您是不是要找: 单人椅 kitchen

1 / Joyous Joinery by Dries Otten .
2019-3-8 12:15|cq_mrr|居住空间|100%
...木工的能力,可以在他的网站上找到。 rotterdam kitchen by d otten rotterdam kitchen by d otten rotterdam kitchen by d otten rotterdam kitchen by d otten [摄影杂志:Jef Jacobs.] keywo...
2 / 家居概念下的自语 | 菲拉设计 | 2023 | 中国浙江
2024-3-14 17:56|菲拉设计|居住空间|100%
...型,打造空间的秩序性与区域下的氛围。 ◐ 餐厨区 / Kitchen Area◐ 餐厨区 / Kitchen Area◐ 餐厨区 / Kitchen Area 餐厨区 / Kitchen Area 在区域功能的落笔下并述空间的连贯性,功能间的过渡自然和谐,将机能感与艺术感糅合其中。...
3 / 韩屋遗产屋 | Listen Communication | 2023 | 韩国
2023-12-2 08:17|archdaily|民宿设计|96%
... designed to provide. The basement has one guest room, living room, kitchen, dry sauna, study, media room, and winery. The basement living room was designed to respond flexibly to various events, and various space elements, including kitchen system furniture, were designed and produced. Tradi...
4 / 无息 | 菲拉设计 | 2023 | 中国浙江
2024-3-14 17:51|菲拉设计|居住空间|95%
...其中的舒适度,扬长避短探索空间潜能。 餐厨区 / The Kitchen Area 入户门看向客厅 / View From The Entrance Door To The Living Room 功能形式的转变塑造新型家居模式,以开放式贯穿客餐厨空间享受家居自由感,一个人居住去掉多余房间...
5 / 印度尼西亚象牙白的房子(2020)(Ruang Raya)设计
2020-10-26 14:12|archdaily|建筑设计|89%
...ity.,On the ground floor, the living room is directly connected with the kitchen and utilize its island as multi function hot desk. On top of it, there’s a big void to maximize connectivity between two floors while also enhancing its open space concept. Aside from the dry gardens, the house also...
6 / 觉·室
2022-7-10 11:42|NK-FF|居住空间|87%
...。The original small pattern of the area how to clearly distinguish the kitchen, bathroom, entrance, dining room four independent functional areas, just the homeowner also like open kitchen space, the designer opened the kitchen space guest bathroom dry area basin and dining table combination, func...
7 / 橄榄屋(The Olive Houses)mar plus ask 新作
2020-7-21 17:08|mar.plus.ask|品牌精选|84%
...ed for a comfortable sleep feeling as close to nature as possible. The kitchen area and the restroom is built in an existing toolshed some meters away, the Purple House. To get to the new dutch door, you’ll have to walk past some big rock formations that force you to meander and turn before yo...
8 / 通古斯(通古斯)安娜Gavrichkova设计
2021-1-14 15:06|Archilovers|建筑设计|83%
...roducts and culinary technology. One of the main tasks was to have an open kitchen with a traditional Russian stove (with zero-pollution ventilation system). Therefore, the aim of this project was to create an interior with a special warm atmosphere, within which we could strive to reflect the beaut...
9 / 以下是如何让你的木家具看起来很破旧的方法
2020-8-3 21:23|ArchitecturalDi|软装设计|83%
...e easiest way to age wood is with things you probably already have in your kitchen. Pour vinegar into the glass jar, filling it about halfway. Shred the steel wool and add it to the jar. Let the steel wool and vinegar sit in the jar uncovered for at least 24 hours. (Letting it sit for longer will cr...
10 / RIVER VIEW | N.Team Design
2021-6-14 10:20|N.Team|空间概念|82%
...ustere, but not devoid of comfort and home warmth. There is a full-fledged kitchen-living room, with a biofireplace, and a seating area under the window to enjoy a beautiful view of the Dnipro river and the right bank of Kyiv.Also, in the apartment, a separate master area is designed, with a bedroom...
11 / 季度玻璃房(2020)(Proctor \ u0026 Shaw)设计
2021-2-9 00:39|archdaily|建筑设计|82%
...gradual, controlled descent into the garden through distinct yet connected kitchen, dining, and outdoor terrace zones.,The two neighbouring extensions presented a challenge, requiring Proctor and Shaw to think laterally about maintaining the residents’ privacy and access to light while still ful...
12 / 俄罗斯 PIMS 茶馆 | 2020 | KIDZ
2021-6-13 22:18|KIDZ.studio|餐饮设计|80%
...atively small area, we managed to accommodate 32 comfortable seats, a full kitchen and a cash desk with a waiting area, a wardrobe behind the curtain, and a shelf for merch. ,The central element of the landing zone is a communal table made of artificial blue stone - its texture echoes the terra...
13 / 亨特餐厅(亨特餐厅)DA局设计
2021-1-14 14:57|Archilovers|建筑设计|80%
"HUNT" is a new restaurant, which was opened on the place of an oriental kitchen. The concept has changed radically: there was no trace from the rich Chinese restaurant. It became an all new place, unique in content and based on natural motifs - both in the kitchen and in the interior. The re...
