1 / Y2C2 上海店 Cantonese Fine Dining Restaurant Y2C2 -Kokaistudios
2013-8-31 16:08|jacob1023|餐饮设计|100%
Cantonese Fine Dining Restaurant Y2C2 \ Kokaistudios 上海,中国室内设计| 2013 | 900平方米 在完成多项指标性餐饮项目后,VOL和Kokaistudios再次合作构思一个具有挑战性的创新粤式精致美食餐厅。VOL集团最新力作将集团兼具当代和时尚代表...
2 / 成都MAKE精致料理-Chengdu MAKE Fine Dining
2018-6-18 10:35|成都震翅设计|餐饮设计|96%
Address: 四川省成都市锦江区天仙桥南路6号恒丰大厦底商 Project area: 200平米 设计理念: Design Idea 我们旨在创造一个诗意之地,居心之所。 处繁华而独辟清幽之境,居闹市而无车马之喧。 停下来,让自己安静的品尝...
3 / 焱熹 FINE DINING 餐厅 | 朴开十向 | 2023 | 中国湖北
2024-5-30 16:54|序赞精选|餐饮设计|90%
...红的交响乐。而焱熹,则带你来到了意法之地,带来一场Fine dining的大秀。 ▽店面概览© 张筱锴 Fine diningfine在于氛围、食物、服务,一切都恰恰好,吃饭像一次旅程,将食物背后的一切都吃进肚子里。强调用餐体验的趣...
4 / ÉPURE & Dalloyau by Yabu Pushelberg
2014-11-22 10:50|guoJimmy|餐饮设计|84%
...ommendations, from a good traditional Chinese restaurant to a contemporary fine dining location. When it comes to restaurants on the island side, it isn’t usually a problem. I am truly not a Kowloon guy. I know I might sound arrogant but I just can’t justify to go to a restaurant whch is worth c...
5 / 美国加州 Meyerhofer 住宅
2011-11-8 15:47|will_fine|居住空间|79%
本帖最后由 will_fine 于 2011-11-21 11:50 编辑 这是 JAMIE BUSH 完成的一个住宅的室内设计,位于加州。这是一个面积接近5000英尺,由玻璃、钢铁、红木与石头组成的现代建筑。房子建成于上世纪中叶,有着一个奇怪的形状,并且随...
6 / 美国芝加哥Belden Stratford酒店的L2O餐厅翻新设计
2012-3-1 12:50|wangxiaohu|餐饮设计|66%
... by Dirk Denison Architects, is a refurbishment design of a classic French fine dining restaurant to a contemporary seafood eatery in Chicago’s Belden Stratford Hotel. This space successfully integrates contemporary clean modern lines with a sense of historical elegance. Winner of the 2010 AIA C...
7 / 迪拜Palm Jumeirah凯宾斯基酒店公寓
2012-9-9 09:14|wenming-1980|酒店设计|65%
...is the king of all luxuries, and the luxury Dubai hotel offer the ultimate fine dining experience at Brunello Restaurant. Discover innovative cooking methods and tastes created by a new generation of professionals, a contemporary Italian cuisine, which reinvented itself, still being very authentic. ...
8 / 马尔代夫总督酒店(viceroy hotels&resorts maldives)(Yabu Pushelbe)
2012-6-4 20:59|yuanzhen|酒店设计|65%
...ing from casual beachside cuisine, Pan Asian and European fare to intimate fine dining experience with a wine cellar and a private chef’s table. 一个精明的冒险家的真正的避风港,马尔代夫总督酒店提供了在壮观的环境和豪华设施中隐居的新的水平。总督酒...
9 / YABU--The Four Seasons Hotel,Toronto, Canada(附平面、多图)
2012-12-11 20:45|bbq0819|酒店设计|63%
...y whimsical dandelion motif.There’s also a watering hole and a “casual fine-dining” restaurantmasterminded by Michelin-star chef Daniel Boulud, and a massive spa with views over the city.
10 / Voisin Organique 邻舍有机餐厅+酒吧 / 万社设计
2020-5-13 02:09|万社设计|品牌精选|63%
...欧盟有机认证农场种植的食材,将古法中国菜与国际化的fine dining 的仪式感相融合。本项目坐落于深圳福田区的深业上城,委托方希望整个空间能同时拥有一个酒吧区、一个高级正餐区,同时亦需要面积110平米的厨房操作间。 ...
11 / Bo's Table主厨餐厅丨两个设计师 | 2024 | 中国北京
2024-12-18 23:10|序赞精选|餐饮设计|63%
Bo's Table是位于北京的fine dining餐厅。以主厨生活里的小故事命名菜单,用chef's table的形式呈现他们理解的世界美食。餐厅位于望京中国锦大厦48层,于2024年开业,占地200平方米。设计师陈超希望通过更像家装的场地布置,消...
12 / The Roast Room Restaurant
2015-7-16 19:02|王-畅|餐饮设计|62%
...ik, the restaurant spans two floors (a brasserie on the ground floor and a fine dining area on the mezzanine) and is equipped with every tool and contraption imaginable for preparing all kinds of meat, including its own little butcher’s corner featuring a rather theatrical wheel for opening and cl...
