atelier L'inconnu)设计
2021-1-17 09:41|archdaily|建筑设计|99%
Apartment Interiors, Beirut, Lebanon,设计师:Atelier L'inconnu, 面积: 500 m²,年份:2016,摄影:Ieva Saudargaite,建造商: B&B Italia, DCW EDITIONS, Kettal, Living Divani, Miele, Paola Lenti, Poltrona Frau, Atelier L'inconnu, Boffi by Piero Lissoni, CEA Design, Kitmo, Le C...
19 / 勒前辅助皮埃尔的房子(Le Pre辅助皮埃尔的房子)局大卫Apheceix设计
2021-2-2 17:09|Archilovers|建筑设计|98%
...ontemporain et l’environnement naturel. * Programme: maison et atelier Localisation: Yvelines, France Surface: 350m2 Livraison: 2019 Crédits: Architecture: David Apheceix (www.davidapheceix.com / @davidapheceix) Vincent Le Bourdon (www.vincentlebourdon.com / @vincentlebourdon)...
20 / 拉迈森现代:巴黎最好的现代住宅
2020-8-4 04:03|TheModernHouse|建筑设计|97%
...ia Flickr Maison de Verre © August Fischer via Flickr Atelier Brancusi © Heather Clawson Pavillon Suisse Van Doesburg House, Meudon-Val-Fleury Maison Louis Carré, Bazoches-sur-Guyonne © Bruno Suet Eglon House – one of the most ...
21 / Chapel of tears(2020)(Atelier Poem)设计
2021-2-9 22:22|archdaily|建筑设计|96%
Capilla, Saint-Ferréol, Francia,设计师:Atelier Poem, 面积:10 m²,年份:2020,摄影:David Foessel,提供协助:Cavagnon et fils,Ciudad:Saint-Ferréol,Pais:Francia,设计师描述 | Designer description:La capilla de las lágrimas de Atelier Poem ganó el concurso in...
22 / 越南生境NT之家(2020) (Flex.atelier)设计
2020-12-24 00:08|archdaily|建筑设计|95%
Casas, Vietnã,设计师:Flex.atelier, 面积:190 m²,年份:2020,摄影:Minq Bui,建造商:Aconcept, An Cuong, Toto,Arquitetos Responsáveis :Khoi Le,设计团队:Flex.atelier,País:Vietnã,设计师描述 | Designer description:Localizado em Phan Thiet, uma cidade n...
23 / 社会互动的架构(The Architecture of Social Interaction))Kuehn Malvezzi 设计
2020-8-7 18:43|archdaily|建筑设计|95%
...gement GmbH,Structural Engineer:Frankenstein Consult, Berlin,Landscape:Atelier Le Balto, Berlin,Consultant Fire Protection Specialist:Hagen – Ingenieure für Brandschutz, Kleve,Consultant Building Services:HL-Technik, Munich,Consultant Building Physics:Müller BBM, Gelsenkrichen,...
24 / Charlotte Perriand An Icon of Modernity Exhibition at CULT
2019-3-19 16:20|qyhyu|产品应用|94%
... charlotte perriand, savoie face, la montagne. atelier de saint sulpice, charlotte perriand 1927. salon d automne 1929. charlotte perriand à lexpo synthèse des arts tokyo 1955. photo by junzo inamura. cassina nuage...
25 / Charlotte Perriand An Icon of Modernity Exhibition at CULT
2019-3-21 19:50|qq95162547|产品应用|94%
... charlotte perriand, savoie face, la montagne. atelier de saint sulpice, charlotte perriand 1927. salon d automne 1929. charlotte perriand à lexpo synthèse des arts tokyo 1955. photo by junzo inamura. cassina nuage...