您是不是要找: elevated hall

1 / 体育馆和市政厅广场
2013-9-13 08:55|sangziyan|商业空间|100%
...-Architecture_1.jpgThe aim of this project is to replay this rescheduling, elevating it into the category of an agora. The space, therefore, was in need of a strategic, volumetric insertion and an idea, contributing to the completion of the history and a new perception of the whole.http://static.dez...
2 / 杭州东站
2014-12-11 09:42|long2003|办公设计|93%
...ZhouEest Railway Station 站房高架层入口平台 The entrance to the elevated floor of the east side station 站房高架层入口平台 The entrance to the elevated floor of the east side station 站房西进站口 West entrance of the HangZhouEest Railway Station 高架层旅客候车...
3 / 蒙特利尔光速办公室设计
2021-1-13 21:06|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|91%
...red moods and highlighting spatial transitions. Upon exiting the 5th-floor elevators, a dark environment lends itself to a subtle game of transparency and reflection, courtesy of three bronze-tainted boxes delimiting the elevator hall from the adjacent training room. The elevator hall’s black back...
4 / Form Us With Love elevates Nest furniture on slim metal legs
2019-3-14 19:50|windfell|产品应用|90%
斯德哥尔摩2016年:瑞典设计工作室,我们的爱与高架扶手式扶手椅在细长框架上,为丹麦品牌哈雷创造了一组凸起的座椅。 Nest系列的设计是为了将织物软垫椅子和高脚椅的最佳元素结合起来。 ...
5 / Form Us With Love elevates Nest furniture on slim metal legs
2019-3-18 21:26|cq_mrr|产品应用|90%
斯德哥尔摩2016年:瑞典设计工作室,我们的爱与高架扶手式扶手椅在细长框架上,为丹麦品牌哈雷创造了一组凸起的座椅。 Nest系列的设计是为了将织物软垫椅子和高脚椅的最佳元素结合起来。 ...
6 / Musis Sacrum音乐厅改造及扩建 | van Dongen-Koschuch
2019-12-31 14:25|vanDongen|康乐空间|88%
...he renovation and extension ▼改造后建筑的东侧立面,east elevation of the renovation building ▼多用途音乐厅被设计为独立于原有建筑的单独体块,the new multi-purpose hall is positioned as a separate volume 建筑师将扩建部分设计为一个充...
7 / ZGB投资办公室 | Ujing Interiors Design | 2021 | 中国北京
2022-9-20 23:16|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|88%
... of artistic image.,Space difficulty,Firstly, When you step out of the elevator, you will feel that the elevator hall is dark; And the Corridor of North-South direction in the core tube is dark and narrow. For the above shortcomings, the lighting method is the primary consideration in the design...
8 / Koray Arslan House | Mert Uslu Architecture
2020-7-16 16:46|Mert.Uslu.Arc|品牌精选|85%
...rests surrounding it. The building, which lies on the parcel with a 240 cm elevation difference on the east-west axis, creates different spatial perceptions in the interior with its two and three-storey gallery spaces, and gives clues about the traces of the daily flow in the house. Transparent glas...
9 / 中国南京 | ARITCO | 电梯展厅 | 2021 | EMMA 摄影
2021-9-26 08:09|behance|商业空间|81%
,项目:ARITCO· Elevator Exhibition Hall· NANJING CHINA ,设计师:Wan Junjie ,摄影:EMMA ,转载自:behance ,作者:EMMA ZHU ,图片@EMMA ZHU ,语言:英语 ,编辑:序赞网 ,阅读原文
10 / Peyton Place (佩顿广场公寓) by Paper House Project
2020-5-19 09:52|Paper.House.Pro|品牌精选|79%
...paces compactly organized at one end in order to maximize living space. An elevated mezzanine sundeck with a large retractable skylight provides an additional living area whilst creating a new connection between the internal and external spaces. At lower ground floor level all three bedrooms face on...
11 / Town Center / Andreas Flora
2015-1-9 16:51|loy|办公设计|79%
...e the slope ↑ 地下层平面图 Underground plan ↑ 北立面图 North elevation ↑ 东立面图 East elevation ↑ 南立面图 South elevation ↑ 西立面图 West elevation ↑ 截面图 Section
12 / 奥马哈HDR总部设计
2020-8-24 22:06|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|78%
... and environmental graphics, continues a contemporary design aesthetic. By elevating simple materials, designers created a succinct visual experience. Each of the eight office floors features collaboration areas, amenities, work stations and offices that are flexible, expandable and have access to d...
13 / 英国迪顿山住宅(2020)(Surman Weston)设计
2021-1-11 13:42|archdaily|建筑设计|78%
...l orchestration of subtle references to it.,With its traditional A-frame elevation, the house borrows the language of mock-Tudor ubiquitous in the suburbs and turns it on its head by expressing it in a steel frame – the materiality of modernity. The inherent strength of the steel exoskeleton per...
