1 / 马略卡岛 A Little Inspiration villa
2012-4-25 17:26|FUNG|居住空间|100%
A Little Inspiration villa
2 / Little Yoga | Bezmirno Architects
2021-6-14 12:54|behance|空间概念|98%
Little YogaIn a big city in one of the residential complexes in a small apartment is hiding “Little Yoga”. This is Yoga Studio. We designed the interior of the studio inspired by the idea of customers to create a modern space «for friends only». Natural and inexpensive materials used in the de...
3 / 给你点颜色看看:旧金山新婚夫妇的美式住宅(A Little Color)
2014-12-2 15:33|月夜|居住空间|97%
本帖最后由 月夜 于 2014-12-2 15:36 编辑
4 / Linger a Little Longer by Jay Watson
2019-3-11 20:48|深圳足球|产品应用|96%
总部位于英国,澳大利亚出生的设计师杰伊沃森推出了他的留更长的桌子和长椅集100%的设计。 随着热色调的完成,桌子和长凳回应你的身体的热量,以及任何盘子,杯子或其他服务件接触到它的表面...
5 / Bambi Chair: A Little Friend from the Forest
2019-3-19 21:42|走马狂歌|产品应用|95%
意大利记者Elena Cattaneo在米兰报道设计周。这是她为GBlog写的第一篇文章。 “小鹿斑比”是一种深受孩子们启发的椅子,它直接来源于最能打动我们心灵的童话故事。我们可以放心,没有动物受到...
6 / The Rocking Verner Makes Sitting A Little More Fun
2019-3-19 21:34|tantancn|产品应用|94%
坐着。我们每天都这么做。这并不是最令人兴奋的事情,奥地利设计师燕姿·里希斯菲尔德和大卫·谢兰德想要让它少一点无聊。因此,摇滚乐维纳-重新诠释的设计经典,潘顿椅。它将形式、功能和乐趣融为一体。 ...
7 / 22m2 Apartment in Taiwan / A Little Design 设计
2020-8-3 02:46|archdaily|居住空间|93%
Apartment Interiors, Taipei, Taiwan (ROC),Architects: A Little Design, Area: 22 m²,Year: 2015,Photographs: Hey! Cheese ,Manufacturers: HAY, LOTOS,Text description provided by the architects. This is a renovation project of an old flat which measures 22 sqm and 3.3m in height. Due...
8 / 日本 | siki Salon | 理发店 | 2021 | FATHOM
2021-10-23 03:35|archdaily|康乐空间|93%
...ng by inserting its axis. By rotating the mirror, the space is transformed little by little for 365 days. I wanted the space to be a place where people can enjoy their daily life, which is a series of days, by creating a little change every day.,The first step was to create a starting point for th...
9 / 台北旧公寓改造 | A Little Design
2019-4-4 10:27|flippe|居住空间|90%
这是一个旧公寓的改造项目,面积22平方米,高3.3米。 由于台北市的高房价,年轻人可以负担得起的生活空间在过去十年中变得越来越小。 面对这样一个不宽敞但仍有机会履行所有基本生活功能的生活单元,必须更加准确地分...
10 / 深圳Wonderlab办公室设计
2023-5-24 04:02|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|88%
... area.,2. Blue surprises,The designers translated Wonderlab’s iconic Little Blue Bottles and Little Fat Bottles into abstract symbols, deconstructed these symbols, and incorporated them into the spatial design, creating delightful surprises at various positions across the space.,The blue sof...
11 / A Greek Hotel Made For Families with Little Travelers
2017-9-6 14:00|dfehqb|酒店设计|87%
12 / Refreshing a family home
2015-9-3 19:20|王-畅|居住空间|87%
Every home needs a little decor refreshing from time to time, and this family home was in desperate need of a makeover. Because this is a small space, Kingston Lafferty Design understood the importance of creating the illusion of more space and keep it as bright as possible. Above is what the space ...
13 / 梅里克斯海滨别墅
2014-5-29 09:19|onson|居住空间|85%
...Mornington Peninsula. The house had to be an economical build and a robust little creation that could handle the knocks of the rental market. A well oriented courtyard plan constructed in double brick on a concrete slab ensures that this little house has a very stable interior environment. ...
