1 / 美国Covington Elevation B样板房——样板房范例之八
2011-11-16 11:55|goon311|居住空间|100%
本帖最后由 goon311 于 2011-11-18 14:59 编辑 好久没发帖子了哦。 这是一套蓝咖调的。
2 / Songmax 女性服装店elevation workshop 北京
2013-4-9 13:32|西瓜男|商业空间|100%
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17
4 / 印度尼西亚 | Elevated | 酒店 | 民宿 | 概念 | 2021 | TAKA projects
2021-12-24 23:32|TAKA.projects|空间概念|99%
一个接地气的建筑存在,作为一个可以被踩踏、穿越和居住的容器。 它的真正意图是通过一个高架平台展示热带景观和周围山丘的美丽。 该设计方法旨在通过多层立面优化微气候设计,该立面允许交叉通风和一个蓄水池,从直...
5 / Artful Elevates the Valet to the Wall
2019-3-25 15:00|wdb1971|产品应用|98%
大多数仆人都是占用你房间里宝贵的地板空间的看台。新的意大利品牌Artly决定把它与墙上的贴身贴身的MODO挂在墙上。它很小,可以挂在你的衣橱里,但设计得很大,可以装很多东西。 Mo...
6 / Refined And Elevated Homewares From Lee Walsh
2019-3-18 18:25|kvxqewf|产品应用|94%
7 / 安石卷厕 | 在行建筑 | 2021 | 中国四川
2023-7-13 12:17|序赞精选|景观设计|94%
...的矩形大屋顶下© 在行建筑[/align] ▽卷厕正立面, Front elevation© 吕晓斌 传统公厕使女性游客如厕平均轮候时间过长© 吕晓斌[/align] 卷厕可以进一步实现其作为公共空间的属性,而非刻板印象中被人嫌弃的场所。建筑与停车...
8 / 巴比龙木屋酒店 | RobitailleCurtis | 2024 | 加拿大
2024-2-28 01:18|Archilovers|建筑设计|93%
9 / Shimigiah住宅公寓(双面)(Shimigiah住宅公寓(双面))Ashari建筑师设计
2021-2-5 20:26|Archilovers|建筑设计|93%
...ided to make some minor alterations in terms of improving the building’s elevations; but under the discussion between our team and the client, we could convince him to renovate all the interior and outdoor spaces. The northern and southern access to the apartment was completely different. Con...
10 / 改造屋ME | Wespi de Meuron Romeo | 2023 | 瑞士
2024-2-14 00:42|Archilovers|民宿设计|92%
...原始品质几乎无法辨别。 ,相关附件下载:,附件:elevation north-east.pdf,附件:elevation north-west.pdf,附件:elevation south-east.pdf,附件:elevation south-west.pdf,附件:groundfloor -1.pdf,附件:groundfloor +1.pdf,附件:groundfloor +2.pdf,...
11 / Form Us With Love elevates Nest furniture on slim metal legs
2019-3-14 19:50|windfell|产品应用|92%
斯德哥尔摩2016年:瑞典设计工作室,我们的爱与高架扶手式扶手椅在细长框架上,为丹麦品牌哈雷创造了一组凸起的座椅。 Nest系列的设计是为了将织物软垫椅子和高脚椅的最佳元素结合起来。 ...
12 / Form Us With Love elevates Nest furniture on slim metal legs
2019-3-18 21:26|cq_mrr|产品应用|92%
斯德哥尔摩2016年:瑞典设计工作室,我们的爱与高架扶手式扶手椅在细长框架上,为丹麦品牌哈雷创造了一组凸起的座椅。 Nest系列的设计是为了将织物软垫椅子和高脚椅的最佳元素结合起来。 ...
13 / “双面”——Shimigiah住宅公寓(2020)(Ashari Architects)设计
2020-9-6 06:25|archdaily|建筑设计|91%
...ided to make some minor alterations in terms of improving the building’s elevations; but under the discussion between our team and the client, we could convince him to renovate all the interior and outdoor spaces. ,The northern and southern access to the apartment was completely different. Cons...
