1 / 巴西柯尔顿之家(2019)(ES Arquitetura)设计
2021-1-10 00:00|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
Houses, House Interiors, Içara, Brazil,设计师:ES Arquitetura, 面积: 517 m²,年份:2019,Lead 设计师:Diego Justo do Espírito Santo,Project Team: Diego Justo do Espírito Santo, Valério Montes D'oca, Rodrigo Estrella, Maicon Fedrigo Padilha, Carolina Rodrigues Cataldo,...
2 / All I Own House by PKMN Architectures
2019-3-8 13:17|flstx|居住空间|100%
在2013,来自Errepila的设计师尤兰达搬进了她祖父母的房子,位于马德里的一个小村庄,远离城市的喧嚣。这座房子建于1942,每层50平方米,有一个大庭院,需要进行全面的装修才能有人居住。 另...
3 / NIDO 屋 | 2es+_oficina de arquitectura | 2020 | 西班牙
2022-12-15 00:37|Archilovers|居住空间|100%
Nido_House 的诞生源于一对夫妇的本能和无法抑制的需求,即为他们未来的孩子和他们的 2 只狗创造一个特殊的家。 它的发起人对建筑的热情和承诺驱使我们继续探索室内窗户的想法,就像我们已经开始我们的 Choupana_House 项目...
4 / 阿根廷塞丽娜之家(2020)(TAM)设计
2021-2-13 04:05|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
Houses, Mar del Plata, Argentina,设计师:Guillermo Elgart, TAM, 面积: 65 m²,年份:2020,摄影:Obralinda,建造商: AutoDesk, Adobe, Casa Blanco, Cerrosud, Pasalto Hormigon, Pintureria "Del centro", Trimble Navigation,Lear Architect:Guillermo Elgart,设计团队:Juan ...
5 / 葡萄牙 | House in Messines | 别墅 | 2018 | Vitor Vilhena Arquitectura
2021-9-17 23:42|序赞精选|建筑设计|100%
...有壮丽的 360 度景观,即使在游泳池内。 ,项目名称:House in Messines ,建筑公司:Vitor Vilhena Arquitectura ,项目地点:São Bartolomeu de Messines, Algarve, Portugal ,项目摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG ,主笔建筑师:Vitor Vilhena ,...
6 / 破碎的房子(The Broken House)NPS ARQUITECTOS 设计
2020-8-6 10:15|archdaily|居住空间|100%
...ess was retaken, redefining a new journey to turn this peculiar lot into a House – Atelier.The terrain, with its eccentric shape is part of an irregular urban mesh, sometimes precarious and industrial, but consolidated, and fruitful in folds and breaks. Like the waist of a body the central area of...
7 / 科斯塔之家 | HOUS3 ARQUITECTURA | 2022 | 葡萄牙
2024-1-22 23:43|Archilovers|居住空间|100%
... ,平面与结构图: ,转载自:Archilovers,设计师:HOUS3 ARQUITECTURA,图片©HOUS3 ARQUITECTURA,坐落:Guimarães / Portugal / 2022,语言:English,编辑:序赞网,阅读原文
8 / 卡萨快乐之家(2020)(MICHERON STUDIO)设计
2020-9-15 19:31|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
...on:Diseñar una casa es una experiencia de conexión e inmersión. Happy House es el fruto de una relación estrecha entre la cliente, el suelo guanacasteco y una mirada hacia una joya de sitio. Ubicado en la Finca Panamá en las afueras de Tamarindo, el lote domina el valle protegido por las mont...
9 / 房子Airaes (2020) (Parqur)设计
2020-9-5 17:07|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
Houses, Renovation, Airães, Portugal,设计师:Parqur, 面积: 350 m²,年份:2020,摄影:Francisco Ruivo, Filipe Brandão,建造商: AutoDesk, Ofa, Robbialac, Sanindusa, Adopen Plastics Industry, Gresart, Proteu Solutions, TiEmme elettronica, Velux, Arquiteto Responsável:Nu...
10 / 松林中的住宅 | PK Arquitetos | 2022 | 葡萄牙
2022-10-5 04:42|序赞精选|建筑设计|100%
...性的,一些战略观点加强了这一概念。 ,项目名称:Houses in the pine forest ,建筑公司:PK Arquitetos ,项目地点:Estoril, Portugal ,项目摄影:Ivo Tavares Studio ,主笔建筑师:Francisca Magalhães Ramalho ,建筑面积:256 m² ...
11 / 巴西极简主义之VD之家(VD HOUSE)Studio Guilherme Torres 设计
2020-7-18 18:28|Studio.Guilherm|品牌精选|100%
Projetado para uma jovem família, o arquiteto Guilherme Torres projetou os interiores desse apartamento, que tem uma vista privilegiada para um campo de golfe em Curitiba, no sul do Brasil. The architect Guilherme Torres designed this apartment to meet the expectations and needs of a young fami...
12 / 葡萄牙 | House in Alcalar | 极简 | 别墅 | 2016 | Vitor Vilhena Architects
2021-8-17 01:24|序赞精选|建筑设计|100%
...道定义了房屋的入口。 ,项目名称:Casa em Alcalar / House in Alcalar ,建筑公司:Vitor Vilhena Arquitectura ,项目地点:Alcalar, Algarve, Portugal ,项目摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG ,主笔建筑师:Vitor Vilhena ,设计团队:Nuno Gon...
