1 / 上海总部国际办事处设计
2020-8-6 18:24|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
Quarta & Armando has completed the design of the Home Base International offices, a tableware manufacturing company, located in Shanghai, China.In the new space designed for tableware company Home Base, dining showroom and office coexist in a meld of contrasting brightness and darkness.Home Base is ...
2 / Base LIVING服务式公寓(2020)(锋思国际)设计
2021-2-8 11:27|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
公寓室内设计, 上海, 中国,建筑师:锋思国际, 面积:5606 m²,项目年份:2020,摄影师: 丁一晨,厂家:Nippon Paint,City:上海,Country:中国,尽管“极简主义”已成为当代建筑设计领域的流行词,但是国内很多极简类型的设计...
3 / 上海Do-Do兜兜儿童书店设计
2017-10-20 09:01|北小辰|商业空间|100%
​设计:by Taipei Base Design Center
4 / what to expect from design shanghai 2016
2019-3-13 15:08|JrEOdTJj|产品应用|100%
...blue with brass details 中国最大的设计展今天在上海开幕。 设计上海至2016年3月12日,将接待约300家参展商,并欢迎超过42,000名游客。 国际设计品牌如Vitra、Magis、Hay、Cassina、Moroso和施华洛世奇将与许多建立和新兴的中...
5 / what to expect from design shanghai 2016
2019-3-14 19:26|zhengxinwl|产品应用|100%
...blue with brass details 中国最大的设计展今天在上海开幕。 设计上海至2016年3月12日,将接待约300家参展商,并欢迎超过42,000名游客。 国际设计品牌如Vitra、Magis、Hay、Cassina、Moroso和施华洛世奇将与许多建立和新兴的中...
6 / what to expect from design shanghai 2016
2019-3-18 21:24|cuihualang|产品应用|100%
...blue with brass details 中国最大的设计展今天在上海开幕。 设计上海至2016年3月12日,将接待约300家参展商,并欢迎超过42,000名游客。 国际设计品牌如Vitra、Magis、Hay、Cassina、Moroso和施华洛世奇将与许多建立和新兴的中...
7 / Pinch bases Rodan coffee table on Shaker storage box
2019-3-14 17:07|forsua|产品应用|100%
...启发了伦敦设计师Torsten Sherwood创作一系列木制家具,而上海Neri工作室则是如此。 罗丹将在美森家具展上展出。 阅读更多设计家具表 一张咖啡桌,以一个与Shaker FolkLife相关的宾特伍德盒子的“约束和细...
8 / Pinch bases Rodan coffee table on Shaker storage box
2019-3-18 19:35|wlyz88t|产品应用|100%
...启发了伦敦设计师Torsten Sherwood创作一系列木制家具,而上海Neri工作室则是如此。 罗丹将在美森家具展上展出。 阅读更多设计家具表 一张咖啡桌,以一个与Shaker FolkLife相关的宾特伍德盒子的“约束和细...
9 / 中国上海佰舍(2018)(迈石建筑)设计
2020-12-29 12:08|archdaily|酒店设计|100%
酒店, 更新项目, 公寓室内设计, 上海, 中国,建筑师:迈石建筑, 面积:3504 m²,项目年份:2018,摄影师: 田方方,主创建筑师:Borja Trujillo, Concha de Carlos,客户:base 佰舍,City:上海,Country:中国,项目位于长宁古北,连甍接栋的...
10 / 普华永道办公室 | iDA Workplace | 2021 | 中国上海
2022-10-25 01:20|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
,客户:PwC, ,面积:322,917 sqft,年份:2021,坐落:Shanghai, China, ,行业: Consulting / Business Services, ,iDA Workplace was tasked with designing the PwC offices to create a functional and forward-thinking space in Shanghai, China.,PwC, one of the world’s top-notch p...
11 / 上海外滩贰千金(Lady Bund)餐厅 2014.11--Dariel Studio
2014-12-5 17:40|林小木|餐饮设计|100%
...BA-大连城堡豪华精选酒店|The Castle Hotel, Dalian Dariel Studio--上海外滩贰千金(Lady Bund)餐厅 2014.11 Dariel Studio--上海万科七宝地区万科广场售楼展厅 Dariel Studio--上海南外滩Haven时尚夜店 Dariel Studio--上海时装设计师公寓 创意十足 Da...
12 / Leafy Shade by A-Asterisk 上海
2011-11-10 15:49|lion|建筑设计|100%
Architect Nobuhiro Nakamura of A-Asterisk has completed Leafy Shade, an interior design for an office building in Shanghai, China. The lobby of the building - formerly a hotel - features a domed space with a leaf pattern to resemble a forest. Nakamura is a Japanese architect based in Shangha...