14 / 简洁的外观,丰富的视野——瑞士独户住宅空间
2019-8-21 05:43|设计灵感精选|设计情报|91%
...平面,second floor ▼三层平面,third floor ▼北立面,north elevation ▼南立面,south elevation ▼东立面,east elevation ▼西立面,west elevation ▼剖面一,section 1 ▼剖面二,section 1
15 / 巴特西电站 | WilkinsonEyre | 2022 | 英国
2022-10-13 00:30|Archilovers|建筑设计|91%
...ea Power Station_Cross Section.pdf,附件:Battersea Power Station_East Elevation.pdf,附件:Battersea Power Station_L7 Plan.pdf,附件:Battersea Power Station_Long Elevation.pdf,附件:Battersea Power Station_Long Section.pdf,附件:Battersea Power Station_Roof Plan.pdf,附件...
16 / 摩天大楼“瀑布” | Kuzenkov Kirill | 2022 | 美国
2024-2-23 23:22|behance|建筑设计|91%
...dimensions in plan (approximately 15 × 26 m) this does not allow for many elevators to be installed. I decided to divide the functional building in such a way as to reduce the density of people and consequently reduce the number of elevators. It is impossible to use elevators in the load-bearing co...
17 / 克雷代度假屋 | Andrea Dal Negro | 2022 | 意大利
2023-12-6 01:32|Archilovers|民宿设计|91%
...件:04_Section A_CRE.pdf,附件:05_Section B_CRE.pdf,附件:06_Elevation south_CRE.pdf,附件:07_Elevation north_CRE.pdf,附件:08_Elevation west_CRE.pdf,附件:09_Elevation east_CRE.pdf,转载自:Archilovers,设计师:Andrea Dal Negro,图片©Andrea Dal Negro,坐...
18 / Elevation Workshop's wooden cabins surround Beijing spring
2015-12-22 00:00|wxj_300|酒店设计|90%
在北京附近的这家酒店里,有一个热气腾腾的温泉被遮挡在竹笋后面,这里有七间新套房,由当地的工作室立面工作室(幻灯片)提供。 标高工作室,也被称为魏建筑师,被要求为中国首都东北的一...
19 / 杭州东站
2014-12-11 09:42|long2003|办公设计|90%
...ZhouEest Railway Station 站房高架层入口平台 The entrance to the elevated floor of the east side station 站房高架层入口平台 The entrance to the elevated floor of the east side station 站房西进站口 West entrance of the HangZhouEest Railway Station 高架层旅客候车...
20 / CasasNaAreia沙地旅馆
2014-6-27 08:55|yunren|办公设计|90%
...间I — 平面图 House I - plan ↑ 房间I — 立面图 House I - elevation ↑ 房间I — 立面图 House I - elevation ↑ 房间I — 剖面图 House I - section ↑ 房间II — 平面图 House II - plan ↑ 房间II — 立面图 House II - elevation ↑ 房间II — 立...
21 / 乡村峡谷之家 | Walker Workshop | 2021 | 美国
2022-5-11 15:58|Archilovers|居住空间|89%
... ,相关附件下载:,附件:Plan_North.pdf,附件:Plans_East Elevation.pdf,附件:Plans_North Elevation.pdf,附件:Plans_section through entrance.pdf,附件:Plans_section through kitchen.pdf,附件:Plans_south elevation.pdf,附件:West Elevation.pdf,转载自:Ar...
22 / HJD A Hotel Design 酒店设计全程纪录(一)
2015-7-20 08:58|赫加空间设计|空间概念|87%
...房型表/Standard floor room table 标准层电梯间/Standard floor elevator 标准层电梯间/Standard floor elevator 标准层走廊/Standard floor corridor 标准套房/Standard Suite 标准套房/Standard Suite卫生间/Toilet 标准客房/Standard rooms 标准客房/Standard roo...
23 / JLL 办公室 | NELSON Worldwide | 2022 | 美国
2023-1-17 22:30|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|87%
...brant North Loop in Downtown Minneapolis. The new workplace reinforces and elevates the cultural values of JLL and energizes the brand through the combination of welcoming front-of-house amenities, warm wood tones, and soft textured furniture.,The elevated office experience begins as soon as emplo...
24 / 深度家庭住宅 | RO_AR Szymon Rozwalka | 2021 | 捷克
2023-4-13 01:36|Archilovers|建筑设计|87%
25 / 美国西山中学(2019)(NAC)设计
2020-11-29 01:42|archdaily|建筑设计|86%
...ualmie,Country:United States,设计师描述 | Designer description: Elevated Campus. Mount Si's campus is elevated in every sense of the word: educationally, experientially, and literally. The campus nests in a valley defined by two mountains and the Snoqualmie River, which creates a floodway...