13 / 美国纽约 SUBA 餐厅
2011-11-8 10:51|will_fine|餐饮设计|61%
这是 Andre Kikoski Architect 完成的一个餐厅的室内设计,位于纽约。餐厅座落于一个充满西班牙阿罕布拉宫风情的建筑里,整个餐厅围绕着三个处于不同楼层的房间展开,并且各自有着不同的风格,底层是小吃休息室,中层就像一...
14 / 抚仙湖希尔顿酒店 Hilton Fuxian
2016-4-21 23:07|charliexu|酒店设计|60%
...te balcony, offering peaceful lake or garden views. The Cantonese cuisine, fine dining Yuku will be one of the six bars and restaurants at the Hilton.
15 / 格洛丽埃塔(Glorietta)Alexander &CO. 设计
2020-8-5 12:45|Archilovers|餐饮设计|60%
...an intimate restaurant now appeals to afternoon spritz seekers, late-night fine diners as well as the casual pizza crowd. Glorietta acts as a cultural reference point, encouraging other businesses into the area, to activate the surrounding precinct. Project Name ...
16 / 斑泊 | 伴境空间设计 | 2023 | 中国台湾
2023-6-5 12:04|伴境设计|餐饮设计|60%
...般,「斑泊」以台湾在地故事作为发想起源,结合现代 fine dining 思考模式,拆解、梳理、重组,站在不同视角,诠释过往台湾人记忆里的寻常料理。餐厅意图让两种饮食文化,横跨时空界限,开启崭新的深层对话。 就在你带着...
17 / 南美洲厄瓜多尔Casa Gangotena酒店
2012-4-29 00:28|charliexu|酒店设计|60%
...31 rooms, a showcase of eye-catching style, contemporary design, antiques, fine furnishings, modern technologies and quintessential comforts. Beautifully- and eclectically-appointed, the hotel invites its guests to explore and to relax, whether in the dining room, glassed-in patio, garden redole...
18 / 泰国普吉岛的豪华海景别墅
2013-7-29 15:03|王爷驾到|居住空间|59%
...gement, concierge services, resort swimming pool, gym, tennis courts, spa, fine Asian dining, exclusive beach clubs, private motor yachts and more, making this the ultimate holiday escape and sage investment.
19 / 美国奥兰多华尔道夫酒店 Waldorf Astoria Orlando
2012-2-4 23:27|charliexu|酒店设计|59%
... Elite Meetings - Elite Platinum Award – 2010 Silver Spoon Award: Best Fine Dining - Orlando Home & Leisure - 2010 Golfweek – Best Courses You Can Play – 2011 Golf Digest - Top 20 Florida Courses You Can Play - 2010 Golf Weekly - Top 25 Best New Courses - 2010 Golf Digest - Best New ...
20 / The St. Regis Washington, D.C.美国 华盛顿圣瑞吉酒店 官方摄影
2012-4-17 00:41|hino|酒店设计|59%
...s breakfast and dinner. Indulge with one of signature Champagne cocktails, fine wines and lunch available in the Hotel Bar. Celebrate the arrival of the evening with our nightly Champagne Sabering Ritual at 6PM during Fall and Winter and 5PM during Spring & Summer months in the hotel reception. Rela...
21 / 加利福尼亚州纳帕谷Bardessono渡假酒店/WATG
2012-7-11 09:55|charliexu|酒店设计|58%
...was designed to reflect a blending of the Valley's agrarian character, a refined environment associated with the region's wines, and an indoor/outdoor atmosphere. Sustainable building materials, energy management systems, and solar and geothermal energy were incorporated into the design. Every room ...
22 / 温州瓯江包厢餐厅(Wenzhou Ou-river Cystal Boxes Restaurant)AntiStatics Architecture 设计
2020-8-10 06:24|archdaily|餐饮设计|58%
...rchitects. Built on piers above the Ou- River in the city of Wenzhou, this fine dining restaurant occupies the threshold between the city and the tidal estuary which flows through the city. This is one of the feature buildings along the 1.8km Wenzhou Ou-River waterfront new development master plan, ...
23 / 看到在这个经典的西班牙殖民在圣塔莫尼卡
2020-8-21 19:09|ArchitecturalDi|软装设计|58%
...vory custom sofa; the trim is by Samuel & Sons and the pillow is of a Lisa Fine Textiles fabric. A custom settee is clad in Fermoie fabric and a pillow in Penny Morrison Fabrics. The mirror is from William Laman. “We didn’t let the tail wag the dog,” says Williger of the painstaking process...
24 / dittel architekten's enso sushi
2017-7-21 10:30|临塘听风晚|商业空间|58%
...-7-21 10:33 编辑 [size=1.01em]dittel architekten designs the [size=1em]fine food restaurant ‘enso sushi + grill’ in a prime location in the dorotheen quartier shopping mall in stuttgart, germany. the modern design is as sophisticated and creative as its asian-european fusion cuisine. an oak ...
25 / 曼谷Lebua莲花大酒店 Lebua State Tower
2013-4-23 12:12|25752867|酒店设计|57%
...views of Bangkok and the Chao Phraya river from every single room, several fine dining options, Bvlgari room amenities, Petrossian amenities in mini bar. 经搜索,坛子里有过相同项目帖子,链接为 曼谷Lebua莲花大酒店(专业摄影版) 因照片拍摄空间和角度有别...