1 / Willow Hill Drive, MN
2016-1-22 09:38|172|居住空间|100%
Willow Hill Drive, MNWillow Hill Drive, MN
2 / ocean drive apartment
2019-3-8 13:40|webpany|居住空间|98%
...ors, interior design, portfolio, spec, brands, marketplace, products Ocean Drive Apartment 关键词:建筑,建筑新闻,室内设计,组合,规格,品牌,市场,产品海洋大道公寓 周末和假日第十楼层公寓,位于迈克尔·格雷夫斯大楼的...
3 / 匈牙利 | Log Driving Museum | 博物馆 | 概念 | 2021 | L2 Arkitekter
2021-8-28 06:29|behance|建筑设计|98%
,项目:Log-Driving Museum ,设计:L2 Arkitekter ,转载自:behance ,作者:Brick Visual ,图片@Brick Visual ,语言:英语 ,编辑:序赞网 ,阅读原文
4 / 229 riverside drive
2019-3-8 02:15|苐5季|居住空间|97%
...erior design, portfolio, spec, brands, marketplace, products 229 Riverside Drive 关键词:建筑,建筑新闻,室内设计,组合,规格,品牌,市场,产品229河滨大道 业主们买下了这套1,350 s的两居室公寓儿子去上大学,把隔间的布...
5 / 挪威 | The Log Driving Museum | 博物馆 | 概念 | 2020 | Aleksander Wadas Studio
2021-9-14 23:02|behance|建筑设计|97%
,为 The Log Driving Museum - Fetsund in 挪威 (2020) 的参赛作品准备的一组可视化 ,可视化:Piotr Banak @piotr.banak ,建筑:Aleksander Wadas Studio ,转载自:behance ,作者:Piotr Banak ,图片@Piotr Banak ,语言:英语 ,编辑:序赞网 ,...
6 / 新加坡 Ocean Drive House I | SCDA曾仕乾
2019-7-19 09:27|SooK.Chan|品牌精选|97%
本帖最后由 SooK.Chan 于 2019-7-19 09:29 编辑 新加坡 Ocean Drive House I 该住宅位于圣淘沙湾的滨海大道,一片L形的景观园林就隐匿于此,园内池塘波光粼粼,户外亭院面朝大海。 建造形态强调了木质上层楼面,下层则为实体建...
12 / 圣乔治 | Naked Indian Drive | 公寓楼 | 2018 | Artem Trigubchak
2021-9-12 14:25|behance|建筑设计|95%
Naked Indian Drive 是位于加勒比海格林纳达岛上的学生公寓综合体,靠近圣乔治大学 - True Blue Bay。 这座四层楼的建筑坐落在一个坡度很大的地区。 公寓的入口通过庭院内的画廊组织起来。 ,- 第一层,该区域的最低层,包含...
13 / Aspen Drive Whistler by Moosehead Contracting CAANdesign Architecture and h
2019-3-8 14:22|eXyGsLaf|居住空间|94%
建筑师:Moosehead承包地点:惠斯勒,加拿大 谢谢你阅读这篇文章! ...
14 / one park drive london herzog and de meuron
2017-3-31 11:01|conanwchen2|酒店设计|93%
Construction work has already begun at One Park Drive, which is set to complete in 2018 following the arrival of Crossrail 用工作室的公寓和四间卧室的房子玩Jenga游戏,Herzog 在58层的483个住宅中,建筑师们创造了一个由阳台、露台和...
15 / 【FIDstudio】Amalfi Drive Residence
2017-8-18 17:00|小小觅儿|居住空间|93%
Amalfi Drive Residence是专为高端地产市场而设计,座落位于Los Angeles Pacific Palisades,占地16,000平方英尺。是高端地产开发公司Wicked今年刚推出了产品(本案即下图正中灰色屋顶房子,惊叹Google强大的技术... ...) 构造上,房子设计...
16 / 多伦多北街办事处设计
2020-8-6 19:33|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|87%
...ct Architecture realized the contemporary concept for the offices of North Drive, a development company located in Toronto, Canada.Toronto-based developers, North Drive, asked Reflect Architecture to create a space for them that would be a contemporary integration of office, sales centre, and event ...
17 / 澳大利亚昆士兰州--Amalfi Drive Residence
2013-6-28 08:53|白人大毛|居住空间|82%
...ign 摄影: Remco Jansen BGD Architects designed the Amalfi Drive Residence in Queensland, Australia. This river front design is located on an older established residential island that is undergoing redevelopment. Intimately designed by the architect for his young active...
18 / 南非 | Casa 216 Ocean View Drive | 别墅 | 2020 | Robert Silke & Partners
2021-8-20 02:03|archdaily|居住空间|79%
房屋,房屋室内设计,南非开普敦,设计师:Robert Silke & Partners, 面积:600 m²,年份:2020,摄影:Adam Letch,提供协助:Villeroy & Boch, AutoDesk, BTicino, Blanco, Geberit, HEWI, Meir, Mentis, OGGIE, Rauch, Samsung, Smeg, Trimble Navigation, Zennio,负责建...
19 / 底特律的福特汽车公司办公室设计
2020-9-10 21:14|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|76%
McIntosh Poris Associates renovated and restored the Ford Motor Company offices located in Detroit, Michigan. McIntosh Poris Associates was responsible for the renovation and restoration of an existing 19th‐Century wood  timber and masonry building into a modern office for Ford Motor Company...
20 / 三菱汽车北美办事处 | IA Interior Architects | 2020 | 美国
2022-10-8 03:16|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|76%
...xperience of city driving; a green wall integrated at the stair suggests a drive in the country. At the floorplan core circular light fixtures suspended from the ceiling reference the mobility of cars. Lighting throughout suggests dynamic movement.,Employee work areas are neighborhoods flooded wit...
21 / 学校所在城市的市中心
2014-5-9 09:29|onson|建筑设计|72%
场地是在学校所在城市的市中心。进过调查发现场地处在城市发达与落后的边界上。所以人迹罕至,只有车经过。 当人在车上的时候城市里的建筑就成了景观。所以希望做一 个像景观的建筑,来吸引人关注这个博物馆...
22 / 乌布 玛雅度假村 MAYA UBON RESORT
2011-3-2 13:23|mss520|酒店设计|70%
...际机场 乘车需要55分钟。 The Maya Ubud Resort is just 55 minute drive from the International Airport and within walking distance to the center of Uubd. Distance from city centre: 0.80 km.Distance from city centre: 10 minutes walk.Maya Ubud Resort is 50 km from Ngurah Rai International Airpo...
23 / 温哥华卡特勒办公室改造设计
2020-8-6 12:51|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|67%
...and Architecture firm were to encourage movement, foster collaboration and drive creativity. The bones of the existing building are loft-like and urban with exposed brick and heavy timber construction, elements that needed to be respected in the new design.Inspired by a lab environment for creative ...
24 / 海洋大道住宅 | mwworks | 2018 | 美国
2022-8-8 00:19|mwworks|居住空间|64%
,mwworks:Ocean Drive 是一个 6,112 平方英尺的单层公寓单元,位于佛罗里达州迈阿密海滩的一座俯瞰大西洋的新住宅大楼内。这些客户常驻西雅图,经常出差,但深深扎根于狭小地带,一直想回家。为了容纳一个六口之家,这个...
25 / 芝加哥双曲正弦办公室设计
2023-8-16 06:19|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|64%
...powering meaningful conversations at scale. Their new office at 1 N Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL presents employees and visitors with comfort, community, concentration, and choice of workspace in a brand new way.,Dominated by bold yellows, warm-toned greens and grays, as well as oak and layered metal...