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1 / 元界别墅 | Cristina La Porta Studio | 2023 | 意大利
2024-2-24 08:37|behance|建筑设计|100%
​​​​​​​ABOUT METAVERSE VILLAS"Metaverse Villas" is a new series that focuses on the architectural and interior design of some villas in the Metaverse made with AI. The concept is based on the design of these architectures within a place not very far from us, where peace and tranquili...
2 / Lantern Studio(2019)(Flavin Architects)设计
2020-8-16 16:31|archdaily|居住空间|100%
...roducción Fotográfica:Sierra Baskind, Ennis Inc, Gloucester MA,Lantern Studio está situado al lado de una tradicional casa colonial holandesa en Wellesley, Estados Unidos. Visible desde la calle, su entorno respeta el contexto de las casas circundantes y tiene en cuenta el patrón establecido d...
3 / 哥伦比亚C79小屋,对自然景观致敬(2015)(Base taller)设计
2021-3-5 16:06|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
...,景观设计:Mesa y Uribe paisajistas,施工方:Base taller y Espiral Studio,City:La Ceja,Country:哥伦比亚,文字描述由建筑师提供(译者:祝茂琦) 对自然景观的致敬是设计这座房子的唯一设计理念。这个项目在材料,色彩和纹理的使用上...
4 / 介绍Slowed Studio的第一个地毯系列,由Evi O设计。
2020-8-10 02:01|Yellowtrace|创意设计|100%
LA-based brand Slowdown Studio launches its first rug collection designed by Sydney-based artist Evi O, inspired by the abstract and colourful exploration of mythical beasts. The collaboration is made up of three artworks extended from Evi’s latest painting collection ‘Jungle’.Evi O is celebr...
5 / 意大利透视公寓(2020)La Macchina Studio设计
2020-10-27 22:07|Archilovers|居住空间|100%
...trict a few steps from the Caffarella Park, the Rome-based duo La Macchina Studio www.lamacchinastudio.net transforms a 1950s apartment into a surreal set where reality and fiction coexist in a quasi-theatrical scene. Thanks to the multidisciplinary approach of its two founders, the studio cele...
6 / 西班牙赫罗纳Mas La Riba 住宅/Ferran López Roca Arquitectura
2012-5-3 12:54|charliexu|居住空间|100%
Girona-based studio Ferran López Roca Arquitectura has turned this old stone farm into a contemporary single family home in Vilallonga de Ter, a village in the province of Girona, Spain.
7 / Casa tres patios(2017)(Collage Architecture Studio)设计
2020-8-16 03:58|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
Casas, Bangalore, India,设计师:Collage Architecture Studio, 面积:8 ft²,年份:2017,摄影:Shamanth Patil, Arunkumar TD,提供协助:FunderMax, Hansgrohe, Saint-Gobain, Adobe, AutoDesk, Trimble, Chaos Group, Gessi, Nuance Studio, Schneider Electrical,负责建筑师:Swap...
8 / 墨西哥Abulón之家(2020)(OBRA BLANCA)设计
2021-1-17 21:29|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
...*]摄影:Daniel Treviño,提供协助:Helvex, Cuprum, Estevez, Modul Studio, Tecnolite,负责建筑师:Gabriela Villegas, Daniel Treviño,工程师:Apolinar Cortez Sanchez,Construcción:INASA Constructora,Ciudad:Alvarado,Pais:México 设计师描述 | Designer description:...
9 / los angeles tile showroom tabarka studio
2019-3-9 01:49|taibai|居住空间|100%
Arizona-based surface atelier Tabarka Studio opens its first ever showroom in Los Angeles 超过18年来,亚利桑那州的表面工作室Tabarka工作室已经悄然成为最受欢迎的定制陶瓷砖和其他手工地板生产商之一。本月,这家设计公司在洛杉矶...
10 / the best new brands launched at the salone del mobile 2012
2019-3-11 21:05|xyyg|产品应用|100%
... are Pierre Favresse, Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance, Luca Nichetto, Note Design Studio and Jonah Takagi. The designs are all articulated in sober natural form, as well as a more colourful vibrant version. 'We're bored with plastic things and flashy stuff,' explains Souletie. 'And at the same time, we did...
11 / 伊莎贝尔公寓建筑(2018)(Studio Takuya Hosokai)设计
2020-9-17 03:10|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
Apartments, Residential, La Paz, Bolivia,设计师:Christian Dávila Arquitectos, 面积: 1280 m²,年份:2018,摄影:Lucia Lugones,Lead Architect:Christian Dávila,设计团队:Ignacio Asturizaga,业主:Familia Decker,合作者:Jhony Huallpa Estallani,City: La Paz[*...
12 / C79小屋,对自然景观致敬 Base taller
2019-11-27 11:13|haijian03|居住空间|100%
...景观设计:Mesa y Uribe paisajistas 施工方:Base taller y Espiral Studio 对自然景观的致敬是设计这座房子的唯一设计理念。这个项目在材料,色彩和纹理的使用上是基于周边自然文脉的影响而决定的,比如模仿周边环境的土色颜料,呼...
