相关搜索: healthcare center

2 / 孟买英迪雅医疗保健办公室设计
2020-8-6 17:54|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|99%
Transitions Architects were enagaged by pharmaceutical company, Inventia Healthcare, to design their offices located in Mumbai, India.Transitions Architects has recently designed a new space for Inventia Healthcare in Mumbai, India. Inventia Healthcare is in the business of developing complex generi...
3 / 波特兰ZoomCare办公室设计
2021-6-24 23:16|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|91%
...t,年份:2018,坐落:Portland, Oregon, United States, ,行业: Healthcare, ,TVA Architects designed the part workshop, part laboratory for ZoomCare, the unique healthcare startup company located in Portland, Oregon.,Having relocated their corporate headquarters from more suburban set...
4 / 林达尔医疗中心 | NORD Architects | 2020 | 挪威
2023-5-19 00:01|archdaily|建筑设计|89%
Lyngdal Healthcare 在社区中扮演着积极的角色。 位于挪威南部的 Lyngdal Healthcare Centre 让老年人作为社会不可或缺的一部分“随时了解情况”。 由 3RW Arkitekter 和 NORD Architects 设计的养老院提供了一个愿景,即居民、访客和员工之...
5 / 特拉维夫健康.io办公室设计
2023-4-28 18:39|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|86%
...:32,292 sqft,年份:2022,坐落:Tel Aviv, Israel, ,行业: Healthcare, ,Switchup designed the Healthy.io offices prioritizing a thoughtful layout for collaboration in Tel Aviv, Israel.,Healthy.io is a company that utilizes smartphone cameras, and creates new software that transform...
6 / 埃斯波罗氏公司办公室设计
2020-12-9 19:08|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|86%
... in Espoo, Finland. Roche, the largest biotech company, is a pioneer in healthcare and a frontrunner in personalised healthcare. Roche is the global leader in cancer treatments and the leading provider of in vitro diagnostics. The premises of pharmaceutical and healthcare companies have typica...
7 / 海法马卡比医疗服务设计
2020-8-6 12:16|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|84%
Setter Architects was tasked with the design for the Maccabi Healthcare Services offices, located in Haifa, Israel.Maccabi Health Services is renowned as one of the strongest and most influential institutions in Israel’s healthcare system. Its Northern District head office is located in the Haifa ...
8 / 巴黎养老院+托儿所 / Atelier Zündel Cristea
2015-5-14 14:39|大可乐zZ|办公设计|83%
...y (98 places), nursing home (66 places), nursery (64 places), children’s healthcare centre and car park (44 places) ↑ 外观 ↑ 外观 From a suburban hospital to an urban community healthcare centre The collection of buildings that makes up Notre-Dame de Bon Secours is to be found at 68 Ru...
9 / Plex
2019-3-10 02:47|无心为道|产品应用|78%
10 / 芝加哥Waystar办公室设计
2020-10-7 21:07|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|74%
Eastlake Studio was trusted with the design of the Waystar offices, the healthcare software company, located in Chicago, Illinois. Waystar is a people-centric tech company that simplifies and unifies the revenue cycle within the complicated, and at times even opaque, healthcare industry. Named ...
11 / 胡志明市卫生局设计
2020-8-6 13:51|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|72%
...o Chi Minh City, Vietnam.RB Health is a leading enterprise in the field of healthcare with a range of compelling health clients including Strepsils, Durex, Veet, Dettol … RB Health came to ADP Architects with the following criteria for their work space: demonstrating the brand’s characteristics ...
12 / 东京医学注册基金会Harutaka-kai办公室设计
2023-8-12 05:32|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|72%
...面积:18,299 sqft,年份:2023,坐落:Tokyo, Japan, ,行业: Healthcare, ,The Design Studio K.K. created a space for the Medical Incorporated Foundation Harutaka-kai offices in Tokyo, Japan.,A relocation project for a medical foundation that specializes in pediatric home healthcare...
13 / 位于爱德华兹打折活动健康办公室设计
2021-1-13 22:14|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|71%
...with the design of the Edwards Elmhurst Health offices, one of the largest healthcare systems, located in Warrenville, Illinois. With a number of leases expiring across their portfolio, Edward-Elmhurst Health saw an opportunity to achieve two major goals; consolidate corporate functions into a si...
14 / Kangbuk Samsung Hospital 韩国汉城江北三星医院
2010-12-17 10:16|yimmy831|办公设计|71%
...hospital.Hospital with Nature Newly opened Kangbuk Samsung Hospital Total Healthcare Center was designed to improve current architectural problems of hospitals. In order to achieve this goal, we wanted the hospital be more resort or hotel-like instead of a typical hospital by introducing many aspec...
