1 / 杭州西湖玉皇山老破阁楼房设计改造
2017-8-14 16:32|马蹄官方编辑|居住空间|100%
...造 作品名称:《珍物记忆,新与旧之说》设计单位:ATDESIGN|杭州时上建筑空间设计事务所 设计内容:室内设计,建筑改造,庭院改造 主案设计:沈墨设计团队:陶建浦,赵文兵 项目规模:50室内 项目施工:郑强 项目摄影...
2 / 【赵睿作品】管先生的小屋|GUAN HOUSE
2015-8-28 15:30|纬图|居住空间|90%
...曲梦蝶设计时间:2013年设计公司:纬图设计有限公司 Design projects:Guan House of SanYaThe owner:LiaoNing Chuang Teng GroupThe Designer:Rui Zhao Technical director:Dawei Zhang Image photography:Ge Yang,rui Zhao Written records:Yuewen Yang The editor:Qidiao Wu,Yumin...
3 / 垣艺术家工作室 | 焉尘建筑设计
2019-12-16 09:36|焉尘建筑设计|办公设计|88%
...d in an art community in Shunyi District of Beijing, the House of Walls is designed for an artist couple as their studio and home. The process of site selection, design and construction took four years. The couple requested that the new building should fit their different needs in art creation and d...
4 / 穿废4套工作服,一个节点重做十几次,只有建築師做自才这么任性!
2019-8-14 03:55|大寒酒话|建筑设计|86%
...天花结构示意图©ADWANGStudio /建築師的自白 We feel that the design of shelter and the design of home is the beginning of architecture and the beginning of interior design. 設計一个居所,一个家,是一个建築設計的开始,也是一个场景空间設計的开始。 ...
5 / 与石同居-厦门绝美海景酒店“那厢”
2016-7-29 15:00|7_eleven|酒店设计|84%
...leven 于 2016-7-29 15:11 编辑 Nashare Hotel by C+ Architects and Naza design studio 与石同居-厦门绝美海景酒店“那厢” 建筑/景观设计:C+ Architects建筑设计事务所,那设计工作室 室内设计:宽品设计顾问 大堂家具与艺术陈设:方小...