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1 / House M / monovolume architecture + design意大利梅拉诺
2014-3-12 09:20|wenlong_222|建筑设计|100%
...se M Location: Meran (BZ) Typ: Villa Construction: 2011/12 Total area: 360 m2 Volume: 1.390 m3 ClimaHouse: A The project M, a residential building in the centre of Meran, is embedded in the quit area of Obermais. The concept of the design was it to play with transparent and solid surfac...
2 / Hinterhouse (2020) (Ménard Dworkind architecture & design)设计
2020-9-11 04:18|archdaily|居住空间|99%
...ndows on both sides, is organized around a central wood stove that rotates 360°, providing relaxing views of the fire from every angle.,A maple farmhouse table, crafted with bridle joints, doubles as a kitchen island one of the space-saving techniques in the house. A custom vessel-sink raises a c...
3 / (XEITO办公室)ENORME设计
2020-9-10 16:10|Archilovers|办公设计|93%
...heart of the project revolves around a circle, a complete viewing angle of 360º, a central meeting point that articulates the space and also welcomes future visitors. Xeito is a meeting place that is transparent, open and dynamic, linked to projects that support innovation applied to the improvemen...
4 / 孟买NBA办公室设计
2020-8-6 14:30|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|93%
...d office space,” Neha Sethi, the project’s Lead Designer, highlights.A 360 brand experience Basketball has a committed following of 17 million in India, with considerable patronage from younger generations under the age of thirty-five. Combining the high-spiritedness of the game with all the ame...
5 / Losan集团总部办公室
2011-11-19 15:57|will_fine|办公设计|88%
... Mas Arquitectura 设计师 Marcos Samaniego 地点 西班牙 面积 360 m2 摄影 Ana Samaniego
6 / 希腊自然庇护所 (2020)(MOLD architects)设计
2021-1-25 15:57|Archilovers|建筑设计|86%
...arse inner shells. Location: Ag. Sostis, Serifos Island Gross area: 360m2 Site area: 6.000m2 Construction: Mold Architects Year: 2020 Architectural Design: Mold Architects –Iliana Kerestetzi Consultant Architect: Manos Kerestetzis Design Team: Iliana Kerestetzi, Konstantinos V...
7 / 索非亚威廉希尔办公室设计
2023-5-4 18:34|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|83%
... participating online.,The elevation of the floor provides an impressive 360-degree panoramic view of Sofia. The terraces are landscaped with abundant greenery and vitalized, providing additional areas for relaxation and socialization.,Greenery is also actively present in the interior of the wor...
8 / 【原木风】藏着一座“翠玲珑”的小家
2016-11-1 12:59|Tiny-Leisure|居住空间|83%
...立体的格子。我们设想了一个正交的木构单元(基本尺寸360x360x360mm),以此覆盖整个“翠玲珑”的范围,在顶部是吊顶,在墙面是书架、柜子、门、壁灯,在空间中是家具。We felt like a compromise that the suspended ceiling should be between ...
9 / 日本冲绳岛度假别墅 | 2021 | APOLLO Architects & Associates + Satoshi Kurosaki
2021-7-9 09:43|archdaily|民宿设计|82%
...An exterior staircase leads to a rooftop terrace with concrete benches and 360-degree views of the mountains and ocean.,We strongly believe that as remote work is normalized and the nature of both work and lifestyles changes dramatically, maintaining residences in both urban and non-urban areas wi...
10 / Pavillon一(2016)(莫里斯·马特尔Architecte)设计
2020-8-18 05:02|archdaily|居住空间|80%
...ize the supply of overhead light while protecting from the summer sun. The 360-degree glazing removes the border between interior and exterior and contributes to a change of scenery.,The interior layout and its plants on the ground help to create a tropical atmosphere that promotes relaxation. The...
11 / 环茶卡遗址露天剧场(Huanchaca Ruins Open Air Theatre)Ramón Coz + Benjamín Ortiz 设计
2020-8-11 18:08|archdaily|建筑设计|80%
...lete front perception of the Monument, on the upper level a terrace allows 360º panoramic views, dominating the landscape completely. The grandstands also allow a different place for the development of various uses and artistic expressions, keeping the visitor with the great and complete scenery...
12 / 中国苏州湾大剧院(2020)(2Portzamparc)设计
2021-1-19 16:11|Archilovers|建筑设计|80%
...ese opera. From this gallery one ascends to the music conservatory and the 360° cinema. In the south of the esplanade, the wing divides into two museum buildings: a history museum and a city museum with educational spots, and finally a conference and ceremonial center. The cultural cent...
13 / 土耳其伊斯坦布尔Şışhane公园
2014-11-10 08:55|long2003|建筑设计|79%
...rence to that, the geometry of Sishane Park is carefully crafted to give a 360 view of Istanbul's past and future urban cultures. The design intention is to re-engage residents and visitors into the natural qualities of that unique urban environment as an alternative public space where people co...