15 / 弗罗茨瓦夫·弗雷森尤斯办公室设计
2020-8-6 23:08|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|70%
Colliers International | Poland were engaged by healthcare company, Fresenius, to design their offices located in Wroclaw, Poland.Fresenius, asked Colliers International to conduct a thorough needs analysis and develop a workplace design concept that supports diverse needs and workstyles of various ...
16 / STERIS 办公室 | Conexus Studio | 2022 | 新加坡
2024-11-13 00:53|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|70%
,客户:STERIS, ,年份:2022,坐落:Singapore, ,行业: Healthcare, ,STERIS, a leading global provider of products and services that support patient care with an emphasis on infection prevention, has unveiled its new office and home to the company’s Singapore Customer Experience...
17 / 堪萨斯城塞纳创新办公室设计
2020-8-6 23:55|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|69%
...gy talent to the Kansas City area to solve the complex challenges of their healthcare clients. Building 1024 consists of two office towers that house Cerner’s software development, engineering, and IT departments, as well as a low-rise building that will link to future phases and serves dining and...
18 / Novo Nordisk 办公室 | 健康 | Vector Mais | 2021 | 葡萄牙
2022-3-23 19:36|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|68%
...458 sqft,年份:2021,坐落:Paço de Arcos, Portugal, ,行业: Healthcare, ,Vector Mais realized diversified workspaces at the Novo Nordisk offices in Paço de Arcos, Portugal.,Founded in 1923 in Copenhagen, Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company that employs more than 44,000 pe...
19 / 慕尼黑Noventi办公室设计
2023-6-29 10:41|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|68%
...:118,403 sqft,年份:2022,坐落:Munich, Germany, ,行业: Healthcare, ,INpuls was engaged by healthcare company, Noventi, to design a forward-thinking space for their offices in Munich, Germany.,It illustrates the roots as well as the future of the company: architecture and interi...
20 / 圣莫尼卡顶空总部扩建设计
2020-8-6 19:19|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|66%
Montalba Architects completed the headquarters expansion for online healthcare company, Headspace, located in Santa Monica, California.Montalba Architects, an architectural firm with numerous projects in the Santa Monica area, debuts the design for the newly expanded 22,000-square-foot office space ...
21 / 美国 | Remedy | 办公 | 医疗 | 房地产 | 2020 | Unispace
2021-9-20 21:22|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|66%
...,年份:2020,坐落:Chicago, Illinois, United States, ,行业: Healthcare, Real Estate Services, ,Unispace designed the Remedy offices to feel like home for their employees and clients at their downtown location in Chicago, Illinois.,Remedy is the nation’s largest private owner and...
22 / Vizient 办公室 | Partners by Design | 2023 | 美国
2024-11-7 01:54|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|66%
...,年份:2023,坐落:Chicago, Illinois, United States, ,行业: Healthcare, ,Partners by Design thoughtfully created a dynamic space for a variety of work at the Vizient offices in Chicago, Illinois.,Designed as a place where “Cities and Parks come together”, our new office for Vi...
23 / 杭州横店集团办公室设计
2023-6-13 20:33|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|66%
...:196,269 sqft,年份:2022,坐落:Hangzhou, China, ,行业: Healthcare, Manufacturing, ,iDA Workplace devoted 4 years of meticulous care to designing the offices for Hengdian Group in Hangzhou, China.,Hengdian Group is an affiliates formation of more than 200 companies. As one of th...
24 / 老房子在陆前高田市“Hokkori-ya”(2019)(狗)设计
2020-8-28 11:40|archdaily|建筑设计|66%
Retirement, Healthcare Interiors, Rikuzentakata, Japan,设计师:DOG, The University of Tokyo Architectural Planning & Design Lab, 面积: 983 m²,年份:2019,摄影:Nao Takahashi,建造商: Vectorworks, IOC, Panasonic, YKK AP, ADVAN, Adobe, SHIKOKU CHEMICALS, Trimble Navigation...
25 / 西门子医疗 | DIA – Dittel Architekten | 2024 | 德国
2024-11-25 23:39|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|65%
...tive and dynamic. The listed company has been doing pioneering work in the healthcare sector for more than 125 years and currently employs 71,000 people in around 70 countries worldwide. As the largest single new building investment for Siemens Healthineers, the sustainably designed building complex...