1 / CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——02 THE BANQUET HALL宴会厅公区
2016-12-10 13:32|czcz-1981|酒店设计|100%
...om/thread-364893-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——02 THE BANQUET HALL宴会厅公区 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364894-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——03 SKY LOBBY空中大堂 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364895-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列...
2 / 品辰新作 | '无界'_城市客厅
2020-9-10 16:34|joyxp|居住空间|62%
...从喧嚣尘世中抽身片刻,感受静谧,休憩身心。 Private Banquet Hall/情感 明朗与开阔间,心随景动,私宴厅墙内嵌入收纳柜,视觉上自然饱满,大理石的质感与木质的气息融为一体,形成步移异景的感知角度,围坐在餐桌旁,举...
3 / HBA—海南博鳌国宾馆酒店和别墅现场相片
2012-5-19 16:30|3344520|酒店设计|62%
...ourt. Area of president villa is 6600㎡, includes presence chamber, state banquet hall, swimming pool and so on. VIP house is very exalted and great by its 8m high vault, offers roomy space for our guest. There is a review troops ground out the VIP house, could service for foreign presidents. Its b...
4 / 墨尔本国际会议中心设计
2016-4-19 11:10|wenming-1980|办公设计|61%
...ife of the centre. In addition, a series of foyers, meeting rooms and a banquet hall were designed to reflect different aspects of Melbourne: civic spaces were inspired by the maritime precinct, hospitality spaces relate to Melbourne’s sport and culture, and functional spaces are neutral to ref...
5 / 新巴洛克主义的背影——邱德光
2011-9-4 11:08|pole|设计情报|60%
...arts. One is the “private living space” and the other is the “guest banquet open area”. The floor plan is further divided into a “private path” and a “guest banquet path”. The design is to separate two entry paths starting from the first floor. Different entry paths will lead to d...
6 / 韩屋遗产屋 | Listen Communication | 2023 | 韩国
2023-12-2 08:17|archdaily|民宿设计|59%
...independent rooms, 102-row houses), a cultural exhibition hall, an outdoor banquet hall, a seminar room, a spa, and exercise facilities. This is the first private space of The Hanok Heritage House to be completed. To use the highest quality wood, we developed wood drying equipment. We dried the wood...
7 / CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——06 GUESTROOM客房
2016-12-10 14:11|czcz-1981|酒店设计|58%
...om/thread-364893-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——02 THE BANQUET HALL宴会厅公区 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364894-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——03 SKY LOBBY空中大堂 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364895-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列...
8 / CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——09 DETAILS细节
2016-12-10 14:18|czcz-1981|酒店设计|58%
...om/thread-364893-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——02 THE BANQUET HALL宴会厅公区 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364894-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——03 SKY LOBBY空中大堂 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364895-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列...
9 / 邱德光作品集2013止(微盘附件下载版)
2013-8-6 08:04|边城猎人|图像标识|58%
...arts. One is the “private living space” and the other is the “guest banquet open area”. The floor plan is further divided into a “private path” and a “guest banquet path”. The design is to separate two entry paths starting from the first floor. Different entry paths will lead to d...
10 / 乌克兰基辅--Odessa Restaurant located(敖德萨餐厅)
2013-8-15 19:39|白人大毛|餐饮设计|57%
...more emotionally restrained, and if necessary it may be transformed into a banquet room. The key role in the organization of space of the smaller hall belongs to a central stella sheathed with a metal plate of finished steel with an impression of a topographical map of the old Odessa. Inside the ste...
11 / CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——01THE LOUNGE大堂
2016-12-10 13:22|czcz-1981|酒店设计|57%
...om/thread-364893-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——02 THE BANQUET HALL宴会厅公区 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364894-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——03 SKY LOBBY空中大堂 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364895-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列...
12 / CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——03 SKY LOBBY空中大堂
2016-12-10 13:50|czcz-1981|酒店设计|57%
...om/thread-364893-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——02 THE BANQUET HALL宴会厅公区 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364894-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——03 SKY LOBBY空中大堂 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364895-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列...
13 / CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——05 THW PUBLIC SPACE公区
2016-12-10 14:02|czcz-1981|酒店设计|57%
...om/thread-364893-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——02 THE BANQUET HALL宴会厅公区 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364894-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——03 SKY LOBBY空中大堂 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364895-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列...
