1 / Gigi Verde Flower Shop
2017-12-8 09:15|172|商业空间|100%
本帖最后由 172 于 2017-12-8 09:42 编辑
2 / Flower Shop
2017-6-29 08:24|172|商业空间|100%
3 / 旗袍花店 | RVMN | 2023 | 韩国
2023-12-25 12:30|archdaily|商业空间|83%
...re you can communicate with a sense of expansion and a fresh atmosphere of flowers, and the retail itself developed the story of the space with a "blossom pavilion" that seems to be in full bloom. At the bottom, a table that can commercialize and display various flowers and a class table were horizo...
4 / 花力:Instagram代表当代花艺灵感
2020-8-4 07:12|TheModernHouse|软装设计|80%
...tales. Photograph by @acupfullofdreams @doan_ly @hattieflower @palaisflowers. Photograph by David Ralph @tableau_cph There’s a fresh bunch of creative Instagram accounts that are taking flower design to new creative realms. From brutalist arrang...
5 / (ROSANFLOR花店)estudiHac设计
2020-9-17 19:40|Archilovers|商业空间|78%
... Manuel Ferrero, estudi{H}ac has designed and completed an all-new type of Flower Shop concept in Ontinyent, Valencia. To create this new space, Jose Manuel Ferrero got inspiration from three main elements as the starting point: Earth, Water and Light. The challenge lied in transforming th...
6 / 江苏常熟丨37度白(有别设计)
2017-9-29 14:40|马蹄官方编辑|商业空间|74%
...候都能给顾客带来心理上的一丝清凉。The location of Sun's flower shop is in Wanda Plaza of Changshu witch have flowers, courses and buyer coats. Designed in this project only with a white and a single square element to create a pleasant plant kingdom, set off the characteristics of th...
7 / 有别设计 丨孙小姐花店-37度白
2017-12-20 12:53|7.Iris|商业空间|70%
...候都能给顾客带来心理上的一丝清凉。The location of Sun's flower shop is in Wanda Plaza of Changshu witch have flowers, courses and buyer coats. Designed in this project only with a white and a single square element to create a pleasant plant kingdom, set off the characteristics of th...
2013-10-30 11:15|JOHNNY-CL|商业空间|67%
...centre is divided into five areas, each inspired by the ocean, crab-apple, flowers, fruit and nature.In the near future, approximately 30 hotels will be built in the coastal area of Haitang Bay with the Haitang Bay International Shopping Centre as its centre. The Sanya government has listed China Sa...
9 / 美国花店概念 | 2020 | Asmar Najafgulıyeva
2021-7-18 05:20|behance|空间概念|65%
,项目:Flower shop ,设计师:Asmar N. Aytan G.Client MAISON la FLEUR ,地点:Miami, 2906 NE 207th St, Aventura, FL 33180,USA ,面积:98 m2 ,年份:2020 ,转载自:behance ,作者:Asmar Najafgulıyeva ,语言:英语 ,编辑:序赞网 ,阅读原文 ...
10 / LOVEMORE 丨无锡丨精成空间设计
2019-4-13 13:36|Sshua1|商业空间|57%
...感觉也没有“花”的娇弱与柔美。 Different from the ordinary flower shop or the reader's understanding of the "Floral Studio", LOVE MORE Floral Studio is not just everywhere, the overall feeling is not the "flower" of the delicate and feminine. 无论是色调、VI系统、工作...
11 / 7个错层,77.44 平方米,东京“花蕾”
2014-11-18 09:15|long2003|建筑设计|56%
...ch TV, all in a very small time frame.We hope the house resembles a closed flower bud squeezed into a metropolis. location : Tokyo, Japan term of project : 2008 - 2010 structure : wooden structure, reinforced concrete; 2 stories and 1 basement site area : 46.76 sqm building area26.2...
12 / SMFP Studio | uuu design | 2021 | 中国台湾
2024-10-31 14:43|uuudesign|商业空间|53%
...。 SMFP TAIPEI INTERIOR PROJECT / 2021 Space Type / Commercial.Flower shop Floor Area / 78.5m² Location/Taipei City.Taiwan Main Materials / Mirco Cement. Epoxy Floor. WoodVeener. Paint. Titanium plate. Tempered Glass Photography / Weimax Studio ,转自:uuu design inc,图...
13 / 特拉维夫Atera办公室 | switchup | 2022 | 以色列
2022-8-26 03:09|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|52%
...ated metal mesh and allows only a partial view.,Don’t forget about the flowers beneath the ceiling! The reception, cafeteria, and game area are part of the Atera office’s public area.,Wood is another material that depicts this concept. Atera offices have simple furniture that creates a warm ...
14 / Gigi Verde 花店 | SIDES CORE | 2024 | 日本
2024-12-20 08:39|序赞精选|商业空间|52%
...uke Ohtake ▽平面图©SIDES CORE Name: GIGIVERDE Nara Usage: flower shop Spatial design: Sohei Arao Design office: SIDES CORE (http://sides-core.com/)(https://www.instagram.com/sides_core/) Photography: Yosuke Ohtake (http://yosukeohtake.com/) Construction company: THE Ltd. ...
