1 / 《序赞Francesc Rife作品集》@20190430
2019-4-24 21:17|FrancescRife|精选特辑|100%
...008 EN VALENCIA ,2008-11-01-tramo-ofitec ,2008-12-01-vibia-light-and-building-3 ,2009-08-01-vibia-euroluce-4 ,2009-09-20-STAND AB21. FERIA IDEAS Y PASIóN 2009 ,2009-09-21-STAND KENDO MOBILIARIO. FERIA IDEAS Y PASIóN 2009 ,2009-10-01-ziru-habitat-2 ,2009-11-01-kendo-habitat [*...
2 / 墨西哥的12公寓
2011-10-22 09:21|大陈|设计情报|100%
...ectural.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/12-640x267.jpgThis twelve-apartment building located in Mexico City affords stunning views over a gully, due to the fact that only 950 of the 4,450 square meters were assigned for residential use, with the remainder set aside as a green protected area. The conc...
3 / 海华大厦 | A Residential Pavilion & Landscape
2017-1-22 12:24|大陀螺|酒店设计|100%
...筑本身的规模和周围的城市环境。The project a total of seven buildings 22 storeys, to re-layout to form a "mo" shape, the opening is very easy to introduce sunlight, so we concentrated more than 80% of the original public facilities organized into a tall gate, in front of The stone fram...
4 / 工作室12公寓(2020)(T + T建筑师)设计
2020-9-12 20:06|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
... format of complex territory revitalization. Loft-quarter consists of four buildings with a height of 3-5 floors. There are located 2-level attic apartments with additional daylight and 2-level apartments with a separate entrance. All types of apartments have a flexible layout and panoramic windows....
5 / JLL office design in taipei 101 building 設計簡報內容
2011-12-18 14:29|desmand5|空间概念|100%
本帖最后由 desmand5 于 2011-12-18 20:17 编辑
6 / 隈研吾新作—Garden Terrace Nagasaki Royal Terrace building
2014-9-9 12:28|Mr左|酒店设计|100%
本帖最后由 Mr左 于 2014-9-9 12:32 编辑 NAGASAKI, Japan 2014 Hotel, Restaurant 1664.21 m
2016-12-9 22:06|lgx2115|酒店设计|100%
本帖最后由 vooping 于 2016-12-18 14:08 编辑 室内设计:JDS Development Group 项目地点:纽约 [hr]
8 / 芝加哥珀金斯伊斯曼办事处设计
2020-8-6 18:59|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
..., as his grandfather, Dwight Perkins, FAIA, started his career in the same building back in 1886 after graduating and teaching at M.I.T. More than a century later, the firm co-founded by Dwight’s grandson is now settled on the fourth floor of the landmark building.Calacatta Gold marble in the elev...
9 / 柳大厦复式公寓YOO BUILDING
2014-3-8 10:01|-7_VRay|居住空间|100%
设计:Philippe Starck(菲利浦·斯塔克) 时间:2013 柳大厦五楼及六楼,由广受赞誉的菲利浦·斯塔克设计的公寓。公寓的面积约1952平方尺,进入公寓后是一个入口大厅,地面是壮丽的大理石地板和橡木饰面,内饰保持菲利浦·斯...
10 / 意大利 | 仙女座山庄度假屋 | 2021 | Gruppo Building / Boffa Petrone & Partners
2022-3-2 08:58|序赞精选|民宿设计|100%
... Elio Sereno Home 则用于家具。 ,关于设计公司 ,The Building Group 于 1983 年在都灵成立,旨在设计、建造、想象和发明意大利和国外的城市和生活空间、工业和商业场所以及民用、私人和休闲设施。 BP+P 工作室 Boffa Petrone & Partn...
11 / 12CIRP剧场
2013-5-22 11:39|RID_DESIGN|办公设计|100%
Code: 12CIRP Project: PUBLIC BUILDING Year: 2012 Size: 100m2 葡萄牙spaceworkers最近完成了他们的新项目12CIRP。 这是一个有态度的改建项目。概念是房子里面的房子。 内部新植入的“房子”与外面的房子形成鲜明对比,同时又和谐一体...
12 / 德国康士坦茨G12别墅
2014-2-10 10:03|jinni126|居住空间|100%
位置:康士坦茨,德国 年份:2010 获奖:BDA Award 2011, Award Good Buildings 2011 Housing Award 2011 面积:450 m2 设计:search,德国 摄影:Zooey Braun
13 / Bialik 12 住宅楼 | Pitsou Kedem Architects | 2024 | 以色列
2024-9-6 00:04|Pitsou.Kedem.Ar|建筑设计|100%
Location: Tel Aviv Plot size: 560 sqm Floor area: 1560 sqm Program: residential building ,转自:Pitsou Kedem Architects,图片©Pitsou Kedem Architects,编辑:序赞网,阅读原文
14 / 曼谷预科二块D(2020)(计划架构师)设计
2021-1-14 07:53|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
...Country:Thailand,设计师描述 | Designer description: Bangkok Preps building D, located on the Bangkok Preps Secondary Campus, is mainly use for grade 10-12 classroom, sixth form and spacious common space for student activities.,With the limitation of land area which sitting next to the exi...
