1 / DECADE CAFE | 天津·赤峰道 | 触觉设计
2019-11-30 17:10|触觉设计|品牌精选|100%
DECADE CAFE 咖啡 艺术 音乐 社交 阅读 Coffee Art Music Social Reading 跨越时间跨越空间跨越寻常的遇见Spanning TimeCrossing SpaceBeyond the ordinary encounter. DECADE,是一个时间的代名词,也是一段很长的时间跨度。DECADE is a synonym of time, bu...
2 / 清迈|寻一处虚幻夏日
2019-8-6 08:08|旅游赞条|景观设计|100%
... 周日休息 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 2. Yellow Crafts Cafe Yellow Crafts Cafe是清迈大学附近的一家人气咖啡店。寻到眼前,原来是一幢独栋的小房子,明黄色的招牌很是显眼。 店内是当下咖啡馆常见的水泥铺地,冷暖调色彩结...
3 / Hirosaki Museum of Contemporary Art / Atelier Tsuyoshi Tane Architects 设计
2020-8-3 18:35|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
... Building Construction:Starts Cam, Obayashi Corporation, Minami Kensetsu,Cafe & Shop Building Project Management:Strats Cam,Cafe & Shop Building Structure:Yasuhirokaneda Structure,Cafe & Shop Building Lighting:Izumi Okayasu Lighting Design,Cafe & Shop Building Construction:Nishimura-Gumi,T...
4 / 触觉設計|天津Decade the love咖啡店
2019-9-26 23:32|Hi设计|设计情报|100%
...me span. 在牛津词典里,DECADE的释义是十年。但对于DECADE CAFE的两位主理人而言,DECADE不仅是十年,更是一段过程,是这段人生中经历过的所有美好与浪漫。跨越了时间和空间的遇见,在TA与TA之间,他们与咖啡之间,DECADE CAFE见...
5 / 在天津,竟还藏着这样一个静谧的咖啡店
2019-9-27 23:18|Hi设计|设计情报|100%
...me span. 在牛津词典里,DECADE的释义是十年。但对于DECADE CAFE的两位主理人而言,DECADE不仅是十年,更是一段过程,是这段人生中经历过的所有美好与浪漫。跨越了时间和空间的遇见,在TA与TA之间,他们与咖啡之间,DECADE CAFE见...
6 / RATIO &C
2017-1-24 16:50|littlebubutf|商业空间|100%
Principal use : shop + cafe Building site : Tokyo Direction : amana Collaboration : TANK Construction : TANK Graphic desgn : TGB design VMD : Firm. Coffee shop : ONIBUS COFFEE Client : Bridgestone Cycle Completion : 2015
2011-4-15 16:46|chain177|餐饮设计|100%
2007.11 / OMOTESANDO, TOKYO This is an organic food market and cafe restaurant located in the Omotesando area. The aim was to create an atmosphere that would exude freshness and comfort. The function and the usage of the space were considered in the interior design since the ingredients offered at ...
8 / 乌克兰1900年咖啡店(2020)(PVA)设计
2020-12-25 00:57|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
...gradual restoration of the historic site began. Initially in the form of a cafe-confectionery, where the main element of the decor was black drywall. And now, more than a century-old building has become home to the 1900 coffee cafe, which cares about preserving the cultural heritage of our city.,R...
9 / 艾薇咖啡馆(2020)(Neda Mirani)设计
2020-9-20 06:16|archdaily|餐饮设计|100%
...k was to renovate a shop on the side of the street and change its use to a cafe. What we were asked to start in this project were criteria such as economic efficiency, fast implementation of the project and also innovation to create a distinctive atmosphere in the city. Providing all of these togeth...
10 / 日本蓝瓶咖啡京都清山口咖啡馆(2020)(Jo Nagasaka+Schemata Architects)设计
2020-11-13 11:03|archdaily|餐饮设计|100%
...ex comprising a hotel and shops among others. The third Blue Bottle Coffee cafe in Kyoto opened in a space near the front entrance to the hotel.,In terms of color, the renovated building is basically composed of white walls in common areas and black window frames. Considering Blue Bottle Coffee's ...
11 / Studio Belenko – Ukraine
2013-8-4 22:01|qunqun87|餐饮设计|100%
... in 2003 and focuses on designing public spaces – mainly restaurants and cafes, but also clubs, shops and private residences. What’s more, this design collective offers furniture such as lamps, stools, chairs and other original products for individual purchase. Studio Belenko contributed to ...
12 / 神田咖啡(2020)(Yasuhisa牧野建筑师\ u0026 Associates)设计
2020-8-26 10:53|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
...re treated as partitions, generating a place of varying quality within the cafe. the floor comprises a very thin slab with a deck enclosed within a 100 mm steel H-beam to create the two-floor shop.,The exterior of the building has been a part of the kanda station area for the past 60 years, and th...