15 / 我的现代房子:植物设计师YasuyoHarvey在伦敦郊区的预算内创造了漂亮的室内装饰。
2020-8-4 04:00|TheModernHouse|软装设计|50%
...asked me to decorate her new studio for a photoshoot. We collaborated on a flower arrangement in flower bricks for twentytwentyone to celebrate Lucienne Day’s centenary. I also made an installation for her exhibition at the London Design Festival in the autumn, and I’ve just finished some work f...
16 / K5东京酒店Koivisto符文前景并不乐观。
2020-8-28 02:40|Yellowtrace|酒店设计|49%
...ing aside the veil reveals more of the room beyond. A sofa, easy chair and flower pots are placed around the room’s edges, like ‘satellites’ while the walls are kept free of furnishings.K5 Loft.Hotel Corridor.K5 Suite Bathroom.K5 Loft Bathroom. Similar bursts of colour are also present in gu...
17 / 我的现代之家:创意总监亚历克斯·伊格尔(AlexEagle)在她光线充足的阁楼公寓里谈论横向生活、现代奢华和SOHO生活。
2020-8-4 06:01|TheModernHouse|软装设计|48%
...y into never paying for anything. He gets free breakfast at Bar Bruno, the flower woman on Berwick Street loves him and always gives him a bunch, and there’s an Italian chocolate shop, Said, around the corner that gives him treats. “People complain about gentrification and that Soho is changi...
18 / 儿童工作室的“在男人的阴影下”照明系列在米兰设计周2017年。(附视频)
2020-8-9 22:02|Yellowtrace|创意设计|48%
...lection was presented in an unassuming location of a historical family-run flower shop ’Ditta Angelo Radaelli’ on via Manzoni in Brera district.The precarious shapes were designed to create an assuming movement and optical illusion, building a sense of anticipation and suspense. The object’s s...
19 / 摩登漫步,匠造一处家庭艺术馆 | 东易日盛·筑巢墅装实景作品
2020-8-25 14:02|济南东易日盛|居住空间|47%
...看灯花,花开淡香温暖和弦。And stay free to watch the lantern, flowers bloom light fragrance, warm chord. 艺术漆刷新艺术“家”,身临最强底妆“种草”现场。Art paint refreshes the art "home" and is on the scene of planting grass with the strongest base makeup. ...
20 / Yabu、Rockwell联袂打造的Moxy Hotel,兼具時尚与复古
2019-8-22 00:27|环亚室内|设计情报|47%
...的植被围在其中。 宾客通过芬芳迷人的Putnam&Putnam Flower Shop花店进入酒店,然后就可以进入到由名師Rockwell Group設計的位于底层的FeroceCaffé和Ristorante餐廳以及位于二楼的Bar Feroce和Conservatory。 位于35楼...
21 / 乾正設計丨上海大悦城潮童天地
2019-9-11 23:19|Hi设计|设计情报|46%
... Walking out of the elevator hall, As kids are opening eyes, enjoyable Flower Bud Book House。 花苞书屋长廊 Flower Bud Book House Gallery 从“花苞书屋”鱼贯而行, 来到一段台阶之前。 Follow the “ Flower Bud Book House “ and walk to the stairs. 台阶具...
22 / 巴黎噢,我的奶油办公室设计
2020-8-6 10:48|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|45%
...ften the total white look. Some decorative elements like bouquets if dried flowers have been arranged to personalize the office. The headquarter of Oh My Cream has been designed in the same vein as the shops and wants to be a real temple of beauty.The team enjoys a new lunch area equipped with a cus...
23 / BnA Alter Museum美术馆酒店 | BnA Co., Ltd. & Toyo Design Co., Ltd.
2020-1-3 15:05|BnA|酒店设计|44%
..., Sato Sugamoto ▼《维纳斯的花篮》,河野Lulu | Venus’ Flower Basket,Lulu Kouno ▼《我的房间》,三嶋章義 | MY ROOM, Akiyoshi Mishima ▼《连续体》,真鍋大度 (Rhizomatiks) | continuum, Daito Manabe (Rhizomatiks) ▼《1993》,油野愛子 | ...
24 / Town Hall Square Solingen广场及宅间绿地改造
2013-10-30 11:00|水格|景观设计|43%
...In the centre three huge, organically shaped benches along with a group of flowering trees (Sophora japonica, Japanese Pagodatree) establish an area to pause and communicate. Four courtyards within the quarter are a counterpart to this open, lively square. The courtyards are arranged as abstract gar...
25 / 我的现代房子:如何升级一套出租公寓,与花生供应商创始人巴尼·里德和贝基·诺兰在伦敦东部的鲍。
2020-8-4 01:19|TheModernHouse|软装设计|42%
...sing. But now Ive scratched that itch and Im starting again; I want to see flowers this year. Hopefully, by the end of the summer it’ll be looking lovely.” Barny: “The relationship between our home and shop is quite fluid. Some things we put in here and think we’re going to have forever, ...