2021-2-9 23:06|Archilovers|建筑设计|100%
... a skylight next to the office, which illuminates both the interior of the house on the upper floor as well as the office/library, favoured by a double-height ceiling and a visual relationship with the outside garden. The spaces are developed to create constant and distinct relationships betw...
14 / 姆布韦尼之家(2019)(FBW Architecten Netherlands)设计
2020-9-7 00:47|archdaily|居住空间|100%
Houses, Dar es-Salam, Tanzania ,设计师:FBW Architecten Netherlands , 面积: 296 m² ,年份:2019 ,摄影:Michael Mbwambo ,建造商: AutoDesk, Hafele, Hansgrohe, Plascon, Villeroy & Boch, ABB, ALUMINCO, Aqua Max, Ariston, Baldocer, Graphisoft, Gree, Mega Panel ,设...
15 / 葡萄牙圣蒂索的家(2020)(Hous3)设计
2021-2-5 06:39|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
Casas, Interiores De Casas, Santo Tirso, Portugal,设计师:Hous3, 面积:286 m²,摄影:Ivo Tavares Studio,设计师描述 | Designer description:Desde la carretera se puede ver la casa, en una pequeña colina, con una silueta oscura que contrasta con su entorno natural, ofreciendo ...
16 / Rua做运河7家(2019)(DNSJ.arq)设计
2021-2-11 00:57|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
Houses, Renovation, Lagos, Portugal,设计师:DNSJ.arq, 面积: 1173 ft²,年份:2019,Project Team:Nuno Simões / Sergio Rebelo / Cristina Duarte / José Pedro Fernandes / Luis Rodrigues,业主: Luis Gião Marques,Lead Architect: DNSJ.arq,Engineer: LNM Engenharia Civil,City:...
17 / house in oeiras
2019-3-8 23:04|tch6293|居住空间|100%
这所房子是由一个示范项目建造的。一个静修,一个居住,思考和工作的地方,它将容纳一个图书馆和一小部分艺术藏品。 房屋的实施是对不利环境的反应,其定义是铁路线的强烈存在和一套不具特色的房屋围...
18 / 美国阿什街722号房子(2020)(Studio 804)设计
2020-10-24 02:03|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
... con certificación LEED Platinum y 3 edificios con certificación Passive House Institute de Estados Unidos. Todo diseñado y construido por estudiantes.,项目完工照片 | Finished Photos,转载自:Archdaily,设计师:Studio 804,分类:Casas,语言:西班牙语,阅读原文
19 / 葡萄牙Bê之家(2020)(SMG Arquitectos)设计
2021-1-6 02:38|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
Houses, Renovation, Bencatel, Portugal,设计师:SMG Arquitectos, 面积: 9687 ft²,年份:2020,摄影:João Guimarães,建造商: BRUMA, Daikin, FRANKE, Imperalum, Keraben, Valadares, Bosch, Docia, Preceram, Pro Finsa, Secil, alfariss,Lead Architect:Sérgio Miguel Godinho,C...
20 / 画廊住宅空间,西班牙 / Raúl Sánchez Architects
2019-10-30 23:41|环亚室内|设计情报|100%
...,同时也为家庭成员提供了一个相聚的空间。 The Gallery House, together with the recently finished Espai Saó, is part of a set of interventions carried out for the Mas Blanch i Jové winery, located in the small town of La Pobla de Cérvoles, in Lleida, province of Catalonia. The h...
21 / Estacao南极洲指挥官Ferraz(2013)(工厂化41)设计
2020-8-19 16:59|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
...ívio. Neste trecho estão posicionados a sala de vídeo/auditório, a lan house, a sala de reuniões/videoconferência, a biblioteca, e o estar. A implantação é completada com as plantas de painéis fotovoltaicos, ao norte, e de turbinas eólicas VAWT a sudoeste. ,项目完...
22 / HC 别墅 | Inception | 2021 | 葡萄牙
2024-11-28 00:29|Archilovers|建筑设计|100%
HC House位于Amares的Barreiros教区,坐落在以自然宁静为标志的景观中,建筑与乡村郁郁葱葱的绿色融为一体。这个项目反映了对周围环境的尊重,同时引入了一种丰富当地景观的当代语言。 别墅在一层楼开发,分为两个主要...
23 / 阿根廷CJP住宅(2020)(ONA - Oficina Nómada de Arquitectura)设计
2021-1-5 14:41|Archilovers|建筑设计|100%
#1_ SITE CJP house is located in a 500m² area in Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina. The immediate context is characterized by a low population density as the house is located on the periphery of the consolidated urban fabric of the city. The surrounding area is populated by small neighborho...
24 / 拉斯萨莱萨斯复式公寓 | ZOOCO ESTUDIO | 2022 | 西班牙
2024-4-15 08:25|ZOOCO.ESTUDIO|居住空间|100%
...amps: Here comes the sun DCW Bedside lamps: Pendant lamp PIN 35 brass – House Doctor
25 / H4L | Dmitry Petrov
2021-6-14 14:22|behance|居住空间|100%
H4L House on four levelsObject: Private residential houseLocation: Moldova, ChisinauArea: 358.6 m / sqEnd of construction: 2020 Studio: l i n e a r c h i t e c t s Project author: Dmitry Petrov Photographer: Oleg BazhuraThe house is located in cramped conditions in a block with chaotic buildings...