1 / Ritz Carlton Shanghai Pudong Jin Xuan Chinese Restaurant—高清官方摄影
2012-5-1 17:32|linguojin|餐饮设计|100%
Ritz Carlton Shanghai Pudong Jin Xuan Chinese Restaurant—高清官方摄影
2019-4-24 01:51|活态空間設計|餐饮设计|97%
丨 聚外 聚焦国外最有价值的,最富有活力的设计资讯发现世界设计之美,欣赏全球设计姿态 Focus on the most valuable and dynamic design information abroad.Discover the beauty of world design and appreciate the glo...
3 / 高清纹样2-Chinese Style(附PSD)
2012-12-28 15:38|郑玉__|图像标识|97%
1.本分卷由2345好压(Haozip)生成,请使用2345好压来解压。 2.PSD压缩包60和61是一样的 愿意打赏的就载61 没钱的就载60就可以了 刚注册的号 没几个钱 深知想载资料没钱的痛苦
6 / 法式与中式 French style and Chinese style
2014-11-7 13:54|JW-design|居住空间|96%
项目地址:上海佘山世茂精装体验中心设计单位:成都槿纹装饰设计有限公司设计主创:王景文 此户型为古典法式加入中式元素,整个空间陈设用华丽的宝蓝色作为主题,将中西合璧的古典韵味进行了时尚的演义。老人房间...
7 / 摩纳哥第一中国美食餐厅(Monaco’s First Gourmet Chinese Restaura...
2014-8-28 12:16|于儿po|餐饮设计|96%
...one’s talking about at the moment is Song Qi inMonaco. The first gourmet Chinese restaurant in the principality, Michelin starred chef Alan Yau’s cuisine may be excellent, but isn’t the only reason to drop by. Paris-based architects Emil Humbert and Christophe Poyet have created a very sleek d...
8 / En Vain 白搭 Baijiu Bar Interior Design
2015-8-28 17:57|zzleung|康乐空间|94%
Background Our job is to design a Chinese Baijiu Bar for the hip, young and fashionable. Chinese baijiu (白酒), a strong distilled spirit, is perceived to be for an older demographic, dated, boring and old fashioned. This is an exciting opportunity to reinvent the category, in terms of how...
9 / 上海辉瑞upjohn办事处设计
2020-8-7 00:49|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|93%
...nctly American style of informality and flexibility, but subtly integrates Chinese elements to shape a workplace that neatly fuses two cultures.The first view when entering the workspace is the clean white lines and basic shapes of the front desk. The design is tidy and uncluttered to create feeling...
10 / chinese design today exhibition at themes variations london
2019-3-11 21:42|sQohWkjL|产品应用|93%
..., by Li Lihong. Courtesy of Themes & Variations keywords:Chinese design, China, design, designer, themes & variations, exhibitions 关键词:中国设计,中国,设计师,主题 到现在为止就是这样。在伦敦,最大的,也是最重要的.
11 / 51 Fashion Hotel Chinese restaurant
2010-12-18 14:52|zen3768|餐饮设计|93%
浅醉坊地点: 杭州萧山市51 风尚酒店 设计单位: Joey Ho Design Limited (何宗宪设计有限公司) 设计师在设计51 风尚酒店时,积极在创新与实用空间功能之间寻求平衡,并着墨于「透」、「隐」、「逸」的方法来处理空间,...
2017-7-7 14:28|李昱亮|酒店设计|91%
本帖最后由 李昱亮 于 2017-7-11 13:59 编辑 项目概况 项目名称:风雨尚院项目地址:四川松潘市建筑面积:2500㎡主案设计:李昱亮文案编辑:胡昕芮 有人认为,设计一幢中式庭院酒店要成为精品至少要拥有五个高尚的密码:...
13 / 山东中关村医药科技产业园二期休闲综合体 | 2018 | Chinese and German Hang Architectural Design
2021-8-2 17:10|archdaily|建筑设计|90%
...公建筑, 城市 & 土地利用规划, 威海市, 中国,建筑设计:Chinese and German Hang Architectural Design, 面积:44000 m²,项目年份:2018,摄影师: Yonggang Zhong,厂家:华耀, 威古德,设计主创:张春利,设计团队:张宏斌、孙伟、叶圳、周延...
14 / iADC国际艺展中心成为米兰家具展主办方FLA EVENTI中国首个战...
2018-4-21 23:33|马蹄官方编辑|设计情报|88%
...。 英文翻译: iADC from Shenzhen China become the first strategic Chinese partner of FLA EVENTI The 2018 Salone del mobile is attracting more than 100.000 Chinese designers and professionals to come. April 20th 16:30, The International Art Design Center (iADC) from Shenzhen, China signed ...