15 / 中国上海 - Practice of Wutopia: Borderland/YU Ting
2012-11-28 14:46|KanGtArt|居住空间|100%
...6970m2 Underground Floor Area: 5045m2 FAR: 0.81 Green Space Ratio: 34% Building Density:28.9% Numbers of Car Parking: 83 Numbers of Unit Type: 12 Numbers of Stories: 3-4, Building #12 is 5 stories People tend to view architectures as pri- vate, closed locations, inside which they live, ...
16 / Ultimate Pirate Ship Bedroom by Kuhl Design Build
2019-3-8 02:15|zhengshuye|居住空间|100%
...。“ MyModernMet keywords:Art Bedroom Kuhl Design Build Pirate Ship Bedroom Rope Bridge Unique Design 关键词:艺术卧室库尔设计建造海盗船卧室绳索桥独特设计 库尔设计大厦的客户想为一个独一无二的儿子建造一个...
17 / 德国莱比锡BMW中心工厂路 ZAHA HADID 扎哈·哈迪德
2013-9-18 11:25|天之道|办公设计|100%
http://www.ideamsg.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/bmw-central-building-20.jpg2005年德国莱比锡,宝马汽车公司中央工厂(BMW Central Building)落成。这是扎哈·哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)最具颠覆性的建筑工程之一,位于宝马综合工厂中的这块建筑充当...
18 / OMA's CCTV building constructed as a wooden cabinet
2019-3-21 21:04|Θ帅Θ|产品应用|100%
2014年迈阿密设计:中国设计师奈韩丽(NaihanLi)在北京的CCTV大楼的衣柜将于下个月在迈阿密设计。 乃汉丽创建了1:100规模的建筑模型,由荷兰建筑事务所OMA在2012完成,作为中央电视公司的总部,...
19 / 房地产信托 | Hickok Cole | 2022 | 美国
2024-11-11 05:01|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
... Spec Suite, ,Amenity Spaces,The District’s first commercial office building to feature mass timber construction, 80 M Street incorporates the use of cross-laminated timber to add two full floors of showstopping trophy-class office and penthouse space to an existing 7-story building.,An impr...
20 / 《序赞LUCIANO KRUK作品集》@2019-12-25
2019-12-25 14:46|LUCIANO.KRUK|精选特辑|100%
21 / make architects atlas building tallest in london tech city
2019-3-8 18:43|jearry|居住空间|100%
At 40 storeys and 152m high, The Atlas Building will be the tallest structure in London's Old Street area 预计2018年年底完工,建筑师的阿特拉斯大楼将结合生活,工作和娱乐。从旧街车站步行五分钟,这一设计也将有助于该地区的更新,...
22 / 楼从云中来 A building that emerge from the cloud
2020-7-27 17:27|yhdq2017|商业空间|100%
项目全名:招商云邸销售中心&云端会所 项目地址:重庆 软装设计:元禾大千硬装设计:深圳丹健环境艺术设计有限公司设计时间:2019.12完工时间:2020.05空间面积:800㎡特别支持:招商蛇口重庆公司摄影团队:三棱镜摄影 ...
23 / 明尼阿波利斯木材交易所 | Studio BV | 2022 | 美国
2022-10-4 21:37|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
,客户:Lumber Exchange Building, ,面积:15,000 sqft,年份:2022,坐落:Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, ,行业: Spec Suite, ,Studio BV designed a space that made it possible for multiple tenants to work at the Lumber Exchange Building Spec Office Suites in Minneapolis...
24 / 我们听到的是:2017年伦敦建筑节
2020-8-4 03:14|TheModernHouse|设计情报|100%
... Craft: How LCC Architects Redefined High-Rise Living Segal Self-Build: Past, Present and Future Building Memories A Vanishing City - Modernism Lost and Found in the City of London This week the London Festival of Architecture returns to the capital from 1-3...
25 / Gregg’s Cycles / Weinstein A|U
2011-9-19 11:03|qiaomaomao|商业空间|100%
...et level, thereby creating covered vehicle parking below the store. The building is classified as Type IIB construction, which allows the AESS frame to be exposed without fireproofing, and affords the opportunity for the steel frame of the building to be a feature of the retail spatial experience...