1 / 伯纳德游客中心 | B² Architecture | 2022 | 捷克
2023-2-13 16:52|序赞精选|商业空间|100%
...以及来自国内和世界各地的游客们。 ▽外观©Alex Shoots Buildings 室内设计的灵感来自啤酒厂的工业风格,以典型的竖框窗和门头设计为特征。墙壁的黑色水泥饰面和木制家具定义了室内空间的整体氛围,吧台、照明和结构元素...
2 / 德国莱比锡BMW中心工厂路 ZAHA HADID 扎哈·哈迪德
2013-9-18 11:25|天之道|办公设计|100%
http://www.ideamsg.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/bmw-central-building-20.jpg2005年德国莱比锡,宝马汽车公司中央工厂(BMW Central Building)落成。这是扎哈·哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)最具颠覆性的建筑工程之一,位于宝马综合工厂中的这块建筑充当...
3 / 拉脱维亚河边微风住宅(2018)(DIDRIHSONS UN DIDRIHSONS)设计
2021-2-20 07:20|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
...a,Country: Latvia,"River Breeze Residence" is an exclusive residential building with 44 apartments in the very heart of Riga. The building is located in a unique place, which is actually surrounded on three sides by water - the Daugava River and Agenskalns Bay. On the other side of the Daugava o...
4 / 法国巴黎折纸大厦 Origami Building
2012-9-16 10:50|charliexu|建筑设计|100%
...liexu 于 2012-9-16 10:26 编辑 Architect: Manuelle Gautrand Origami Building - Barclays Capital Bank offices Location: Avenue de Friedland, Paris, France Demolition of an existing building (office building of the 1970s) with conservation of a 4-level underground parking lot. Constructio...
5 / 波特兰DESIGN+BUILD工作空间 | DESIGN+BUILD | 2022 | 美国
2022-9-6 23:08|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
,客户:DESIGN+BUILD Workspace, ,面积:4,500 sqft,年份:2022,坐落:Portland, Oregon, United States, ,行业: Architecture Firm, ,DESIGN+BUILD Workspace created a space for their offices that would give dynamic opportunities for any type of work in Portland, Oregon.,We wer...
6 / 乡村度假屋 | Swell Building Group | 2022 | 澳大利亚
2022-9-13 11:16|The.Local.Proje|居住空间|100%
受莫宁顿半岛乡村景观的启发,澳大利亚工作室 Swell Building Group 将材料质感和自然氛围一丝不苟地融合在一起,以确保与家庭环境无缝融合。 ,项目文案:Erin Crowden,项目摄影:Timothy Kaye,项目施工:Swell Building Gro...
7 / Vilkaviškis汽车站(2020)(Balčytis Studija)设计
2021-2-8 19:22|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
... in bigger cities or abroad. The exceptional architectural solution of the building, which functionally aims to concentrate services, small business and trade activities, helped the municipality to concentrate business and create new jobs in the region. Surrounded by greenery and signifying environm...
8 / 巴林 | Green Corner Building | 办公 | 创库 | Anne Holtrop
2021-8-31 14:30|idadmin|办公设计|100%
由荷兰的设计工作室Anne holtrop设计的Green Corner Building是位于巴林muharraq的一个艺术收藏仓库和档案,Green Corner Building的名字来自于一个由Patrick blanc设计的垂直花园。狭窄的建筑覆盖着一个细长的沙浇筑混凝土结构元素,具有强...
9 / 东京首个零排放建築项目
2019-9-3 08:21|贝克街的札记|建筑设计|100%
...和绿色带给城市。 Toranomon-Azabudai 项目效果图,图源Mori Building 而这一次,他来到了 东京, 設計了一座低层建築和景观综合体。 他以「巨型藤架」为概念, 为8公顷的不规则用地, 编织出了一片奇幻的绿野山林。 Toranomon-...
10 / 新西兰的艾恩巴克办公楼
2012-12-20 11:15|临塘听风晚|办公设计|100%
The Ironbank Building by RTA Studio RTA Studio have designed the Ironbank building in Auckland, New Zealand. The building is located in an historic area on the edge of Auckland’s (New Zealand) CBD. The front of the site addresses the high street which is dominated by a rich mixture of Victor...
11 / 澳大利亚 | 140 Esplanade | 住宅 | 2021 | Masco Build
2021-11-23 06:49|The.Local.Proje|软装设计|100%
Masco Build 专注于豪华高端住宅和商业建筑的设计,已成为建筑行业的当代领导者。 在创始人塞缪尔·法拉格 (Samuel Farag) 的领导下,该公司以提供卓越设计和创新的建筑项目而自豪,其潜力和执行力无与伦比——以下布莱顿的豪...