14 / 荷兹利亚的城市生活(2018)(Shachar - Rozenfeld Architects)设计
2020-8-27 08:05|archdaily|居住空间|78%
...erzliya, Israel,设计师:Shachar - Rozenfeld Architects, 面积: 360 m²,年份:2018,摄影:Shai Epstein,建造商: Gallotti & Radice, Living Divani, Normann Copenhagen, iGuzzini, Flate Line, Knoll, OTIIMA,负责建筑师:Shachar - Rozenfel D'architects,Construction:Orli ...
15 / Experimenta Building in Heilbronn / Sauerbruch Hutton 设计
2020-8-2 02:56|archdaily|建筑设计|75%
...xperimental theatre. An alternative route leads to the basement, where the 360° Science Dome cinema and spaces for temporary exhibitions are located.,The Experimenta building is like a toolbox whose architecture reinforces the educational purpose of the science centre. It presents views out into ...
16 / 巴拉圭地平线之屋 | 2019 | Bauen
2021-5-21 14:06|BAUEN.|居住空间|75%
...ers, opening and closing towards the outside. A reconceptualization of the 360° gallery, the endearing “jeré” corridor (1), typical of the Paraguayan culture, a passage that defines the interior-exterior connection through the dimness and intermediate spaces. This composition is topped off wit...
17 / 墨西哥 | 圣尼古拉斯谷俱乐部会所 | 2021 | Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos
2022-2-1 19:52|archdaily|康乐空间|73%
...e outer serve as open corridors to move around the building and enjoy near-360-degree-views of the landscape. However, a lower central passageway also shortens journey distances and leads directly to the main deck, with its bar and TV room, before culminating in the floating pool.,Divided by this ...
18 / BnA Alter Museum美术馆酒店 | BnA Co., Ltd. & Toyo Design Co., Ltd.
2020-1-3 15:05|BnA|酒店设计|73%
...互动声光装置,再到BnA长期合作伙伴Mon Koutaro Ooyama创作的360度壁画,每个房间都对传统的艺术和酒店理念赋予了新的内涵。 The first hotel out of Tokyo, BnA Alter Museum will have that same rebellious spirit, community focused attitude and utter devotion to a...
19 / 俄罗斯西伯利亚疗养院(2020)(A61architects)设计
2020-11-4 12:55|archdaily|建筑设计|73%
...nsists of kitchen-dining room space and a double-height living room with a 360 degrees wood-burning cooking fireplace that provides a relaxing atmosphere and view of the fire from all sides. There is a mezzanine recreation area above the space of the dining-living room. ,The private part of the h...
20 / 越南米娅办公室设计工作室(2020)(MIA设计工作室)设计
2021-2-4 13:17|archdaily|建筑设计|72%
...t to control the glare of tropical sunlight. These openings are surrounded 360 degrees the whole working space, 600mm in height from the working tables, the light is controlled just enough to cover the sun glare to produce a comfortable clear view of the park.,Combined with the opening is the cant...
21 / 乌克兰BRIDGE 18/2公寓 | ONE MORE BURO
2021-5-31 19:30|behance|空间概念|70%
...)INFO | THE HALLWAY | THE KITCHEN | THE WORKPLACE | THE SLEEPING ZONE | 360 | BATHROOMThe apartment belongs to a mid 30s couple working in artistic and business environments who wanted to save the unique atmosphere of the historical building their flat is situated in. However, they still wanted...
22 / 法国巴黎的VR公寓楼
2011-10-20 08:06|大陈|设计情报|68%
...3--c--delangle-21-693x1000.jpg Eyes Wide ShutThe two blocks of flats have 360° views, like watchtowers, even though the crowded horizon prevents them from being open to the four winds. The realistic approach to these surroundings gives a different feel to everything. The internal space at each lev...
23 / 德国Fröschle别墅(2020)(Philipp Architekten)设计
2021-1-12 23:00|Archilovers|建筑设计|68%
... visual protection thanks to the parapet-high attic. There you can enjoy a 360° panoramic view over the roofs or a sundowner drink before bedtime. ,项目完工照片: ,平面与结构图:待补充…… ,效果与概念图:待补充…… ,转载自:Archilover...
24 / 辛亥革命博物馆(武汉)/ 中信设计
2014-5-14 11:27|onson|文化教育|68%
...he public for free since October 2011 and has attracted accumulatively 1,360,000 visitors. It is not only the new cultural landmark of Shouyi Square, but also an important window for visitors at home and abroad to appreciate the Wuhan culture and feel the charms of Wuhan. The primary exhibits of...
25 / 参观2019年斯德哥尔摩设计周暨家具展的亮点。
2020-8-10 02:46|Yellowtrace|创意设计|67%
...to transmit rotary motion to its shade. This allows for the shade to orbit 360 degrees around the bulb simply by rotating any part of the lamp’s stem.Jamie Wolfond’s Pal Series utilizes bent laminated timber surfaces as an integral part of the collection’s structure. The result is a lightweigh...