14 / 现代菜单:家庭厨师安娜·巴内特在哈克尼的家中分享了她在商店橱柜里的必备品和自制的泰利亚泰尔炖茴香豌豆的食谱。
2020-8-4 07:21|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|79%
...most of things. In this isolation edition of our food series, we visit the kitchen of cook Anna Barnett (who we previously met at her last place, a shared house in a converted pub in east London) to get her store cupboard essentials and a recipe for homemade tagliatelle with braised fennel and peas....
15 / 查茨沃斯大道公寓
2013-11-26 19:56|月夜|居住空间|76%
...e doors leading to other entertainment pockets of thehouse: Pool deck, dry kitchen, gym and entrance gallery. The living room isdesigned for intimate entertaining with doors to enclose the space. As with thedining room, the living room walls are also paneled with fabric-padded inserts.It is awash wi...
16 / 5:1公寓 ——狭小空间下的住宅
2015-6-23 14:47|吴伟锋|居住空间|75%
...l elements for living, working, sleeping, dressing, and entertaining, plus kitchen, dining, and bathing space within a compact 390 sf.A motorized sliding storage element glides from one end of the room to the other, revealing and exchanging spaces between daytime and nighttime zones. As the moving v...
17 / 布卢明顿Vanco办公室设计
2020-8-17 21:09|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|75%
...onal interior space. A locally crafted live edge walnut island defines the kitchen space with stools for gathering. Big features in the café are the custom designed booths that use color to tell a story of light and depth of shadow. The booths have custom designed wallcovering by Studio BV that ...
18 / 厨房故事:厨师们思考家庭和食物的重要性,以及他们现在正在做什么。
2020-8-4 07:25|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|75%
...sure of restaurants, chefs, like the rest of us, are turning to their home kitchens for nourishment, comfort and connection in this period of lockdown. Here, we’ve reached out to chefs in our community to get their thoughts on what a good meal can do for morale right now; hear what food they are l...
19 / 现代菜单:主厨史蒂夫霍雷尔在萨默塞特豪瑟和沃思的罗斯酒吧和烧烤店制作莱姆湾扇贝,配上西班牙辣香肠和桑普利。
2020-8-4 06:37|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|74%
... times we like to make the effort and if weve got stuff to use up from the kitchen garden, well definitely make the most of it. “I never plate individual plates of food at home. Its probably not the best thing if youre trying to lose weight, but I always try to do platters, bowls or roasting tr...
20 / 印度尼西亚 融入篮球元素的住宅 | 2021 | DELUTION
2021-7-8 13:09|archdaily|建筑设计|74%
...ll area with gathering room, family room with guest bedroom area, and also kitchen with washing-drying area as well as walk in closet and bathroom on the 2nd floor to accommodated the needs of the main bedroom and child’s bedroom.,项目完工照片 | Finished Photos,转载自:Archdaily,...
21 / 菲利普·斯塔克-YOO Panama
2012-9-4 00:18|charliexu|空间概念|72%
...ith matching stone vanity top and porcelain lavatories ,Premium Italian kitchen with elegant stone countertops, stainless steel appliances, and top-of-the-line washer and dryer ,High-speed cabling for all internet and telephone outlets , The Building ,Spectacular double height 2-level...
22 / 特尔诺阁楼 (In) | Ticiane Lima | 2023 | 巴西
2024-2-10 02:39|archdaily|居住空间|72%
...o is like. The 147m² distributed among the living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and garden, invite internal reflection in the pursuit of well-being and tranquility. Its name, (IN)Terno, comes from tenderness, affection, and delicacy, allowing experiencing various forms of emotions and ...
23 / (Casa Piet Mondrian, Brasile)Fabio Fantolino 设计
2020-8-5 15:20|Fabio.Fantolino|居住空间|72%
... environment by a custom element with open elements. The fully custom-made kitchen is made of black walnut and FENIX and houses a corner dedicated to breakfast and quick meals. Along the corridor leading to the sleeping area, there is a study corner that anticipates the design of the bedrooms. ...
24 / 紫禅設計工装作品|德国旭勒橱柜烟台旗舰店
2018-7-18 20:17|紫禪設計|商业空间|72%
...h the family together, and toast with friends, which is the meaning of the kitchen at home.An exhibition with a strong breath of life is the best interpretation of the product. 效果图展示 Effect diagram display 实景展示 Real environment 水泥灰陶瓷面板 next 125 ceramic...
25 / 新作 | 茶褐
2022-4-11 15:35|名震装饰|空间概念|71%
...定制橱柜,岩板中岛台,营造一个高级端庄的空间。 The kitchen is a semi open space, with customized cabinets and rock slab island platform to create a high-grade and dignified space. 卧室整体风格非常精致,金属条的搭配为卧室整体带来了美观轻奢的感...