15 / 元禾中林设计- 铂蓝·五龙巷合院软装设计
2020-6-5 12:05|yuanq159|品牌精选|87%
...five dragons, Bolan·Five Dragons Lane shapes the ideal place to return to Chinese-style living with a traditional Chinese cultural ambience.作为中国独有的建筑形式,四合院是传统文化最直观的载体,即便一砖一瓦,都别具韵味,富含中国人文精神。铂蓝·五...
16 / XL-Muse creates art gallery-like interiors for Chinese hotel
2016-11-3 06:00|rodi|民宿设计|85%
自定义艺术品覆盖在这座中国酒店的墙壁由上海X工作室居住,其内部和家具设计,以吸引更年轻的客人。。。 小麦青年艺术酒店位于杭州滨江区一家购物中心的七楼。 X的生活,以前叫XL...
17 / 小肥羊火锅店-日本大阪
2015-1-13 13:10|樱木-花盗|餐饮设计|84%
Little Sheep that are deployed in the authentic Chinese in Japan have been deployed around the Kanto region. Lower still awareness in the genre itself Kansai called Hot Pot. First of all we believe that it is important that it is a easy facade design to understand that hot pot. It has establishe...
18 / 华墨国际|五矿·万境蓝山(长沙)洋房Y2样板房
2015-10-10 21:48|idadmin|居住空间|84%
... idadmin 于 2015-11-11 20:38 编辑 主题:新中式风格Theme:New Chinese Style 项目名称:五矿·万境蓝山(长沙)洋房Y2样板房Project Name:Western Style Model House Y2,Wukuang.Wanjinglanshan(Changsha) 项目地点:长沙Project Location:Changsha City 设计面积:150...
19 / 印尼雅加达FOOK Yew餐厅
2015-5-19 16:59|yangtomato|餐饮设计|84%
...e it in the bin without a second look. At least the owner of the Phat Phuc Chinese takeaway in my neighbourhood has the decency to admit he’s just having a laugh, being called neither Phat nor Phuc (he probably had to tell the local plod a tall story to get his business licence though, they’re n...
20 / 杭州一家不错的糕点店
2012-9-18 17:12|anna-w|餐饮设计|83%
SUYI – Chinese Pastry ShopThe snack-bar style shop is located on the commercial level of a recently opened metro line station right under the new business district in Suzhou. It caters the local consumers looking for a new experience and trust in high-end traditional chinese pastries. The space pr...
21 / 中国上海 | Unity | 办公 | 科技 | 2021 | M Moser Associates
2022-2-22 00:09|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|82%
...lights in a range of typologies (floor, pendant, table) and forms (animal, Chinese lantern) have been used to bring to life a bright, energetic workplace culture.,Punches of colour, including green, blue and red throughout the functional areas, speak to Unity’s “Best Ideas Win, In It Together,...
22 / Wilson Associates-北京雁栖酒店
2015-10-5 22:27|charliexu|酒店设计|81%
...NG YANQI LAKE, CHINA Artisanal AffluenceInspired by the brush strokes of a Chinese painting, fluid and soft, the hotel is an intimate tribute to Chinese art and poetry. With an intentionally neutral color palette set against bold accent colors and statement architecture, the hotel is a serene oasis ...
23 / Nichetto is shocked by low price of Chinese design products
2019-3-18 20:16|中国翼马何|产品应用|80%
据意大利设计师卢卡·尼切托(LucaNichetto)介绍,中国本土设计品牌不久将在西方销售廉价产品。尼赫托是中国创业家具品牌ZaoZuo(幻灯片)的创意总监。 Nichetto说,本土品牌正变得越来越自信和成熟,并且正在学习...
24 / Nichetto is shocked by low price of Chinese design products
2019-3-10 00:38|yj8cf|产品应用|80%
据意大利设计师卢卡·尼切托(LucaNichetto)介绍,中国本土设计品牌不久将在西方销售廉价产品。尼赫托是中国创业家具品牌ZaoZuo(幻灯片)的创意总监。 Nichetto说,本土品牌正变得越来越自信和成熟,并且正在学习...
25 / 万科松湖 Villa in Vanke Songhu Center/派尚设计
2014-2-8 09:29|xinshaojie|居住空间|80%
...he target customers are successful entrepreneurs freely converting between Chinese and Western cultures, so we selected a designing proposal combining Chinese and Western factors. For traditional elements, we perceptually extracted and rationally utilized and processed. On the other hand, the space ...