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1 / 泰国奥布婚礼仪式室(2019)(PHTAA Living Design)设计
2020-11-7 01:33|archdaily|文化教育|100%
Otros, Khet Taling Chan, Tailandia,设计师:PHTAA Living Design, 面积:1500 m²,年份:2019,摄影:Beer Singnoi / Ketsiree Wongwan,提供协助:Danpal, Polydec, Sinpongstorn,负责建筑师:Ponwit Rattanatanatevilai,设计团队:Ponwit Rattanatanatevilai, Witthawat Prab...
2 / 迪拜保乐力加办公室设计
2023-5-24 23:19|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...,设计师:SAY Studio,团队:Laila Al-Yousuf, Michelle Eid, Joseph Chan,Contractor: Al Tayer Stocks,Furniture Dealer: Jalapeno Trading, Haworth, and The Total Office,摄影:Nikola Stonkanovic, Chris Goldstraw16 Images | expand for additional detail,转载自:Office Snapshots,...
3 / 2018年现代住宅的顶级室内趋势
2020-8-4 05:37|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
... colour, texture and materiality. At Shoreditch High Street, architects Chan and Eayrs poured two years of effort into converting a former warehouse, overseeing all stages of the process. The fruit of their labour is a highly bespoke space, finished with individually laid Moroccan tiles, green-hu...
4 / Edificio Prince Plaza en Shenzhen(2020)(OMA)设计
2020-9-15 12:16|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
...,Interior:Benoy (Arnold Kee, Chris Lohan, Elaine Tao, Kai Chung Ng, Kali Chan, Keith Chau, Peter McCaffery, Sandy Tsui),Sustentabilidad:Yuezhong (Songbo Shu, Yuanchang Yu),景观设计:Metrostudio (Ando Kraithera Lolurlert, Antonio Inglese, Lionella Biancon, Valentina Ticino, Zhang Fangfa,Me...
5 / Edificio深圳王子广场(2020)(OMA)设计
2020-9-10 06:07|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
...De 内饰:Benoy (Arnold Kee, Chris Lohan, Elaine Tao, Kai Chung Ng, Kali Chan, Keith Chau, Peter McCaffery, Sandy Tsui),Sustentabilidade:Yuezhong (Songbo Shu, Yuanchang Yu),景观设计:Metrostudio (Ando Kraithera Lolurlert, Antonio Inglese, Lionella Biancon, Valentina Ticino, Zhang Fangfa,M...