1 / Wood-Cladded Bedroom Design Integrated in Original Californian Loft
2012-7-19 14:18|pigheat|居住空间|100%
Wood-Cladded Bedroom Design Integrated in Original Californian Loft
2014-4-25 16:18|jalyn|建筑设计|94%
这座全身镜面的小房子位于德国西南部的路德维希堡(Ludwigsburg),房子主人是一对已婚夫妇。老房子建于1950年,已有60多年的历史,被建筑师Bernd Zimmermann改造后就像一个巨大的哈哈镜,简直亮瞎了邻居们的双眼。现在的房子名...
3 / Davide G Aquini's furniture collection is clad in boat decking
2019-3-21 21:16|wbwcmy|产品应用|90%
意大利设计师达维德·阿奎尼(DavideGAquini)在一个书架和一张咖啡桌(幻灯片)周围环绕着威尼斯无处不在的水上出租车地板用的木板。 达维德·阿奎尼(DavideG Aquini)在帕格利·阿奎尼(Pagliólo Collection)的...
4 / Plasma's copper-clad apartments have huge windows facing Dolomites
2017-8-27 14:00|pebook|民宿设计|88%
通过等离子演播室,从地板到天花板的窗户可以让客人在意大利北部这座镀铜的假日公寓里看到白云石的景色。 建筑实践等离子工作室设计了两层公寓楼,以提供六个假日住宅伴随着现有的假日...
5 / 格伦鸢尾屋 | Pandolfini Architects | 2023 | 澳大利亚
2023-6-14 12:22|Pandolfini.Arch|居住空间|82%
While living spaces are clad in travertine tiles from Signorino, the private spaces are clad in carbonised oak floorboards from Woodcut. A curved staircase marks this transition. ,建筑:Pandolfini Architects ,摄影:Rory Gardiner ,文案:Holly...
6 / Camparino在广场的酒吧(2019)(Lissoni Casal Ribeiro)设计
2020-9-5 22:15|archdaily|康乐空间|81%
...the staircase which connects the first floor and the new basement space is clad in walnut boiserie, recalling the stylistic code of the mezzanine floor, while the lift shaft is clad in burnished brass.,The space of the Sala Spiritello opens out from a large central fixture formed of a bar counter ...
7 / 绿色牧场:伦敦郊外的现代生态家园
2020-8-4 04:25|TheModernHouse|建筑设计|79%
...sed on the forms of a traditional barn, and uses black-stained douglas fir cladding and a zinc roof, which has been wired for solar panels. Bragenham, Buckinghamshire London-based architects A-Zero have built their name with elegant, sustainable designs. This large family home in the Buckinghams...
8 / 翠园中学案例
2019-4-25 16:23|KTC挂板厂家|材料应用|78%
...工序而成。 KTC Fiber Cement Siding Board is a new kind of low-carbon cladding material with 3 functions:cladding,insulation and decoration.It is made from cement and plant fiber without asbestos.It is produced by vacuum and hollow extrusion molding process which process which is unique,wel...
9 / 美国 | Norman Jaffe House | 住宅 | 改造 | 2020 | Neil Logan Architect
2021-11-26 15:15|archdaily|建筑设计|77%
...g Island.,With its bold shingle roof and distinctive Tennessee sandstone-clad walls, the house had undergone several unfortunate interior renovations. Together with its outdated planning and awkward circulation, the house was transformed by the removal of one of its two enormous masonry fireplaces...
10 / 坎帕里诺酒吧(Camparino in Galleria)Lissoni & Partners 设计
2020-8-7 15:13|Lissoni.and.Par|康乐空间|77%
...the staircase which connects the first floor and the new basement space is clad in walnut boiserie, recalling the stylistic code of the mezzanine floor, while the lift shaft is clad in burnished brass. Whilst remaining closely connected to its history, the Sala Spiritello has at the same ...
11 / 斯特凡安东尼Olmesdahl Truen的建筑师内特尔顿198项目
2012-9-19 21:27|m------m|居住空间|76%
... integrated and visually effortless whole. The exterior of the building is clad in powder-coated aluminium which resulted in a very robust and precise surface finish. Internally, a much warmer look was achieved by using walnut timber. Black marble & glass were integrated into the design as accents. ...
12 / 中国人的好板媲美日吉华(环保型材料)
2019-5-13 09:10|KTC挂板厂家|材料应用|76%
...工序而成。 KTC Fiber Cement Siding Board is a new kind of low-carbon cladding material with 3 functions:cladding,insulation and decoration.It is made from cement and plant fiber without asbestos.It is produced by vacuum and hollow extrusion molding process which process which is unique,wel...