14 / Sò Studio丨野兽派北京三里屯店
2019-8-7 23:21|室内赞条|设计情报|84%
...物Pink is the gift for orange and purple(Josef Albers) Beast与姐妹店Little B 北京三里屯太古里的外立面設計灵感来源于美国艺术家 Josef Albers的抽象绘画。提取了他作品中的表现形式,探求色彩和造型之间微妙的关系,我们从硬边艺术 (Hard ...
15 / Glebe住宅 | Chenchow Little
2019-11-25 16:34|ChenchowLittle|品牌精选|82%
本帖最后由 ChenchowLittle 于 2019-11-25 16:36 编辑 俯瞰城市的天际线 Glebe住宅的基地位于砂岩悬崖之上,可以俯瞰悉尼城市的天际线。它位于格列伯市的内城郊区,以其维多利亚式的排屋和狭窄的街道而闻名。与悉尼郊区的平均...
16 / 岛上(岛)cl # 233;离散元Lesnoff-Rocard设计
2021-2-9 20:57|Archilovers|建筑设计|81%
...f oversized high risers, the house stood almost lost on the edge of a tiny little street that ends abruptly abutting the massive fundaments of a cluster of towers. This brutal situation, in between high density modernist utopia and the modestly grandiloquent 19th century architecture, emphasizes the...
17 / 澳大利亚悉尼的天窗住宅
2011-10-18 07:52|大陈|设计情报|80%
Skylight House, Sydney | Chenchow Little.http://yellowtrace.com.au/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Skylight-House_Sydney_Chenchow-Little_yellowtrace_01.jpg http://yellowtrace.com.au/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Skylight-House_Sydney_Chenchow-Little_yellowtrace_03.jpg Photo above by ...
18 / Christoph Hefti 推出2020新款地毯产品设计
2020-11-20 06:12|Yellowtrace|创意设计|80%
...Dries Van Noten, Christoph Hefti, is exhibiting new textile works at The Little House, an exhibition space at Dries Van Noten, LA, the designer’s first American location. 
Dries Van Noten celebrated the opening of its first American home on La Cienega Boulevard in Los Angeles on 9 October ...
19 / 英国伦敦The Last Tuesday Society gallery
2015-2-10 11:05|yangtomato|商业空间|79%
...cellor of The Last Tuesday Society. His latest gift to the world is a tiny little shop in Bethnal Green that is an extraordinary collection of the weird and the wild! The Little Shop Of Horrors is described as:"A wide variety of curiosities and oddities are for sale - from human fetuses to shrunken ...
20 / A Park Slope brownstone
2015-6-9 22:51|王-畅|居住空间|79%
...home in these plain surroundings. They also had a three-year-old girl, and little girls have lots of stuff, acres of stuff, and this house had very little storage space to neatly contain it all. Acting as architect, construction administrator and interior designer, we designed, built and installed o...
21 / Two Parallel Buildings Above Sydney Harbour | Chenchow Little
2020-7-13 14:49|ChenchowLittle|品牌精选|78%
...host many formal events,” explains Tony Chenchow, co-founder of Chenchow Little. In response to these two equally significant yet separate functions, the project was conceived in two parts, with the new addition and the original cottage designed as parallel structures. The existing house ...
22 / 厨房故事:厨师们思考家庭和食物的重要性,以及他们现在正在做什么。
2020-8-4 07:25|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|78%
... love still. Scotland has a wealth of beautiful produce that required very little in the way of embellishments. As I grew older, British and French regional cookery began to appear and so was laid the bedrock of the food I love best to prepare, cook and serve; in the restaurant and at home. Findi...
23 / 作茧(作茧)l # 39;淡设计设计
2021-2-10 14:33|Archilovers|建筑设计|77%
...y center Cocooning gradually induces a positive change of urban landscape little by little inside the unconsciousness with soft invasion not coercion. By changing 'Daily Landscape', it makes people to form its own pattern. This little change inside people's unconsciousness always tries to find a me...
24 / 巴塞罗那LD族办公室设计
2021-2-10 19:12|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|77%
...tling false ceilings and partitions, the charm of the space was discovered little by little, exposing the ‘volta catalana’ ceilings and brick walls. The size of the windows in the facade were expanded in order to let in more natural light, and we went from a dark and tight space to an open work ...
25 / 简单的西蒙设计
2013-8-5 12:54|王爷驾到|餐饮设计|77%
...sic and mayhem” is the motto of the festivals, and while we’d expect a little less mayhem now the party is indoors, with breakables around there’s still plenty to get hot under the collar about…After all the fun and fiery frolics at Grillstock in Manchester last month, and with the aftermath...