14 / 奥地利 | Postgarage Campus V |咖啡 | 餐饮 | 办公 | 现代 | 2019 | NONA Architektinnen
2021-8-23 09:04|archdaily|餐饮设计|78%
...riking reinforced concrete beams are clearly visible in the large open and elevated rooms. The initial structure and the character of the open halls was retained and carefully restructured by built-in wooden boxes. These allow to subdivide the industrial halls and enable various room scenarios. Gall...
15 / 2017金外滩设计奖&景翔会所&如一设计
2017-6-30 14:30|liaocangjian|办公设计|78%
...光线弱,为空间的设计增添了很大的难度。 ▽ 电梯间,Elevator hoistway 电梯间是会所的起点,设计师加重了传统材料的比例,利用小青瓦叠垒、细竹密拼、实木天花格栅,呈现出点、线、面的交错效果,让顾客一开始就感受到...
16 / 无锡Wayzim技术办公室设计
2023-3-25 02:51|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|78%
.... The first floor is designed as an open-floor layout with a staircase and elevator in the center to serve vertical movements and promote healthy mobility within the building. The open space provides employees and visitors an opportunity to explore the building and the organization at their own pace...
17 / 多伦多航空加拿大办事处设计
2020-8-6 23:13|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|77%
Figure3 created the elevated office experience for employees of renown airline, Air Canada, located in Toronto, Canada.For their new office in downtown Toronto, Air Canada was looking to elevate their workplace design experience while maintaining their existing established brand standard. With one f...
18 / 台湾金宝山公墓
2014-10-29 09:12|long2003|建筑设计|76%
...ion 黎明阁剖面 Arrival Hall, section 黎明阁剖面 Arrival Hall, elevation 黎明阁立面
19 / 乌克兰奥克托塔(2020)(Goldakovskiy Group Architects)设计
2021-2-3 13:35|archdaily|建筑设计|76%
...iet era.,The structure of the building consists of two vertical cores of elevators with pedestrian ramps between the floor levels shifted by half a floor height vertically. The interior space of the 30-meter atrium is closed by brick walls from the sides and back of the building and a glass facade...
20 / Puri Bukit海景别墅,巴厘岛 / Alexis Dornier
2020-1-15 16:53|AlexisDornier|品牌精选|76%
...,night view ▼首层平面图,ground floor plan ▼立面图,elevations ▼剖面图,sections 地点:乌鲁瓦图冲浪别墅室内设计:亚历克西斯·多尼尔与蒂姆·拉索(Tim Russo)面积:360平方米– 1100平方米平方米游泳池面积– 40平方米...
21 / 静谧的精致 | replus bureau | 2023 | 英国
2023-12-14 10:46|behance|建筑设计|74%
...temporary architectural principles.At the heart of the entrance hall is an elevator, providing efficient connectivity between different levels of the residence. This feature underscores modern convenience without compromising the overall minimalist aesthetic.INTEGRATED POOL: A UNIQUE AQUATIC RETREAT...
22 / LaGuardia Terminal B Arrivals and Departures Hall / HOK 设计
2020-8-1 17:13|archdaily|建筑设计|74%
...as the nexus of the new Terminal B. From these transparent-walled bridges, elevated 65 feet above grade, arriving and departing passengers can enjoy panoramic skyline and airfield views as taxiing planes pass beneath them. The bridges offer more than a sleek appearance. They enabled the design team ...
23 / 东升集团 | NX设计 | 2023 | 中国浙江
2023-7-14 15:40|NX设计|商业空间|74%
...构情况下进行了改造修饰。 ▼朝霞路与辉煌路沿街立面Elevations along Zhaoxia Road and Huihuang Road 主立面 ▼公司企业文化展厅,Company Corporate Cultural Exhibition Hall 关于在展厅设计下我们整理了大量的背景调研及与业...
24 / 倒影里的线条-4000HOTPOT餐厅 | 旖旎设计 | 徐年迪
2019-4-24 17:30|旖旎设计|品牌精选|72%
...hall characterizes an important role for the restaurant. When you take the elevator up, six meters above the art hall, especially, when the elevator door opens at that moment you feel like you are trancing into alternative space and time, which have been embraced by the lights and shadows. The ceili...
25 / 武昌鱼小镇游船码头—不加矫饰,以真实的结构自然呈现形态和空间
2019-8-21 15:41|设计灵感精选|设计情报|71%
...re ▼结构立面(左),一组空间结构单元(右)structural elevation (left), structural unit (right) ▼墙体构造示意,diagram of structure of the wall ▼从平台上看周边景色。View of the environment from the platform. ▼一层平面图,first floor ▼屋顶结...