14 / CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——07 MAN HO中餐厅
2016-12-10 14:08|czcz-1981|酒店设计|57%
...om/thread-364893-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——02 THE BANQUET HALL宴会厅公区 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364894-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——03 SKY LOBBY空中大堂 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364895-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列...
15 / CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——04 NANSHAN KETCHEN南山尚膳 全...
2016-12-10 13:56|czcz-1981|酒店设计|56%
...om/thread-364893-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——02 THE BANQUET HALL宴会厅公区 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364894-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——03 SKY LOBBY空中大堂 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364895-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列...
16 / CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——08 HEALTH CLUB & SPA健身中心
2016-12-10 14:11|czcz-1981|酒店设计|56%
...om/thread-364893-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——02 THE BANQUET HALL宴会厅公区 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364894-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列——03 SKY LOBBY空中大堂 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-364895-1-1.html CCD南山万豪酒店高清系列...
17 / 【程光华作品】-北京华膳园温泉饭店【官网精选】北京...
2013-12-16 23:26|aths|餐饮设计|50%
...otel Catering building designEngineering properties of Western-style food: BanquetProject location: BeijingCompletion date: 2010Building area: 6000 square metersThe main material:Ground: Century beige marble, century beautiful decoration. beige marble, marble, white marble from Guangxi, Jin Zhizhu m...
18 / 香港世邦魏理仕办公室设计
2021-1-7 01:10|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|49%
...ing typhoons into a reception desk and Rise Cafe’s bar table. Its custom banquet seat backs incorporate breathable rattan. Moss adorning a wall in the boardroom references maps of Hong Kong’s outlying green isles. Traditional joinery techniques secure timber table tops, while leather and neutral...
19 / yongsan international business district block H
2013-7-23 16:15|BILI|建筑设计|49%
...ns a casino, retail space, spa, and a base building to accommodate a large banquet hall and other amenities. the programs are treated as one singular form, like an organic crystal, with a language of terraces and set-back platforms that grow upwards and outwards towards the light and panoramas. t...
20 / (原平市Meijing书店)严旸设计
2020-8-27 14:29|Archilovers|文化教育|47%
...oor, the catering space, which had been performing well, was retained. The banquet hall on 5F was reserved as well. However, there was no escalator directly connecting 4F and 5F, which could be merely reached by fire emergency stairs. This could easily cause congestion when crowds gather during a ba...
21 / 常见家具名称中英文对照
2014-12-9 09:30|木易娃娃|软装设计|45%
... Backless wall-unit 不设背板的壁橱 Bamboo furniture 竹家具 Banqueting chair 宴会椅 Barstool 吧椅 Bathroom accessories 浴室配套装置 Bathroom combination 浴室组合柜 Bathroom consoles 浴室多用架 Bathroom furniture 浴室家具 Bathroom vanity 浴室盥...
22 / 穆雷2莫里路(2路)扎哈·哈迪德建筑师事务所设计
2020-9-23 18:04|Archilovers|空间概念|42%
... biological air-purifying filter by consuming contaminants. The banqueting hall at the top of the tower offers panoramic views of the city’s surrounding skyline. Hosting a variety of public and corporate events, its glazed roof and façade will ensure this space becomes one of the city...
23 / 与团队会面:工作室和活动经理Allie Boalch谈餐厅灵感
2020-8-4 05:46|TheModernHouse|设计情报|41%
... Crowan, Cornwall “I couldn’t leave this one out! It’s like a big banqueting hall. I love the grandeur that comes from the double-height ceiling and I can imagine having a big candle-lit feast, which would be very atmospheric. A good one for a New Year’s Eve dinner, I think.” To meet...
24 / 克拉科夫Zendesk办公室设计
2023-8-22 02:16|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|41%
...mall groups. There are numerous coworking zones with comfortable sofas and banquet seating, as well as spaces where teams can organize training or brainstorming sessions. These areas also include semi-open workshop spaces with wide adjustable tables. For larger meetings or town halls, the company ca...
25 / 几朵设计丨宋式美学的诗意栖居
2023-8-15 16:11|上海几朵设计|商业空间|40%
...奢雅的标杆生活方式,构筑理想生活场域。 Private Banquet Hall私宴厅艺术与生活同在,本案除了高贵儒雅的宋氏美学,还有与现代生活贴近的功能空间。在这里,艺术跨越了时间与地域相聚于此,在传统文脉与设计师动人的...