12 / 日本大阪伊奈大阪大厦 INAX Osaka Building/日建设计
2012-5-6 10:10|charliexu|建筑设计|100%
OwnerINAX Corporation LocationOsaka, Japan Site area638.64 sq.m. Building area507.13 sq.m. Total floor area6,060.00 sq.m. StructureS / SRC Floors13 aboveground, 1 underground, 1 penthouse Building height52.77 m Parking capacity64 cars Construction periodOct 2006 - Dec 2007
13 / 花园凉亭 | BYRÓ architekti | 2023 | 捷克
2024-8-8 08:35|序赞精选|建筑设计|100%
...是储存植物,就像冬季花园那样。 ▽鸟瞰© Alex Shoots Buildings ▽项目概览© Alex Shoots Buildings ▽林中视角© Alex Shoots Buildings ▽建筑立面© Alex Shoots Buildings ▽立面近景© Alex Shoots Buildings 考虑到需要将建筑于周围的花...
14 / 美国Catalyst办公大厦建筑(2020)(Michael Green Architecture)设计
2020-10-25 06:33|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
Office Buildings, Sustainability, Spokane, United States,设计师:Michael Green Architecture, 面积: 165 ft²,年份:2020,摄影:Benjamin Benschneider,建造商: AutoDesk, C.R. Laurence, Kingspan Insulated Panels, Bison, Boon Edam, Kawneer, Okalux, ROCKWOOL, Sansin, Solar Inno...
15 / BodinChapa Architects 设计 | 罗望子小酒馆和音乐屋(Tamarind Bistro and Music House)
2020-7-18 14:49|BodinChapa.Arch|品牌精选|100%
... ages to efficiency use the area since the original area was an old wooden building with over 50 years old , causing the internal and external conditions quite shabby and decay over the time . After gathering the original building 's detail and examining the structure that can be kept and used ag...
16 / 孟加拉国达卡国际大学行政大楼(2015)(Archeground)设计
2021-1-20 11:10|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
...sh,设计师描述 | Designer description: The project, this “RED” building is configured as a space of interaction and source of inspiration for both teachers and students. The main focus was to design the building in such a way that ensures maximum compactness of the program and the minimu...
17 / 阿尔伯特公园办公室和仓库(2019)(Harrison and White)设计
2020-9-28 13:11|archdaily|办公设计|100%
Mixed Use Architecture, Office Buildings, Albert Park, Australia,设计师:Archier, Harrison and White, 面积: 1585 m²,年份:2019,摄影:Peter Bennetts,建造商: Autex, Britton Timbers, Fisher & Paykel, LOCKER GROUP, Osmo, Plazit-Polygal, Spectrum Lighting, Ampelite, Graphis...
18 / 空心正方形(White Square)Minggu Design 设计
2020-8-6 17:26|Archilovers|商业空间|100%
...maturity residential area has been built. Noise and construction dust from building sites have bad effects on the original inhabitants. In this context, our topic is to plan a region which will be expected to build a public park, and also with functions of exhibition, work and etc. An undulations gr...
19 / 意大利 | 仙女座山庄度假屋 | 2021 | Gruppo Building / Boffa Petrone & Partners
2022-3-2 08:58|序赞精选|民宿设计|100%
... Elio Sereno Home 则用于家具。 ,关于设计公司 ,The Building Group 于 1983 年在都灵成立,旨在设计、建造、想象和发明意大利和国外的城市和生活空间、工业和商业场所以及民用、私人和休闲设施。 BP+P 工作室 Boffa Petrone & Partn...
20 / BUMPS Building by Sako Architects
2010-12-22 13:05|chao7un|建筑设计|100%
BUMPS Building by Sako Architects
21 / Taiwan Feng-Chi building
2011-4-2 12:09|charliexu|建筑设计|100%
Taiwan Feng-Chi building
22 / Headquarters Building, Kingyorker Enterprise Taipei
2011-4-3 22:07|charliexu|建筑设计|100%
Headquarters Building, Kingyorker Enterprise Co., Ltd., Taipei
23 / 黑川纪章的胶囊塔建筑 nakagin capsule tower building
2011-11-21 20:19|charliexu|建筑设计|100%
黑川纪章的胶囊塔建筑/kisho kurokawa: nakagin capsule tower building
24 / 德国慕尼黑 BMW engeniering and office building
2012-1-5 14:36|mengcole|办公设计|100%
本帖最后由 mengcole 于 2012-1-5 14:37 编辑 BMW engeniering and office building
25 / acindar office building
2014-12-14 02:58|lmmailm|酒店设计|100%
...rior design, portfolio, spec, brands, marketplace, products Acindar Office Building 关键词:建筑,建筑新闻,室内设计,组合,规格,品牌,市场,产品Acindar办公大楼 建筑师是如何发现建筑产品的。