13 / 上海广汽集团控股有限公司设计
2020-8-6 22:34|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
SHH was tasked with the design for KWG Group Holdings, one of the largest privately-owned property developers located in Shanghai, China.Luxury interior and architecture design practice SHH has completed new top floor headquarters for leading Chinese developer, KWG Group holdings, in Shanghai, China...
14 / 上海保时捷总部设计
2020-8-6 16:24|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
anySCALE completed the design for the headquarters campus of luxury car manufacturer, Porsche, located in Shanghai, China.For this project, Porsche tasked anySCALE with the challenge of designing their new China headquarters based in Shanghai at the Lu Jia Zui Financial Plaza. With a team headed by ...
15 / POKE POKE 餐厅,上海
2017-8-10 09:54|我的名字叫做蓝|餐饮设计|100%
...国类型:餐厅文章分类:餐饮 STUDIO DOHO为POKE POKE 餐厅的上海店设计了一个以“都市冲浪”为主题的空间。这个32平米的项目位于静安区的一个老上海里弄的一层。渐变的蓝色立面和冲浪板一般的工作台面打造一个大胆的都市宣...
16 / Kingsemi 办公室 | CEFOC | 2023 | 中国上海
2024-11-8 03:57|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
,客户:Kingsemi, ,面积:538,195 sqft,年份:2023,坐落:Shanghai, China, ,行业: Manufacturing, ,Shanghai subsidiary of this business is positioned as a more high-end product development and manufacturing center. Based on this positioning, the overall design style of the ne...
17 / 上海焦点广告代理事务所设计
2020-8-6 23:44|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
Yushe Design recently accomplished the design of the Focus Advertising Agency offices located in Shanghai, China.Located at VOM Office Park in Shanghai, among the same ordinary modernistic “cubes”, the office of Focus Advertising Agency can be recognized at first sight due to its graceful instal...
18 / 上海腾远科创园 | 慢珊瑚设计
2019-8-13 14:34|慢珊瑚设计|品牌精选|100%
... 于 2019-8-13 14:47 编辑 尊重原有工业空间文化 项目位于上海市闵行区,东临省道七莘路,越过省道为东庭商务广场,即商业区。南临富建酒店(商业区)。北面、西面皆为居民住宅,人口聚集量大。这里原本是一处废弃工业厂房...
19 / 序章 | 梦想基地 | ht DESIGN STUDIO | 2021 | 中国上海
2022-4-14 14:45|Ht.studio|办公设计|100%
...年份:2021 ,设计团队:ht DESIGN STUDIO ,项目地址:中国上海 ,建筑面积:180㎡ ,摄影版权:蔡云普 ,合作方:ht DESIGN STUDIO
20 / Store of the Week: Dia & Go上海方国商业设计 专业超市设计
2018-6-10 17:00|boyiyuzheng|商业空间|100%
www.fangordesign.com The store had some nice touches in terms of display, with several bits of decent cross-merchandising: wine alongside charcuterie; soft drinks with bakery; and savoury snacks alongside chilled drinks. I also liked the evident mindfulness of shopper missions, a nice example b...
21 / 在上海绿色按摩,朱砂周设计团队。
2020-9-7 09:10|Yellowtrace|居住空间|100%
Vermilion Zhou Design Group has created Green Massage in Shanghai’s Huangpu Qu district to emulate the mysterious beauty of the moon. Upon entering, clients are thrust into the depths of a different, calmer world. Continuously curving walls and a domed ceiling above fold around occupants, creat...
22 / 中国上海儿童玻璃博物馆--酷玩,酷乐,酷炫玻璃之城
2015-2-9 16:57|邪恶的摩拉|办公设计|100%
...: 博物馆 / 商店/ 餐厅 地址: 长江西路685号 中国,上海,宝山区 面积: 2,000 平方米 完成日期: 2015年1月 设计公司: 迪尔曼.图蒙 协调亚洲 图片: 协调亚洲 客户: 上海集佳文化创意发展有限公...
23 / 上海施华洛世奇办事处设计
2020-8-7 01:18|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
iDA Workplace was tasked with the design of the Swarovski offices, an Austrian jewelry company, located in Shanghai, China.The beauty of crystal lies in its capacity to come alive when touched by shining light, the way in which the reflected light suggests endless possibilities.With Swarovski’s Sh...
24 / 2017年上海沙龙泰利特酒店让您一瞥中国设计的未来。
2020-8-10 00:00|Yellowtrace|创意设计|100%
Entry to SaloneSatellite Shanghai 2017. The show’s founder & curator, Marva Griffin Wilshire, working at the reception desk. Legend. 图片 © Nick Hughes/ Yellowtrace.Scenes from SaloneSatellite Shanghai 2017. 图片 © Nick Hughes/ Yellowtrace.One of my favourites – Chou Er table light by Karl...
25 / 巴卡拉Baccarat纽约酒店设计
2015-12-27 16:51|曲终人散Karakat|酒店设计|100%