1 / 澳大利亚 Carr Design Group 设计作品案例
2017-4-18 10:41|robyn|图像标识|100%
澳大利亚 Carr Design Group 设计作品案例 Carr Design Group, led by the much-awarded Sue Carr, is one of Australia’s most influential architecture and interior design firms. For over 40 years, we have maintained a position as leaders of design practice and thinking. We deliver proj...
2 / 墨尔本杰克洛佩酒店 首
2018-2-10 08:25|happy2000617|酒店设计|88%
Carr Design Group是一家位于澳大利亚墨尔本的著名设计事务所,由屡获国际大奖的建筑师Sue Carr创办。专注于办公室、精品酒店及住宅领域的设计,其设计以黑白灰的简约格调而著称。Jackalope Hotel是其2017年刚完成的精品酒店项目 ...
3 / A Different Beast The Jackalope Hotel by Carr Design Group
2017-5-18 21:11|keajoo|酒店设计|87%
...,但同时又不影响其自然环境。酒店由卡尔设计集团(Carr Design Group)设计,从远处看是一个巨大的整体结构,上面覆盖着烧焦的木头和黑色的金属皮,为即将到来的游客提供优质的服务和神秘的理念做好准备。 ...
4 / 诺顿·罗斯·富布赖特办公室 | Carr | 2020 | 澳大利亚
2022-10-4 00:59|carr.|办公设计|73%
...e sweeping stair and the dynamic void that wraps The Assembly is a crucial design device to foster connection across the eight floors. The stair run and void sizes shift and change through the vertical stack, with large team meeting spaces and on-floor tea points positioned adjacent for greater visu...
5 / 休斯顿新星化学办公室设计
2020-11-11 22:12|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|65%
Abel Design Group were engaged by Nova Chemicals, a plastics and chemical company, to design their offices located in Houston, Texas. Located in the heart of a main business, shopping, and entertainment district in Houston, Texas, Nova Chemicals wanted to couple the prime location with a modern...
6 / Shortlist revealed for AHEAD Asia 2018 hospitality awards | Dezeen
2018-1-26 12:31|chinajl|酒店设计|51%
...其他入围项目包括澳大利亚建筑工作室卡尔设计集团(Carr Design Group)的杰克洛普酒店(Jackalope Hotel),该酒店拥有喜怒无常的黑色客房,还有一家以电灯泡为天花板的餐厅。 香港的嘉里山酒店(Kerry Hill)被列为三大类,因为它...
7 / 拉迈森现代:巴黎最好的现代住宅
2020-8-4 04:03|TheModernHouse|建筑设计|51%
... best Modernist architecture in Paris, from Chareaus study in early modern design to icons by Le Corbusier, Brancusi and beyond. Maison de Verre Pierre Chareau’s astonishing ‘House of Glass’, completed in 1932, was a pioneer of the modern-day live/work phenomenon, with a commercial space ...
8 / 墨尔本南雅拉公寓(卡尔设计集团)
2013-5-24 14:17|Raytrace|居住空间|50%
... cement walls and polished aluminum reflect the transparency of the modern design. The architectural master plan sought to celebrate the original structure and well-proportioned spaces whilst updating them to provide a cohesive series of interior spaces to suit the family of five. Defined by ex...
9 / 奥斯汀克莱顿科特办公室设计
2021-3-30 21:05|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|46%
...ir mid-century office space located in Austin, Texas. Officially named Design Office, the mid-century office space is home to two design practices, Clayton Korte and Word + Carr Design Group, a landscape architecture firm. The open office environment symbolically and physically blurs the line be...
10 / 格朗戈尔曼校区的心脏 | Feilden Clegg Bradley | 2021 | 德国
2022-4-4 16:15|archdaily|文化教育|44%
...Cleartech, Coopers / Crossflow, Crown Roofing, Curtis Enterprises, D-Line, Designer Group, Duggans, Eftech, Elite, Errigal, Flood Precast, KONE, Philips Town Engineering, +13Purcell, Rascor, SJG, SMG, Shay Murtagh Precast, Skyway, Syphonix, Techcom, Techrete, Toilet Cubicles Ireland, TruWood, Walls ...