1 / Färg - Blanche adds footstools to Gärsnäs furniture family
2019-3-19 17:15|直升机大爷|产品应用|100%
斯德哥尔摩2015:设计工作室F rg Elsa和Jack凳子是以两只经常出现在G rs N‘s展厅的狗命名的,它们用织物或皮革做软垫,并有坚实的灰烬腿。 “我们想为艾玛和艾米丽建立小朋友,”工作室...
2 / 室内设计 / Egue y Seta
2013-11-8 20:55|alvis_Y|商业空间|82%
[b]IL SALONE 室内设计 / Egue y Seta07, 11, 2013Interior / 室内设计Add comments Commercial space / 商业空间, Egue y Seta, Hair salon, Minimalist / 极简主义, Spain[/backcolor] [b]http://60designwebpick.com/image/2013/11/il_salone.jpg如家一般的温馨 -西班牙 Egue y Seta 工作...
3 / 营造自然而然的仪式感——华腾猪舍里展廳,浙江
2019-8-21 14:03|设计灵感精选|建筑设计|71%
...展览馆之间的建築。 ▼在猪圈的坡屋顶上了采光筒,adds the lighting tube to the former profile ▼展廳延续了现有猪圈的剖面形式,the exhibition hall continues the existing profile 水处理系统与設計的巧妙结合 Clever combination of water treatment...
4 / Qualicer奇丽砂|微型综合体
2016-4-27 15:17|博思道|商业空间|70%
...aiwan with a real stone of Italy's. Compared with the natural and natural. Added a few tiles of the United states. And then to the interior of the street space is a new experience of the beginning of the function. Bag shop, shops, restaurants, tea ceremony, material area. We get rid of the tradition...
5 / 喜讯 | 浆果设计研究所荣获 2022LICC英国伦敦国际创意大赛终选大奖Finalist!
2023-3-23 17:43|浆果设计研究所|设计情报|67%
...are 20 finalists in the discipline of professional/ Decorate (interior).In addition, both Moli·Puyu and Moli· Landscape have won the officialselection. Winning Project 获奖项目 Finalist The X Macallan Bar 了却繁琐,消弭距离,没有局限,The X Macallan Bar塑造的场景...
6 / 85条高级AutoCAD工程师绘图技巧
2011-12-7 10:51|1123593677|图像标识|64%
...管理器(plottermanager)”。 2、运行“打印机添向导(Add-A-Plotter Wizard)。 3、点击“下一步(next)”,在右边的选项中选择“我的电脑(MyComputer)”,继续“下一步”,进入“打印机型号(Plotter Model)”选择页面。 4、在左边...
7 / Campari Group Offices – Toronto
2016-12-13 18:04|wfwd12|办公设计|64%
...s no windows to the exterior and initially had no skylights – those were added during the design and construction process. And to get natural light into the private offices and boardrooms we ended up using 1.5″ polycarbonate sheets to create partitions. This allowed for soft diffused light into ...
8 / STGM建筑事务所的办公室
2015-5-5 15:18|大可乐zZ|办公设计|58%
...mize the different lighting opportunities during the day. Five light wells add midday lighting that is both appealing and varied depending on the time of day. LED fixtures, equipped with light detectors in the two large work areas, complete the indoor lighting needs,. Key objectives, in keeping wit...
9 / 圆·更自由的艺术之家 | 陈智超设计 | 2023 | 中国广东
2023-11-7 22:14|陈智超|居住空间|56%
...味一笔不仅端菜时方便,更是一处饶有兴致的小吧台The addition of a dish transfer window is an interesting addition to the kitchen space. —适当地缩小淋浴间后,公卫功能更精准原本没太大作用的小窗被打造成小圆窗通过镜面的反射像一对可...
10 / John Pawson 设计 | 诺伊恩多夫家(Neuendorf House)
2020-7-3 22:04|JohnPawson|品牌精选|51%
...们位于西班牙的度假住宅。Space, materials, light and proportion add up to what he has designed.This is a man with a deep and fervent preference for minimalism, the Englishmaster of minimalism John Pawson. The pursuit of minimalism is his own tasteand life principles. As a result of chance...
11 / 思南书局诗歌店
2020-2-18 18:17|非作建筑|品牌精选|49%
...g from generation to generation since the beginning. Various traces of the addition and decoration of this old church at different times are squeezed together and integrated as ones. ▼教堂原貌和拆除剖面示意,the former church and the sectional diagram of demolition 整个项目...
12 / 烟火人间的侘寂美学 | 2021 | 幸福格色
2021-8-15 21:44|序赞精选|居住空间|42%
...nt floor, we divided the original 6-meter-long empty space into twolayers, addressing the issues of space waste, lighting and ventilation, andrealizing various functions such as recreation and fitness. Through the choiceof furniture materials, soft fittings and plants, the vitality is injected intot...
13 / DECADE CAFE | 天津·赤峰道 | 触觉设计
2019-11-30 17:10|触觉设计|品牌精选|40%
... allows customers to enter the core area of the cafe, and at the same time adds a sense of love and ritual to the coffee.In the area of about 60 square meters of space, through the design of the original space to eliminate the sense of constraint, but let it become a little interesting. 很...
14 / 触觉設計|天津Decade the love咖啡店
2019-9-26 23:32|Hi设计|设计情报|40%
... allows customers to enter the core area of the cafe, and at the same time adds a sense of love and ritual to the coffee.In the area of about 60 square meters of space, through the design of the original space to eliminate the sense of constraint, but let it become a little interesting. 很多人...
15 / 在天津,竟还藏着这样一个静谧的咖啡店
2019-9-27 23:18|Hi设计|设计情报|40%
... allows customers to enter the core area of the cafe, and at the same time adds a sense of love and ritual to the coffee.In the area of about 60 square meters of space, through the design of the original space to eliminate the sense of constraint, but let it become a little interesting. 很多人...
16 / 安大略湖畔,惊艳乡村旅店/Drake Devonshire Inn
2015-5-8 16:49|大可乐zZ|酒店设计|39%
... launch in downtown Toronto, the Drake Hotel brand is celebrating with the addition of a rural country inn, bar and restaurant in the historic town of Wellington in Prince Edward County—an area renowned for its artisanal foods, new wines, beautiful freshwater beaches and seasonal activities. Soft ...
17 / 正方良行丨诚远制衣–制造业品牌张力的重塑
2019-11-22 23:29|Hi设计|设计情报|29%
...andscape and artistic aesthetic in, forming a visually pleasing view. It adds tranquility to the factory environment, and provides a place for people to escape from the daily noise, relax and get close to nature. 方形的水池之上,从墙外引流的流水喷泉汩汩涌入,动静有...