13 / 意大利天鹅绒公寓(VELVET)Flussocreativo Design Studio设计
2020-10-22 17:19|Archilovers|居住空间|100%
...ssiamo ora alla zona notte. Questa è composta da tre distinte camere, uno studio e un bagno. Il tratto comune di questi ambienti? Sono tutti caratterizzati dalla presenza di colori rilassanti e dall’assenza di dettagli eccentrici, in modo che chi li abita possa entrare in un mood di pura distensi...
14 / (Home Studio Animas 8)Mar Studio 设计
2020-8-12 01:18|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
Houses, San José del Cabo, Mexico,Architects: Mar Studio , Area: 170 m²,Year: 2019,Photographs: LA76 Photography,Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Esloventanas, Kitchen Aid, Microcemento AESA,Lead Architects:Arisbeth Robles Tapia, Ana Marcela Cruz Padilla,Design Team:Jorge Echavarría, An...
15 / La Biglietteria (La Biglietteria)小设计
2020-9-3 17:49|Archilovers|餐饮设计|100%
...the original late Art Nouveau style of the building, the Bari-based design studio SMALL - Soft Metropolitan Architecture & Landscape Lab - chose to revisit the New Déco style environments, enhancing what remained of the original structure, such as the Bardiglio marble floor, the wood doors, the vau...
16 / 圣莫尼卡的树胶体验店(Goop in Santa Monica)Rapt Studio设计
2020-9-22 15:28|Archilovers|商业空间|100%
... eager audience, new multi-platform content is captured in photo and video studios and a podcast recording studio. A high level of transparency within the space and between teams supports open communication and productive collaboration, ultimately creating a culture of empowered partnership. The...
17 / 圣地亚哥生物医学房产信托办公室设计
2020-12-4 00:12|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
ID Studios, Inc. was tasked with the design of the BioMed Realty Trust offices, a real estate investment company, located in San Diego, California. When Biomed Realty decided to relocate their office to the UTC area to be in a more centralized area for their client base, the goals for their new...
18 / 纺织艺术家
2015-9-28 14:43|那明媚blue|设计情报|100%
Nike Schr?der At Her Home And Studio In LA And Her Latest Show ‘Inzwischen’ Art · Jun 22, 2015 Textile artist Nike Schr?der was actually the subject of our very first Work in Progress Feature back in the days and we're very glad to introduce an update of her work and her life in the following...
19 / nycxdesign 2017 report
2019-3-15 20:38|eMzRsGiW|产品应用|100%
...turer Rich Brilliant Willing collaborated with boutique agency Meyer Davis Studio. The pendant and sconce collections combine cutting-edge technology with casual sophistication Sight Unseen Offsite featured its regular gang of Millennial-friendly designers, like Fort Makers, Anothe...
20 / 圣塔莫尼卡笨蛋办公室设计
2020-10-6 22:09|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
Rapt Studio used local artisans and inspiration from the goop brand to deliver their homey office in Santa Monica, California. Founded by Gwyneth Paltrow, goop is a modern lifestyle brand and resource for people aspiring to put wellness first. It takes a multifaceted approach to health, travel,...
21 / 最佳展会:2018年斯德哥尔摩家具展。
2020-8-10 00:26|Yellowtrace|创意设计|100%
...影 @ Staffan Sundström. ‘The Lookout’ Installation by Note Design Studio for Tarkett Flooring // Tarkett enlisted Note to reinterpret the typical fair stand and showcase the design potential of flooring. With architectonic elements and a progressive colour palette, the combination of material...
22 / 法国安第斯研究所 | Roman Bauer Arquitectos | 2022 | 秘鲁
2024-1-26 19:20|archdaily|办公设计|100%
...r, Roman Bauer Arquitectos,Área: 640m²,Año: 2022,Fotografías:JAG studio, Juan Solano,Arquitectos A Cargo: José Bauer, Augusto Román, Enrique Santillana,Equipo De Diseño: Ailed Tejada, Jimena de la Jara, Karen Canaza, Marcos Rafael,Ingeniería: Jorge Avendaño,Clientes: Instituto...
23 / Wabi Sabi Apartment | Makhno Studio
2021-6-11 17:09|Sergey.Makhno|居住空间|99%
...Pinterest.Thank you for watching!,转载自:behance,作者:Makhno Studio,图片@Makhno Studio,语言:英语,编辑:序赞网,阅读原文
24 / 2017年欧洲照明展最佳新照明。
2020-8-9 22:30|Yellowtrace|创意设计|98%
...: Resident Circus Pendent by Resident.Left: Kazimir by Ladies & Gentlemen Studio for Roll&Hill. Middle:John Hogan for Roll&Hill. Right: Crane by Ladies & Gentlemen Studio with Vera & Kyte for Roll&Hill.Left: Tekio by Antohony Dickens for Santa & Cole. Middle: Cestita Bateria by Santa & Cole. Right...
25 / 美国麻美旅馆/Working Holiday设计
2020-9-3 20:15|Archilovers|民宿设计|98%
Created by LA based creative studio Working Holiday, Casa Mami is an eco-friendly overnight design retreat sitting on 5 acres of sprawling desert in Pioneertown, We wanted to carefully curate our house with some of our favorite designers, brands and products and serve as a showroom where ou...