13 / 英国伯明翰大学教学大楼(2019)(BDP)设计
2021-1-28 22:35|archdaily|建筑设计|75%
...providing space for the ‘Crystalline heart’ of the building- the glass-clad lecture theatre volume. A collaborative 250 seat lecture theatre straddles on top of a traditional 500 seat lecture theatre. This compact arrangement of space allows for a free-flowing open study space, with continuous v...
14 / 瑞士西元Bellerine小屋(2020)(Cloux Architecture)设计
2021-4-9 00:03|archdaily|建筑设计|74%
.... The roof is covered with split European larch shingles, and the external cladding (25 mm x 25 mm slats) and internal cladding (20 mm x 20mm slats) were sourced from a nearby mill. Both shingles and cladding are untreated. Larch shingles, when split, offer strong resistance and have been used in th...
15 / 角磨机住宅 | Mark Frazerhurst Architect | 2023 | 新西兰
2023-12-5 09:03|archdaily|建筑设计|74%
...ntains and encloses spaces both internally and externally. Timber-clad volumes anchor the folding form and contain more intimate and inwardly focused areas. We set out to design, manage, and construct the home ourselves.  Design and finish quality was paramount, and the construction budget...
16 / WATG-吉隆坡君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur
2012-11-23 23:10|charliexu|酒店设计|73%
...erior materials of gold tinted glass and metallic coated white glazing and cladding, blending with the stainless steel cladding of the nearby Petronas Towers, and concrete and stone towers that flank the park. Guests will enter the building to check in, then ride the express lifts to the sky lobby w...
17 / 在哥本哈根丹麦设计明星的宁静
2020-10-23 19:08|ArchitecturalDi|软装设计|73%
...kitchen features more cabinetry from Thulstrup’s Reform line and leather-clad Fonts stools from his collection for Møbel; artwork by Silas Inoue. At home, what were once a warren of small rooms have been transformed into an open plan, with heightened door frames and a broad series of windows ...
18 / 克拉克别墅 | Reitsma & Associates | 2020 | 澳大利亚
2023-5-17 23:04|序赞精选|建筑设计|73%
...目建造:Vanda Construct ,主要材料:Western Red Cedar Timber Cladding, Rock Cladding, Rendered Brick Veneer, Vertical Stria Boards ,业主甲方:B. + A. Clark ,项目状态:Built ,项目类型:Residential › House
19 / 瓦尔纳Devnya水泥办公室设计
2021-6-3 19:17|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|73%
...ainer” type rooms, are made of plasterboard walls and metal ribbed metal cladding so as to resemble real containers as the detail is carefully designed to be well insulated and look authentic. Another problem is the large number of installations in the corridor, which cannot be avoided. In the...
20 / 美国 | 摩根州立大学 | 2020 | Teeple Architects
2022-1-15 02:09|archdaily|文化教育|72%
... surroundings and invite students into the dynamic campus, while its stone cladding links it to history and tradition. Much care was given to finding a limestone cladding that would blend with the palette of Maryland field stone found on the older adjacent buildings while allowing for a more contemp...
21 / 特拉维夫B.S.R.集团办事处设计
2020-8-6 15:27|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|71%
... wood and iron framing.To create a uniform and elegant structure, a wooden cladding module was designed that covered the core of the building and contains functions and service rooms. The wood cladding becomes a hidden door, cabinets or kitchens and, according to the plan, it curves and adapts to th...
22 / 印度 | Porch House | 别墅 | 2018 | DADA & Partners
2021-10-30 09:06|archdaily|建筑设计|70%
...dge of this court in 'C' formation. Beyond the built program, a large zinc-clad Porch holds a central position and looks out towards the landscaped court, as a 'third space' between the open and the built.,The entry into the house is also based on this similar idea of transitional spaces. From a l...
23 / 澳大利亚红山别墅(2019)(InForm)设计
2020-10-20 06:11|InForm|居住空间|70%
...eer,建造商: AutoDesk, Haymes Paint, Laminate, Silver top ash timber cladding, Woodcut Engineered Flooring,Lead Architect:Ross Berger,City:Red Hill,Country:Australia,设计师描述 | Designer description: Located on a sloping site set amongst the gum trees in Red Hill, the design is...
24 / 董事会+塔楼别墅(2018)(Birdseye)设计
2020-10-3 04:36|archdaily|居住空间|70%
...rd and batten siding, ubiquitous in the region as a durable and functional cladding. Board + Batten is clad in a playful composition of the painted board, mirror polish stainless steel panels, and windows within the regimented spacing of the board and batten layout.,Ranging from opaque to transluc...
25 / 建筑师约翰·Pardey设计建在水上的房子
2013-10-24 15:28|luoyewuhen|居住空间|70%
...膀”,采用纸风车形式,立在列处理洪水从河里。A dark, zinc-clad wing is pushed forward to receive an entrance staircase that slices up into an open timber lined hood, with a glazed room to the side containing a guest suite and gym. The stair arrives onto a balcony and entrance – a ...