您是不是要找: industrial mind tower plan

1 / 美国圣湖创新设计教育大楼(2019)(HGA)设计
2021-1-10 01:03|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
...their own. As you move into the labs and hubs, it transforms to recall the industrial feel of Manchester’s mills tying to the idea of a traditional maker-space. Emphasis is placed on openness of space that is welcoming to the entire community and gives a sense of safety, particularly to students t...
2 / 西鸽酒庄 | 相上文象
2019-12-11 15:49|相上文象|品牌精选|84%
本帖最后由 相上文象 于 2019-12-11 16:17 编辑 以贺兰山之石,构筑空间的能量 「哈姆雷特:你什么都没有看到吗? 皇后:什么都没有,但这就是我所看到的。」 ——丹托《寻常物的嬗变》 “Hamlet: don’t you see anything? Queen: n...
3 / 在海外专辑第一百二十四期 – 杜思宇
2024-2-8 08:52|序赞精选|设计情报|64%
...omething on a smaller scale, sometimes so small it approaches the realm of industrial design or craftsmanship. The works involve many physical, experimental models, and some very tangible ‘hands-on skills’. Although I have to admit that computer-aided drawing is more efficient in practice, I alw...
4 / 布鲁盟设计丨中国铁建·拙政江南:蕴极东方气度
2021-10-18 14:08|布鲁盟设计|居住空间|57%
文化是时代的映射,亦塑造着时代的精神。在设计界,当下的创造,基于昨日的沉淀,亦成为明日的记忆。 Culture reflects and shapes the spirit of our times. In the design industry, present creation draws from past accumulation and becomes future memory. ...
5 / 2019米兰设计周的亮点。
2020-8-10 03:26|Yellowtrace|创意设计|33%
...O collection by Federica Elmo sees a specially developed 3D inkjet printed industrial finish applied to marble, resulting in an exciting visual clash that plays with the ambiguous qualities that sit somewhere between fiction and reality. So cool! 图片 © Nick Hughes/ Yellowtrace.Bloc Studio’s ne...