1 / How to Harmonize Two Completely Different Buildings: North TLV Home
...hallenge of planning a new house that would harmonize with the old one and create a visual and functional connection between them. An open space was formed between the dwellings, and together with the landscaping and gardening this created a pleasant sitting area.” The new residence was built on a...
2 / 纽约Spectorgroup办公室设计
...rends shift dramatically. Architects and designers have been challenged to create meaningful spaces that elevate the experience and push businesses forward. I’d love to connect you with the design team at the global architecture, interior design, and master planning firm, as they have just designe...
3 / KGA | Travis Ladue
KGAA Colorado-based architecture firm creating personalized work that excites and improves daily life.Design to Improve Daily Life.After 30+ years in business, KGA has become one of Colorado’s oldest and most respected residential architecture firms. Unlike many in the market, KGA is not intereste...
4 / 丹麦法伯尔工厂(2020)(Arcgency)设计
...nk the concept of dwelling. By developing a modular building method we are creating affordable, attractive and sustainable housing. This method is applicable in a broad context and provides a means through architecture for each site to preserve its local identity, expressing interesting spatial qual...
5 / 布拉格Heureka办公室 | Hezkey | 2021 | 捷克
...r the online shopping guide Heureka, the interior design studio Hezkey has created new offices in Prague and Liberec prepared just for the hybrid style of work.,The course of the pandemic shows that the home office concept, which the vast majority of companies use, has its downsides. A recent surv...
6 / Materiality | Media.Work Studio
...o]357[/apoyl_aliyunvideo] MaterialityWith digital tools as a standard for creating images, it might be tempting to see the objects as a pure visual shape, be it physical items or digital models. Nevertheless, that is not how we perceive objects—in order to understand something better, we need cue...
7 / Ideas Of How To Freshen Up The Atmosphere At Home
... is handcrafted by a specialized artist that knows how to mix passion with creativity. The bubble shaped vase is my favorite! The tiny universe of air plants, lichens and mosses hangs in a lightweight pot on the wall, reminding me of the walks in the forest. Moreover, the colored ceramic pots also k...
8 / 完美图片:如何用艺术装饰
...timber-framed house. As a keen painter, Paul put a studio in the garden to create a relaxing place to create canvases, some of which adorn the walls of the house. The moral of this story is that learning how to decorate with art doesn’t have to mean buying art. Set up your aisle, mix some paint...
9 / 新加坡高纬物业办公室设计
...:2022,坐落:Singapore, ,行业: Real Estate Services, ,MSDO created a space to give employees an enticing office for comfortable work at the Cushman & Wakefield offices in Singapore.,As a global leader in corporate real estate advisory services, at Cushman & Wakefield, we are constant...
10 / 印尼被动式实验室房子(2020)(RAD+Research Artistic Design + architecture)设计
...pen canvas for shadow play from the brutalism of surrounding vegetation to create the ever-changing façade experience. Internal share wall structure acts as a buffer for multi-dimensional transition space that is also made from being shared to semi-private to private, alternated by vegetation.,Ba...
11 / 水壶的院子主任安德鲁·奈恩讨论了馆长吉姆·艾德关于室内设计和发现物体的哲学。
...graphed and very beautiful. Essentially the lesson is that anyone can be creative. “There is a suggestion that just arranging three shells on a windowsill in the right light has some visual power and emotional value. “However, this wasn’t meant to be a reproach to artists at all. Jim...
12 / 卡尔加里NorthRiver中游办公室设计
...m to understand how their future workplace would look. Their desire was to create an environment where all employees could come together in a casual space, have an office that fosters collaboration and community, and create a culture of openness, trust, and teamwork. It was only natural that such an...
13 / 韩国 | Steel Moment Coffee Shop and Bakery | 咖啡 | 2021 | Assemble Project
...ment and spatial composition that are not common inside. ,We started to create a design concept directly from the idea of how to overcome the high floor height and level differences of the original building. In order to effectively solve the level difference, different levels of floors were creat...
14 / 室内设计师 Beata Heuman 的室内设计艺术装饰。
...a family home. ,We did some work when we moved, extending out the back, creating a terrace and adding an entrance to the basement, which also now has a kitchenette. I used to run my studio from the basement, but now its the nannys bedroom and girls playroom, and I like that the flexibility of the...
15 / 洛杉矶机密金融服务办公室 | HED | 2021 | 美国
...nited States, ,行业: Financial / Investments, ,HED was tasked with creating a space for a confidential financial services client with dynamic work needs in Los Angeles, California.,When this confidential financial services client was relocating their downtown Los Angeles office to better a...
16 / 奥克兰Broadspectrum办公室设计
... Wingate Architects was tasked to create a workspace to complement Broadspectrum‘s Sydney headquarters for their location in Auckland, New Zealand. With Headquarters in Sydney, the Auckland office was to relocate from inner Auckland city to the city fri...
17 / 旧金山RMW办公室设计
...tates, ,行业: Architecture Firm, ,RMW contrasted light and dark to create a stunning space for their own offices in San Francisco, California.,The great pandemic experiment prompted us to re-evaluate many aspects of our society and culture, some of which have been fundamentally and forever...
18 / 现代生活的A到Z:巴弗隆塔上的阿尔罗杰斯,敏感的建筑和以社区为中心的设计
.... It was about bringing Balfron Tower up-to-date and we talked a lot about creating the ‘ghost of Goldfinger’. “We wanted to have conversations with him in order to establish what he would do if he was designing now – because life is different now. And I don’t just mean in terms of life...
19 / Koto揭开了一个预制的小工作舱。
..., “we wanted to disrupt how we see the conventional work office and have created a truly inspiring space that has direct access to nature”. Koto, who design and manufacture modular, prefabricated cabins, have unveiled their workspace cabin as a part of a series with the New Art Centre Gallery...
20 / Mercuryo 办公室 | Kate Turbina | 2023 | 塞浦路斯
...ern business center on the sun-drenched coast of Cyprus.,Our task was to create a venue for meetings and a comfortable working environment for the community. In this case the office should act as a communication space where everything is possible: meeting with colleagues, friends, business partner...
21 / 开放式公寓:阿加莎和罗伯特·阿普尔顿在他们安静、光线充足的公寓里,想着离开伦敦去布里斯托尔。
... as much to offer as London does, in terms of good food, culture and a big creative scene, yet if we want to be in the countryside we get in the car and we are there within 20 minutes. Its not too much of a shock either way.” Robert: “We were in Brockley, south east London, in a very differen...
22 / 卡特莱特洛杉矶办事处设计
...twright offices in Los Angeles, California.,Cartwright is a full service creative agency whose principle goal is to tell un-ignorable stories for brands – we call this ‘creative audacity’. The 3 year old agency is also a 3 times winner of Ad Age’s A-List awards rankings.,Stilo Interior D...
23 / 伦敦总办事处设计
...tional meeting rooms we used soft seating, small quiet rooms and booths to create spaces individuals and small groups can work away from desks.Totally Money needed the new office to act flexibly, which meant creating a social-hub space for employees too. The multi-functional breakout space covers al...
24 / 10种在家里的生活方式
...ch as what she wanted from the space, how it could support her and also be creatively expressive, Morgwn worked with West Architecture to create a home that works for her on more than one front. Here, Morgwn talks living all over the world, the pitfalls and charms of London and the nature of collab...
25 / 伦敦皇家公园柏克德办公室设计
...ited Kingdom, London, England, ,行业: Construction / Engineering, ,Creative License completed the first of two projects for Bechtel, a privately owned global engineering, construction and project management company, located in Park Royal of London, England.,Designed and delivered during th...