13 / 新加坡精品酒店(骑楼改造)THE CARLET HOTEL
2011-6-13 22:50|hfweiwei|酒店设计|100%
... creative agencies, specialty shops, boutique spas, trendy restaurants and cafes, wine bars, antiques shops and art galleries, The Scarlet provides a completely different 5-star experience. Historic Erskine Road leads you to a row of 1868 Early Shop Houses and an original 1924 Art Deco building, who...
14 / 莫斯科快速办公室共同办公设计
2021-5-21 23:10|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...stores with river and city views. The new project differs from an ordinary cafe, office or coworking space in that there is no need to communicate with the staff, complete autonomy. The goal ,The architect’s task was to create the clean quiet space with a clear idea work-life balance. The of...
15 / 咖啡馆狭缝(2020)(产物)设计
2020-8-19 08:06|archdaily|餐饮设计|100%
...agement:Hyung-Jin Kim,设计师描述 | Designer description: The Slit Cafe is located in a quiet, quiet alley a little away in front of Hongdae, a bustling street in Seoul. It is a space that requires versatility as it is located in a niche in the neighborhood of the busy street and has a launc...
16 / 澳大利亚昆士兰州布里斯班LIMES酒店
2011-12-29 00:51|charliexu|酒店设计|100%
...is located in the hub of Brisbane’s nightlife, also known for its trendy cafes, shops, bars and restaurants - Fortitude Valley, more commonly referred to as “the Valley” by the city’s locals. You will be warmly welcomed by our attentive hotel staff, comforted by styled guestrooms and embrace...
17 / 日本 | coconca | 面包店 | 2015 | 中村拓志 | Hiroshi Nakamura
2021-8-19 21:49|中村拓志|商业空间|100%
...营造出微光。 ,完成时间:2015 ,项目类型 use:Shop,Cafe ,项目面积:205㎡ ,总建筑面积:280㎡ ,结构工程:Steel ,构造函数:TAKENAKA ,建筑工地:1-12-5, Miyajimaguchi, Hiroshima ,载自:中村拓志 ,图片©中村拓志 ,语...
18 / 中国苏州湾大剧院(2020)(2Portzamparc)设计
2021-1-19 16:11|Archilovers|建筑设计|100%
...seat modular hall, two museums, an exhibition center, a convention center, cafes, restaurants, cinemas, as well as shopping malls, on a total surface area of 215,000 m² distributed through the south and north along the urban axis. CLIENT: WJCID Program: opera (1,600 seats), modular ...
19 / Bearhouse & Sunsu 办公室 | Paperspace | 2023 | 泰国
2024-11-8 07:03|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...pleasing and functionally sound.,The office lobby is made to look like a cafe as we brought their shop’s experience directly into their workplace – so employees would be able to understand how their everyday customers felt, putting themselves into their shoes. It incorporates earthy tones alon...
20 / 查尔斯顿市城市电力公司办公室设计
2020-8-6 21:38|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...sing the office quarters, the space and host a small showroom as well as a cafe. Walking the shop and office floors feels more like a tech start up than a lighting company; not only are their craftspeople exceptionally young (the majority of them are under 40), but they have a large percentage of wo...
21 / BLINK 精品店 | Beka Pkhakadze | 2022 | 格鲁吉亚
2024-2-24 03:27|behance|空间概念|100%
...roached. In addition to the shop, the space accommodates a bar and a small cafe. At night, the store offers a different experience to the user by the means of the lighting design.Project TeamBeka Pkhakadze / George Bendelava / Giorgi Zakashvili / Magda Zandarashvili / Niko Malazonia / Archil Takalan...
22 / 乌克兰奥克托塔(2020)(Goldakovskiy Group Architects)设计
2021-2-3 13:35|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
... features into the unexplored space. The new features are several types of cafes, a bakery, a coffee shop, a coworking space, a photo studio, two coffee schools, offices, a lecture hall, summer terraces, and a roof area.,All the necessary engineering systems were re-installed: ventilation, heating...
23 / Boston Consulting 集团首尔办事处 | TRD | 2022 | 韩国
2023-2-8 01:55|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...ng floor which creates crossing points for employees with Genius bar, Main Cafe, mail room and print shop.,Work spaces has various type of rooms and furniture which satisfies MZ generation.,设计师:TRD,Contractor: Dawon & Company,摄影:Donggyu Kim14 Images | expand for additional deta...
24 / 中国台湾 | Commercial KuanYan Gallery | 展厅 | 十合室所
2021-8-18 00:41|十合室所|商业空间|100%
...能。 The concept of this F&B space is slightly different from general cafes or art galleries concept, which is more likely presented by an artistic way. Fundamentally the lengthy narrow shaped shop lot is hidden between buildings and alleys which is not given much natural sunlight. Thus, we tri...
25 / BnA Alter Museum美术馆酒店 | BnA Co., Ltd. & Toyo Design Co., Ltd.
2020-1-3 15:05|BnA|酒店设计|100%
...二的艺术体验。 The lobby houses an equally impressive Museum Shop, Cafe/ Lounge, and the heart of the hotel, a place designed with serendipity in mind, the bar, untitled. BnA Alter Museum, as all BnA hotels, employs the BnA Revenue Share System – a percentage of each room booking is direct...