1 / 伦敦皇家咖啡厅酒店 Café Royal Hotel London
2012-9-15 20:07|charliexu|酒店设计|100%
...and classical features in stone and copper. The overall effect of the hotel’s 159 guest rooms and suites, including the six ‘historic’ suites that echo the glories of the Café Royal’s past, is calm, assured and distinctive. David Chipperfield designs museums and galleries, hotels, ...
2 / 匈牙利布达佩斯博斯科洛酒店 BOSCOLO BUDAPEST
2011-12-31 17:47|charliexu|酒店设计|75%
HotelA ROYAL LUXURY HOTEL in BUDAPEST, KNOWN AS THE NEW YORK CAFE The old capital of the Hungarian kingdom, crossed by the majestic Danube, Budapest is an incredible crossroads of civilization and culture, an inspiring muse for generations of artists. The luxury Boscolo Budapest hotel embodies it...
3 / 《序赞John Pawson作品集》@2019-04-30
2019-4-30 21:55|JohnPawson|精选特辑|46%
... wide range of private residences, sacred commissions, galleries, museums, hotels, ballet, yacht interiors and a bridge across the lake. John Pawson 1949年出生于英国的约克郡,父亲是英国前皇家海军,家族是经营纺织厂的。20多岁从学校毕业时,在父亲要求下进...
4 / 设计故事//三维网格。
2020-8-9 20:30|Yellowtrace|创意设计|30%
...eiling and walls. ,摄影 @ Eugeni Pons. EG10 Gallery at the Gran Palas Hotel in Spain by Francesc Rifé // Storage spaces, closets, display stands, containers, even cash registers are built in to the overall design with no visible demarcations or distinguishable characteristics, seamlessly inter...